The real world, villa 1 in the Lembongan villa area.

As soon as Ye Changge quit the game, his body ignored gravity and floated up.

Like a light feather, it floats in the direction of the bathroom.

Ye Changge only felt that his body was like being supported by a pair of invisible raised hands, which was the element of wind between heaven and earth.

“I’m really getting stronger and stronger…” Ye Changge smiled, this ability was learned from Welleslana a few days ago, watching the live replay of the gang battle during the break.

The dreamy flying ability of the second middle school period was realized.

After reaching level 30, you can assimilate the Robe of Death, and teleportation will also be realized.

Plus the Straight Death Demon Eye, the Eight Gates of Dun Jia, and the Death River… Ye Changge felt that he was completely invincible in reality.

After experiencing the flight for a while, Ye Changge began to wash simply, then called takeaway and refreshments, and after satisfying the palate, he went to the café to continue reading [Chronicles] and [Dream Guide].

As the time to obtain the [Miracle Ring] became longer and longer, Ye Changge would use [Assimilation] several times in the past few days, and his body was getting better and better day by day, he had not felt for a long time, what is called exhaustion.

If it wasn’t for the dream world, it would have to be withdrawn after a certain period of time, and Ye Changge felt that it was no problem to stay in the dream world all the time.

Six hours, fleeting.

As soon as the time came, Ye Changge turned off the official forum and logged into the game.

From beginning to end, he never rested!

“Ding! Welcome to Dreamworld and have a great time gaming. ”

The figure appeared in the central square, and Ye Changge used [Instructions] to transmit ideas to the two rituals, Metkai, and Accardo, and let the three of them team up to brush the copy.

The Tower of Lost is currently the best leveling quest, but the gatekeepers inside are also strong horrors.

Except for Ye Changge, who was able to go through the 36th floor alone, all players could not do it, including Ye Changge’s three enchanters.

The two rituals have the ability to die, but they do not have the corresponding defensive power, and their agility is not comparable to the Metkay who can open the eight doors of Dun Jia.

Metkay does not have the ability to resurrect this ability, and he cannot open the Eight-Gate Dun Jia Array.

Accardo has the ability to resurrect, but does not have the ability to die, with the power of two guns, the three of them break through alone, and they definitely can’t reach the 30th floor.

Only Velerslana is excluded.

With the Golden Sword and [Wind] permissions, he is the only existence that can break through the Lost Tower alone and be difficult to defeat like Ye Changge.

But Wellesrana’s potential is so high that it would be a tyranny for him to brush up on the copy.

As a deity, although it is a god whose strength is sealed, it is not a joke.

Thorough stocking and letting him grow on his own is the best thing to do.

Anyway, with the strength of Welleslana, Ye Changge is not afraid that he will make some sensation, so that it will affect the body.

After letting the three envoys upgrade with all their strength, Ye Changge had already taken the teleportation array and appeared outside the gate of the City Lord’s Mansion.

The city lord’s mansion was still in a state where entry was prohibited, and except for the two guards at the city gate, it was extremely deserted.

“Lord Nagage, I’m here…”

Just as Ye Changge was preparing to enter the City Lord’s Mansion.

A pleasant voice suddenly came from the right ear.

Looking in the direction of the voice, I saw Liuli heading to this side, beckoning vigorously.

With long cherry red hair and waist, a red dress, a cute and beautiful face, and a pure and flawless smile, she exudes vitality.

Although he had never been a childhood sweetheart, Ye Changge suddenly experienced the pure and sweet beauty of the sister next door.

Despite this, Ye Changge still did not dare to underestimate this little girl in his heart.

It’s really the eye of the probe, and the information I see is too scary.

Even the city lord, who is the highest ruler of Qinglong City, will have his name displayed.

It is believed that the Saint Emperor of the Imperial City, as well as the City Lords of the rest of the main cities, will also show their names.

Even a princess, as long as she is a weak person without the power of a chicken, will definitely show her name, rank, and blood volume.

But this girl’s message, everything is a question mark.

Let me ask, how dare Ye Changge underestimate it!

However, the other party is his own escort target, and he needs to return to the imperial city with his own strength.

To be sure, it is not the enemy.

Ye Changge didn’t bother to guess the identity of the other party, as long as it wasn’t an enemy.

So, he walked towards Liuli.

“Hee-hee… Lord Nagage, please you for the next year. Liuli held the corner of her skirt, raised her head and smiled at Ye Changge: “But Liuli wants to remind you that during the escort, some unexpected accidents may occur, and you must not abandon me?” ”


Is it dangerous?

Ye Changge raised his eyebrows and did not speak.

Immediately, Ye Changge couldn’t help but complain in his heart: “How can there be a sense of déjà vu of Journey to the West, escorting the Tang monk Xitian to obtain scriptures?!” ”

“Let’s go!”

On the surface, Ye Changge did not answer, but said lightly.

With his back to Liuli, while walking in the direction of the teleportation array, Ye Changge opened the map, shrunk to the minimum, and then marked a road sign on the territory of the imperial city.

A white silk thread spreads.

As long as you follow the direction of the white line, you are not afraid that you will get lost.

“Lord Changge, please wait…”

There was a glazed voice behind him, and Ye Changge stopped and turned around, looking down suspiciously.

Immediately, Ye Changge’s expression was slightly flustered.

Liuli, who only met her, was holding a white egg that was bigger than her head and the size of a basketball.

Staring at this white egg, Ye Changge’s eyes saw its information emerge.

[Unknown egg: A mysterious little creature has been bred inside, waiting for the opportunity to break out of the shell. ] 】

Passing the white egg to Ye Changge, Liuli curled his lips and smiled: “This is Liuli, a gift for Lord Changge.” ”

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