“Ding! You level up to level 24, +10 health, +1000 mana, and gain 20 free attribute points. ”

As soon as he logged in to the game, a pleasant prompt sounded in Ye Changge’s mind.

Looking at the small villa in front, Ye Changge was not in a hurry to enter, but opened his personal information and began to assign newly obtained free attribute points.

Although he couldn’t wear any equipment and weapons, every time Ye Changge leveled up, he gained three times as many free attribute points as the rest of the players.

Now Ye Changge’s attributes, even without any equipment blessings, have crushed more than 65% of the players.

After all, not all players can have gold equipment.

Even if you are lucky and get a piece of golden equipment, you can’t do it with a god suit.

Even players like Ye Changge, who disrupted the balance, and the drunken dream house of the First Business Guild, could not collect the full equipment of a class.

It is still 10 attribute points assigned to the physique, and the HP volume is increased to (2160); 5 are assigned to Agility and increased to (90), while those with 2 rituals are (120); The last five are assigned to spirits, and the magic attack power reaches (130).

After summoning Welleslana, Ye Changge originally planned to change the distribution method.

But thinking of the effect of the power of Veleslana [Wind], Ye Changge did not change, and continued to enhance the strength of the two rituals and Accardo according to the previous distribution method.

“Good morning, Lord Nagaku!”

Just as Ye Changge was assigning attributes, Liuli’s petite figure had already come out of the small villa.

Raised his hand and waved his small hand towards Ye Changge, the bracelet that revealed the cuff flashed, and the small villa behind it suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

“Well, let’s keep going!”

Ye Changge nodded and answered.

Then summoned the sweaty BMW of the mount space and continued to hurry with Liuli.

Half a day of wind/dust servants, quickly passed.

For half a day, Ye Changge sometimes browsed the forum to relieve boredom, and sometimes chatted with the energetic Liuli.

Or turn on the mini computer, watch the Blue Star movie, etc…

And as dusk approached, a large sunset appeared in the sky.

The two who were still non-stop, Liuli, who was sitting in front, suddenly said with a grin: “Lord Changge, the accident is coming.” ”

“…… Accidentally? ”

Ye Changge, who was watching the movie, was slightly stunned.

Turning off the panel, he subconsciously recalled what Liuli said when he gave him pet eggs before departure.

This girl with a mysterious identity does not seem to be smooth sailing when she goes to the imperial city this time.

Do you want to go through nine nine eighty-one difficulties with the four Tang monks and apprentices, learning the scriptures from the Western Heavens?

Ye Changge couldn’t help but complain.


And when he complained, there was a black beam of light in the red sky, falling down.

Like a meteorite falling from the sky, it exploded with a loud noise on the ground, kicking up a large cloud of dust.

“Hmm~~ This breath… Lord Nagage, this is a king. ”

Looking at the tall figure floating in the dust and mist, Liuli not only did not feel the slightest nervousness, but smiled sweetly and exhaled.

Ye Changge looked at the figure coming out of the fog, and used the probing eye to check the other party’s information.

[Heavenly Killing Demon General…………]

Just like the information that Welleslana saw, Ye Changge was slightly relieved after reading it: “It’s good that it’s only level 30!” ”

With Liuli’s mysterious identity, Ye Changge thought that the accident that came to the door would be a strong person above level 60, which only the player could deal with in the later stage.

Fortunately, it’s just a level 30 king.

“Liuli, can you hide inside your bracelet?”

Putting away the sweat and blood BMW, Ye Changge looked down at Liuli and asked.

“Yes, but only for 3 minutes.” Liuli nodded, looked up at Ye Changge, and asked curiously, “Does Lord Changge want to fight him?” With your strength, it seems that he is not his opponent Yay. ”


Ye Changge was slightly stunned, and wondered, “Can you make a move?” ”

Confused by the information of the mission, Ye Changge thought that this escort mission needed to protect Liuli throughout the process and prevent her from being harmed in the slightest.

Now listening to her say this, could it be that this escort target with a mysterious identity can also personally strike?

So what do you want him to escort for?

Tricking people, right?!

“…… No, but we can run away! Liuli said innocently.

Hearing this, Ye Changge was suddenly speechless.

It’s just that he didn’t notice that the sweet-smiling glass, the glass-like beautiful eyes, had a hint of cunning, fleeting.

The breath does not lie!

The strength of this Changge Lord is extremely weak.

But his expression, could it be that he was hiding some hole cards?

Is the breath I perceive not an illusion?

Things really are… It’s getting more and more interesting.

“You stay here, and if that person bypasses me and attacks you, immediately hide inside your bracelet.” Ye Changge pushed Liuli behind him and looked at the Heavenly Killing Demon General holding a bead in front of him, and his dark eyes turned into ice blue demon eyes with colorful spiral patterns.

“…… Well? ”

Holding the bead and looking at Liuli, the Heavenly Killing Demon General who confirmed the target instantly sensed something wrong.

Looking at the man who hadn’t noticed it just now, the breath was still inconspicuous, but he felt a mortal threat from those eyes that were swollen.

“…… Inhuman? ”

Looking at Ye Changge, who was dressed in a fashion and had short hair, the Heavenly Killer Demon General raised his eyebrows, and subconsciously recalled Wellesrana, who let himself try the taste of defeat not long ago.

In the red magic pupils, he couldn’t help but show a dignified color.

Send an alien to escort, could it be that this alien is also the same as that god lord, an existence outside the rules?

As everyone knows, the person in front of him is the lord of the gods who defeated him.

Or all BUG capabilities, all in one.

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