The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 139 - Dragon Wars & The Trident City Of Atlantis (III): Egg Seed, Bats And A Kraken

Ocean Scepter (Trident Of The Sea){???? Okeanó Skíptro ????} / Grade: Legendary/ Hidden Grade: Divine/ Requirements: Acknowledgment Of The Gods Of The Sea.]

[+ 0% to attack speed and damage, +150 to intelligence, wisdom and constitution. +300% resistance against water elemental attacks, +300% water element damage(using skills and abilities without the trident as a direct form of attack).]

[Skill (1): Call Of Water: gain the ability to control any ocean or water sources in it's entirety for 1 Day. From the currents, tides, waves, the creatures, and even the wind that blows and the storms that rage. All shall bow and fall to your command. (Cost 500 MP) (cool down 10 days) /

Skill (2): Ice Age: create a world of ice and snow and have full command over it's entirety to defend, slow or attack./Cost 800MP/ Cool down: 30 hours/ it is possible to use this skill to permanently change the terrain and weather of an environment. Requires MP, an altar and temple to sustain.

Skill (3): Blessing Of Voyage: +85% speed to all ships under your command, +75% to all sea trade, +100% defense against storms and monsters at sea

Skill (4): Summon: Gods Of The Sea: Summon the five grand gods of the sea to defend, attack or teach. Duration of summon is equivalent to the total sum of your wisdom and intelligence multiplied by ×5(cost 2000MP) (cool down 25 Days)

(Bound to captain Aá Seven of the Acheron's Glory)

When Herca told me I couldn't use the trident to attack, I thought she meant in every aspect. However I now realized she meant directly, plus if what she says is true and the trident is meant to be a tool that protects, it would be wise to place it somewhere on the ship, and once the tournament starts and that new land or dimension is opened, I would be able to have a territory that would bring out the full power of the trident.

{Kusanagi No Tsurugi/Grade: Legendary: Hidden Grade: Growth/ Level: 1/ Requirements: Acknowledgement Of Susanoo No Mikoto, God Of The Sea And Storms.} (Bound To Captain Aá Seven Of The Acheron's Glory)

[Attack: 1~5/ Attack Speed: 1MPS/ +1% to all sword related skills, +1% to all water and wind skills.] [All skills locked until appropriate level is reached.]

Oh fuċk no! What the heck! How am I supposed to use this! It was just so weak. Isn't a legendary sword supposed to be all powerful, but now I've been given a level 1 weapon. Of course the attack speed was normal, a meter a second was way too normal and the damage was trashy. But it was only level 1, but that's exactly what's wrong with it, why was it a growth type legendary weapon and why should it be level 1, it's a legendary weapon for Christ sakes.

But it seems I'm not getting another weapon, but it was good none the less, better nothing. The Trident was floating above the altar, still releasing it's black and green glow, I picked up the Katana from the altar and equipped it. It appeared on my side, I had to adjust the quiver behind my waist and move it to my back just like every other normal archer. I was really bummed about not getting an ultimate legendary sword, but this was just fine, at least it will get stronger.

*Ka-cha! Clang!*

The moment I picked up the Katana, there was a loud sound as gears shifted and a set of stairs appeared around the altar leading into the mountain this temple was built on. Persephone came to stand beside me with Zareth in tow as we looked into the darkness below.

"I have to go and get everyone ready, I think the moment you try to take the trident the Island will sink. I'll get all of the races sorted out and your crew back on your ship, the both of you should get the dragons. And please hurry up, we're almost out of time." Then she jumped off the edge of the temple ice blasting from her palms and feet as she flew towards the edge of the island where we had docked.

"Come on Zareth." I said as we went down the stairs.

However the moment we went down the stairs, it closed up above us, talk about spooky. It was quite dark, but Zareth was a dwarf and I was part dragon and elf, so moving around in the dark wasn't that much of a problem for us, however this place gave off feelings like those of dungeon, but since there's been no system alert, I'm not so sure it was one. But nonetheless it doesn't hurt to be careful, so as to avoid any sort of surprises.

I already had sky in her bow form, so I knocked an arrow just to be safe. Zareth had his lance close, and the red glow on it was more than enough to dimly Illuminate the stair well we currently descending. However when we spent the first three minutes going down and realized that the stairs weren't coming to an end, we had to pick up speed, going from a brisk pace to a full out run. We continued that way until the stairs came to an abruptly stop and we came up into a cavern.

But the moment we stepped in, a bat like monster opened it's jaw wide and went straight for my face. With how sudden it's appearance was, I wasn't able to properly defend myself, but Zareth took action immediately and stabbed his lance through it's open mouth, setting the overly large bat on fire as it screeched it's way to fiery end. I gave Zareth a nod of thanks and turned back to face the cavern that for all intents and purposes seems to be an underground lake.

There was just a small land bridge that led to a small island in the middle of the cavern, and on that island was another altar with a rainbow egg that was glowing softly. And it's glow was slowly increasing, filling the cavern with kaleidoscope of rainbow lights, it was like a disco ball. That was probably the egg seed, however the light from it also revealed certain things to me.

First of all it was the fact that the lake was pure black, like ink, and that the roof of the cavern had hundreds if not thousands of all those bats who just tried to take a bite out of my pretty face. I turned to look at Zareth who in turn also looked at me. Against dozens of humanoid beings we would be unstable, but a horde of blood suċkɨnġ bats, and god knows what might even be in that bloody lake we're completely out matched, Hercanilion must have forgotten to mention about the ridiculous pets she was keeping within this bloody cavern.

"Ye have to go get the young'uns." Zareth said to me with a straight face, I looked back at him indignantly as I asked.

"Why the fuċk does it have to be me? You're a dragon avatar just like me!" I half yelled half whispered at him.

"You're faster, plus ye're also the leader, so ye have to lead the charge. Ye lead by example no?" he said to me with that same straight face, it was taking all I had not to punch the jerk in the face, which I'm sure will feel real nice.

"Well I don't want to be the leader anymore, aren't you the fire dragon? Everyone thinks fire is the cooler and more powerful element anyway, so you be the leader." I said to him with my hands folded.

"Ye and I both know that's a lie, fire can not exist without air, but air can exist Without fire. Go get the egg seed, I'll cover ye." And with the tone of voice he just used, I knew this case was closed. I ġrȯȧnėd as I held Sky tighter and crouched a bit. "I'm going to regret this, Ye and I my ȧss. AI STORM DANCE!!"


(Can not be placed in Inventory! Can not be placed in Inventory!!)

What the fuċk! I looked at the egg seed that was about the size of a basket ball and cursed at it. It's also quite heavy, which meant my speed would be a lot slower and I would have to fight with just one arm. Damn it! I ordered sky to shift to her staff form, looks like I would just have to rely on magic to get out of here.


Four silver blue flaming arrows shot out of the staff and smacked into the dense cloud of bats diving from the cavern roof. The mana arrows exploded on impact causing a small shockwave that spread to the other bats and forced them to break formation.

(You have dealt critical damage to GOLEM BLOOD SUCKING CAVE BAT level 35)


What the heck these things gave a shit ton of exp, and there was a lot of them. I ran across the land bride, shooting Mana arrows and keeping the bats off me, Zareth was also helping as he was sending fireballs after fireballs from his lance, causing more disarray within the ranks of the bats. I was already close to the end of the land bridge when I felt something grab my ankle and pulled. I fell down; smacking my head on the ground as the egg seed rolled out of my grasp, and almost in slow motion and right in front of my eyes too, happily rolled off the edge of the land bridge and feel into the black ink like lake.


Honestly I wasn't sure who was shouting at the time, whether it was me or Zareth, but none the less there was no time to waste. I tucked my wings and jumped right into the black water. Though it seemed like ink, it wasn't, it was just water that was black and felt weird on my body, plus it smelled weird. Even with my night vision I couldn't see through the water, I looked left and right hoping to find even a single trace of the egg seed's rainbow glow, and then.

(You have been attacked by BLACK WATER CAVE GOLEM KRAKEN! -50HP)

*Smack!* (-111HP)

The second hit actually threw me out of the water and into the air, right into the cloud of bats that were happy about the new prey as the grabbed and scratched at me.


I heard Zareth call out as a stream of flames actually came out of his mouth, scorching the horde of bats and sending many of them well cooked into the black waters below. I flapped my wings and shot downwards with as much speed as I could muster back into the water. I went in with a plop and let my momentum drag me down until I met the lake bed which seemed to be just about 10 to 15 meters deep. I grabbed Sky's staff form tightly about to use a skill only for something to slam into my ċhėst.


I was sent flying through the lake; the water offering no resistance until I hit my back against the rock wall that served as the boundary for it. Whatever air was stuck in my lungs were pushed out as I couldn't help but cry out in pain. I landed on my buŧŧ, the soft mud of the lake giving way under me. I couldn't see what was attacking me, but I had to do something before...


I felt something grab my ankles and my pull me through the lake, dragging my body across the lake bed and making sure I hit every obstacle there was. My armor was doing well keeping me alive, I'm sure if it was any other armor I would have been dead the moment I received the first hit. And then I felt my self raised up, and just in time too as I was able to notice the rainbow glow of the egg seed, and the colossal jaws heading straight for me body. Shit!


I didn't need to shout out the skill, but I was panicked and it helped me focus. A blast of silver flame like energy spread out across the entire lake, illuminating it's murky waters and showing me the giant squid like monstrosity I was fighting. I guess that's to be expected, it does have Kraken in it's name. The flare slammed into the Kraken, setting it's massive body on fire, burning through it's skin and exposing the metal bones underneath. My eyes widened, but I guess that explains the golem part too.

But it was not just the Kraken alone that caught on fire, even the Lake itself was lit ablaze, it was as if I was in a world of silver flames and everything was bright and burning. I noticed the egg on the lake bed, resting on top of a golden ċhėst, with a sliver one not too far away from it. Hah! What were the odds, guess that weird Providence thing was still in play. Ignoring the still burning Kraken I quickly swam towards the egg, grabbed it and unceremoniously placed both ċhėsts into my inventory.

Then I swam up, taking my time as the weight of the egg was making ascending a little bit difficult. I was just about four meters away from the top of the lake when all of the flames disappeared and the Kraken stopped screaming in pain. And seeing as I didn't receive a system alert that it was dead, then that means.


"Oh! Fuck my life!"

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