The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 141 - Dragon Wars & The Trident City Of Atlantis (V): So It Begins


I'm not under the illusion that the Acheron was the most powerful ship on the seas right now, heck I'm sure it's really weak, but one thing I do know is my ship owns a weapon of starship level damage. And that was more than enough to put an exclamation point in any battle that we might find ourselves fighting within the confines of a planet's oceans. However there's always someone or something stronger, especially for the dragon god guild who's players have even more resources and ȧssets than I currently do. But none the less, this was a fight that I'm going to make sure none of them ever forget for a very long time to come.

*Boom! Boom! Boom! Pew pew, pew, pew, pew!*

The mounted guns and the turrets focused fire on the two vanguard ships that were approaching the island. It was a detachment from the main fleet, or rather an attempt to escape by some as Zareth had more then scorched a significant part of the fleet reducing them to cinders. This fleet was bigger than last, and the ships much larger, however it was able to deploy a shield that was even more powerful than the last one, and for the past three minutes, Zareth has been trying to break through it, but with no luck.

I watched him bank to the left, evading the bullets, fireballs, lightning strikes and shots from the ships guns that were trying to bring him down. The hail of fire he was receiving was much too thick that he could do naught but evade. But that was just as good, he's to draw their attention while the rest of us get ready. The two ships approaching us blew up just after five seconds of focused barrage from the guns and turrets. The ship itself was vibrating, so I knew it was only a matter of time before the Cannon finished charging, but until them...…

"Captain! We just lost 2% of our ship's basic energy shield's integrity!" Darke yelled to me.

"What! How? We've not taken any hits so far, is there structural damage anywhere?" I asked him as I moved close to him, looking at the holographic radar that was hanging over his steering wheel.

"There are some structural damage, but it was sustained in the last two minutes, and based on what's showing up on the radar there are multiple unidentified organisms under ship. At first I though they were just fishes trying to escape the carnage, but it seems...…"

"Damn it Darke! You're supposed to be smarter than this. Slow down and weigh anchor, we should be close enough for the Canon to cause some serious damage. Focus on buffering our defense, I'll go check out what's nipping at our heels. Qitar how much longer until the Cannon fires?" "2 minutes captain!" she replied just as she used the turrets to blast a massive flaming boulder out of the sky.

Seriously this was a sea battle, why does it seem as if these dragon god guild guys are using siege weapons like catapults to fight. I can't really see them from behind their cozy little shield, but this suspicion of mine might actually be true. But nevertheless we'll deal with them soon enough, they have just less than two minutes any way.

"Raven Song! Zack! Mack! Keep your eyes peeled for aerial ȧssaults, at this point it wouldn't be wise to think that our enemies won't try anything. See you guys in two minutes!"

I could have used the still active power of the Trident, however I'm not so willing to expose a trump card at the beginning of a fight. The idea was to let the Ion pulse cannon cause as much damage as possible, and then use the trident's power to start another ȧssault, hopefully giving the cannon a chance to charge up another shot. I was aiming to make every move of mine as overkill as possible, these guys might have many more tricks up their sleeves, and I would very much like cover my bases...…just in case things go south. Besides I'm just waiting for the island to sink, before I take this battle to a battle field that would favor me even more than it already does.


I dived into the water, drawing my wings close to my body as I reached the bottom of the ship. Just as I suspected, there were quite a few players there causing problems. They had on oxygen masks, though most of them seemed to be of an aquatic race so breathing underwater wasn't that much of a problem for them. They were currently throwing every attack they could and setting charges against the Acheron's shield, hoping to blow it up enough and reduce the power of the shield.

Now even though this was just our primary method of defense, and we still had a more powerful shield that's not been deployed, I rather not take any chances. We need every form of defense for the fight ahead. I narrowed my eyes just as a scared little sea horse swam past me, time to try something crazy. "Hey stop!"

"Yeyyesss sir?......wwhat can I do for you?" the little aquatic creature squeaked at me.

"I need you to get me some help, all the creatures of the sea that can fight, tell them he who holds the ocean Scepter summons them, that the master of the trident calls them to arms in defense of the temples of the sea gods. Can you do that?" I really hope he can, but it won't make any difference anyway, this was just an experiment.

But maybe this was too much of a stretch, the sea horse however had the most human expressions I've ever seen. It's eyes widened in shock and it even bowed it's head as an obvious look of excitement was etched over it's face.

"Yes sir....I mean master! I'll get you all of the best help this stretch of the ocean has to offer, you can count on meeehihihihi!" and then he shot off into the gloom of the ocean, hopefully to go get help, he seemed a little too hyperactive to be taken seriously. None the less you can never have to much help, I just pray he doesn't get eaten.

Sure I could have used Sky's staff form to cause a significant amount of damage to these players. But we're deep under an ocean, composed of salt water, plus I wanted to see if there was a way for me to level up this Katana of mine.

(You Have Caused 500 Lightning Element Damage To Dragon God Guild Member)

(You Have Caused 700 Lightning Element Damage To Dragon God Guild Member)

(You Have Caused 300 Lightning Element Damage To Dragon God Guild Member)

Lightning danced around the ocean, coming not just from the sword in my hand, but also from the natural field on my body that came as a result of the storm dance skill. Maybe it didn't take their lives immediately, well some of them anyway, but it caused constant damage to those that remained, constantly draining them of at least a 150hp every second.

I took advantage of that, some of the players were paralyzed from the shock of the lightning, I swept my katana over the neck of one of the players, easily relieving him of his head, and I turned and bifurcated another one, taking his entire left shoulder off his body, and slicing down deep enough that I split his heart in two.

(The Kusanagi has leveled up! Absorb more souls and essence of living sentient beings to increase it's rate of growth.)

Well that explains a lot, guess the KUSANAGI needs player exp or their souls(i think) to level up. Movement was really stiff for a lot of the players, and quite frankly I was moving too fast underwater for them, the augmented racial trait (swim bladder) not only let me talk to fish, it made me super fast and more in control of my body. I pierced the sword into the forehead of another player, and then covered my body with my wings as one of the players shot a grenade launcher at me that pushed me backwards and left my ears ringing a bit after it exploded.

(Sustained -70 HP damage.) That bȧrėly made a dent, and given the rate of my Regeneration per second (+170hp) I dare say that was bȧrėly a pinch. I shot towards the player, twirling in the water as I dodged another of his grenade and even having my wings slap one of them away in the process. I got close enough and sliced the Kusanagi upwards, the water didn't offer any resistance as the sword moved really fast, slicing under the players jaw, upwards through his face and out the top of his skull. Blood and brain matter filled the water darkening my vision a bit.

Suddenly there was a dull hum above my head and I could see trails of light, like veins under the Acheron. The Ion Pulse cannon was ready to fire, and I was right under the ship. I really don't want to know what would happen if I was still here when Qitar pulled the trigger. Using my wings for extra leverage, I flapped my way out of the ocean, landing just on the crows nest as Qitar shot the cannon.


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