The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 15 - Politics & Mind Games (III): Criminal Legacy

"Wait! What?......Why? Did I do something wrong, or is someone threatening you? Tell me their names and I'll go knock on some doors!"



"Calm down master Aaron and let him explain. I'm sure there's a very good explanation for this.....right?"

Is it just me or did the room suddenly feel colder. It dawned on me that Nanny Florence was also unaware of his decision, just as I was, she was also completely blind sided by it. Which was why she was taking on a rather threatening tone with him. I watched old man Jones choke a bit and break and out in a sweat. He was about to answer when Ron shoved another cookie in his mouth(how can he have so many of those things?). After chewing for a while, swallowing and cleaning his mouth, he moved Ron from on top of the table to his ŀȧp. Then he cleared his throat.

"Aaron, I've been a lawyer for 50 years. I went to college with your grandfather, and I remember hating the guts of that rich kid. I had to struggle to pay my way through school, while he had everything handed to him on a silver platter. One day, I fell in with the wrong crowd, in my bid to find an easier avenue to making money. I ended up on the bad side of an old, very old Mafia family. Your grandfather saved me by making a deal with them, a deal that kept him in a partnership with them for his entire life, and soon they'll be coming to you for the continuation of that deal."

I was shocked, surprised and honestly I really had no idea how to react to this. But it made total sense, my grandfather was scary rich, yes the Imperium Industries was something he inherited from his family and made a lot of money from, but he had connections. I remember as a teenager there would times when he had meetings in the manor, and those meetings would go on for hours and sometimes through an entire day or night.

I guess I never really knew him, the same way I didn't know he was a principal share holder of the Imperium industries. All I had previously known about him, was that he used to work there, and had to leave for a different scenery, leaving his position to my father, who in turn made the company really successful and earned himself a part of the shares. I turned to Nanny Florence and asked.

"Is this true?"

"Yes it is. He had another life, a darker one that he let you have glimpse and pieces of to prepare you for this, to groom you to take his place."

This was a bomb, a very huge one. My grandfather was a criminal, but if he was a criminal why would he have me try to stop my father from doing equally criminal activities, I had to know.

"But if my grandfather was a criminal, why was he trying to stop my father from creating biological weapons and all that shady deals he said he was making. That would make them a shit ton of money, so why stop him? And even possibly get killed in the process for it."

"Florence he's ready, if we don't tell him the truth now, I don't think there would be a better time than now. It's his legacy."

"I know he is, and yes! It's time for him to know."

This two old people were not making any sense. They were being cryptic, and it was rapidly beginning to piss me off. But there was nothing I could say as, yelling or throwing a tantrum won't work with this two. They'll tell me what's going on if they want to. Nanny Florence walked around the table and sat opposite me. Her black hair was tied up neatly in a bun, and she had reading glasses to complete her nanny look. But her green eyes, were still as piercing as ever.

"The Wade family, for generations has always had two fronts. The legitimate side of things, and the organized crime side of things. Just like the mantle of the company, the mantle to the family's criminal empire is passed from first son to first son, until your father. Strictly speaking, your father is well aware of this part of your family's history and he has connections and contacts within that world too, but not enough that he would be a threat to the recognized and chosen heir.

Your father's bid to delve in bio weaponry and cyber terrorism on a grander scale, put's him in cahoots with quite a few governments. As far as wars go, it would be a lucrative business for the government, and a few interested private investors. But the advent of such a venture would cause world war 3 to break out, and this time it would go beyond just between countries. The space colonies on mars, the moon, and sector Nineveh would be drawn into the conflict. Since resources on earth are limited, and inter planetary mining and resource farming is gradually becoming a main source of income for countries involved in the space program; there are a couple of countries and companies who would want monopoly over all of those resources, cementing themselves as not just a first class country, but a super power of inter planetary proportions. And there's only one company that can get them there, and that's Imperium industries."

She paused to get a drink of water before Continuing.

"But a war on such a scale would affect the organized criminal families and organizations on earth. War means borders would be closed, security would be tighter, and the influence these families have built over the years would gradually fall apart. It would be the end of the dark side of the Wade family and a lot of other families too would disappear under the veil of war."

"But isn't that a good thing, that means we don't have to be criminals and we can focus on the legitimate side of things." I said to them.

"It doesn't work that way Aaron. This business is not just for show, it's built upon years of trust, honor and respect. People have bled and died for it, countless generations of people have served and died for this part of your family's business. Even my own husband."

I was speechless. For as long as I've known Nanny Florence she's never sad anything about having a family. I once heard a rumor between the servants back when I was young that she had an estranged daughter, but I brushed it off. Now all that may have been true.

"You may not understand Aaron, but this has to do with your family's honor, their respect and protecting the common people here on earth. I'm not going to be hypocritical and say that we're good people or that the deals we've made hasn't hurt a lot of people, even innocents. But if your father's plan goes through, thousands if not millions will die, it would be total chaos and the world will burn while he makes money from it. The old families have been at the helm of organized crimes for as long a 200 hundred years, they've hurt people, made money from suffering. But they've paid their dues and helped the world grow and evolve saving countless other lives in the process. This is a duty and a responsibility you can't turn your back away from, because doing so will put me, you, old man Jones and his family, and lastly your son in danger. You can't walk away from it, not when you're the only one that can stop this."

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. The part about my son being in danger already ruffled my feathers, I just got him, and I can't imagine ever having to loose him, such an act, it would kill me. But still why was I the only one who can stop it.

"You're the key to everything, and that's because of your mother and her family. Your mother's grandfather made Lost Descendants online, and it was improved upon by his son after him, your grandfather. But your maternal grandfather was not as good a game designer or programmer as his father, and that's because he had another passion. He was a biochemical engineer, pioneering great advancement in cellular dissemination, cloning and evolution, and gene therapy. The bio chemical weapon that your father is trying to create and sell, was made and designed by him. But his creation got him killed, your mother was only seventeen at the time. But he left the formula to that weapon to your mother, and as if that wasn't enough, your mother went ahead to create a virus specifically designed for cyber warfare. it was capable of infiltrating any country's or force's intelligence systems, take whatever information it wanted and systematically dismantle it from the inside. And we live in a digital age, such a virus would destroy countries in a day.

But your mother was as crafty as they come. She hid both the formula and the virus in the one place that's easiest to reach, but hardest to find. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about."

"Lost Descendants Online." I called out in a whisper.

"Indeed. There are people looking for it inside, its why the popularity and economical value of that game is so big. While smaller corporations have no idea what the bigger ones are after, the bigger corporations have their cronies searching for it whilst also making money from the game. They know it's there, it's been seen before. But what they don't know is that the key to truly finding it, lies with you. Aaron in that game you can and will be a God, it's was built to serve you. But your mother had to be careful, so she hid it very well, and made sure that even for you to find it, you have to work twice as hard to get it. You have to prove yourself and earn it. That's why she and your grandfather wanted your identity as a gamer to not be ȧssociated with your identity as Aaron Wade. The enemies must not know that you're also looking for it, because they'll know that their best chance of finding it, is to control you. And that's where the organized crime comes in. They're not the best people, but they have honor and loyalty, they will protect you, and you in turn will have to protect their interests and make sure that formula and virus never falls into the wrong hands. I'm sorry I had to spring this up on you like this, but you really don't have much of a choice. Running is not an option either because either one of these people I've mentioned have the resources to track you down and kill you without the world being the wiser. And you have to think about your son. So what's it going to be."

I really need to rephrase, being rich absolutely sucks. But there was more at stake here than I realized, too many secrets that were weaved and interwoven between my two families. With my mother and grandfather being involved in such a huge fate of the world scenario, I had no other choice but to be right in the middle of it.

"I don't have much of a choice do I? But this is bigger than me, and I may not know much about honor or loyalty. But I understand family, I understand danger and suffering. And I understand that I love my son and would do everything in my power to keep him safe. So I'll do what I have to do, this is my burden and my responsibility. I'm not so much of a coward that'll run away from it, because if I don't do it, who will. But in the end I still don't understand why old man Jones say's he not going to be my lawyer any more."

"Ahh! My bad, it seems we got completely off track. But all is well that ends well I suppose. The thing is, with your grandfather gone, this law firm, which he built in an elaborate scheme to provide legal services for the crime families falls completely to me. Though he built this firm, he left all of the rights to me. But kid my old bones are killing me, and with him gone I don't think I can do this anymore. It's time for someone much younger and exuberant to take my place, and I've decided to take a page out of his book."

"No! Please No! I understand you want to retire and I have no problem with that, but please choose any body but her. She's a monster!"

"You do realize that we're talking about my granddaughter right? You used to have the biggest crush on her, I remembered that summer you interned here, she was also learning the ropes and you followed her around all doe eyed and loopy..."

"Yeah I did. Until she hung me off the side of the building in my undėrwėȧr! She's made my life miserable ever since. She scares me as much as Nanny Florence does. And that's saying something because Nanny Florence is scarrrrrrr oww!"

"I'm right here young man." Nanny Florence said with a warning.

"Well sorry Kid, but the decision has already been made. After we're done here, and you've signed all of the legal mumbo jumbo, I'll be announcing my retirement , and by Monday, my granddaughter, your one and only childhood first love Penelope Jones will become the head of this law firm and the new personal lawyer of the Wade family. It feels good doesn't it."

"My life is ruined." I lamented as I placed my head on the table with a groan. Ron bless his soul came over and patted my head, I guess he understands that his father's quiet life, will no longer be quiet. Being rich really does sucks.

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