The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 150 - The Ocean City Of Atlantis (I): Arrival, A Boss

It took us close to six hours of travel before we got the notification that we were drawing close to the Ocean City of Atlantis. The city was actually made up of two parts, and based on the information the Acheron was able to glean as we drew close, there was an upper city; which was built on the island above the sea surface, and then the lower city; built under the island and into the sea itself.

Without the Acheron's hiding capabilities, we would be noticed by the inhabitants of the lower city long before we even got close. However we were in luck as the Ocean City of Atlantis was more unlawful than lawful. And as for the power and ability spectrum, it was leaning a bit more in the fantasy direction of the game as opposed to the science fiction part of it. Which means we could take advantage of that and get close enough without being found.

A lot of unsavory characters had made both the upper and lower city their home, which is to say that they would very much like to avoid surveillance of any sort. So we could ease our worries about radars or someone having any sort of surveillance device that would exposed my identity to the wrong crowd.

"Alright Captain! What's our plan of approach?" Qitar asked as we gathered around a small table in the general area.

"Your captain has a rough but somewhat simple plan. We both sneak into the lower city and find our way to the upper city from there, there should be some sort of tunnel connecting the two. Either way once we're on the island we would use the magic compass thingamabob to find the elf girl, and then get out just as quickly as we came." Persephone explained to the others, but all she received from them was blank looks, and what the hell is a thingamabob?.

"That's a lousy plan! There's just so much holes in it that I could raise a million fishes In them." Dinah sarcastically muttered to herself, but loud enough that she knew we all heard it.

"The thing is, you have to have an escape plan put in place, the two of you getting onto the island and into the city is already hard enough as it is, but getting someone else out would be even more difficult. You both can't do it alone, but even then if there's too many of us we could all be noticed before we've achieved what we came here for. There's too much risk and we have to be really careful about what we do next, Jack's and our lives are depending on it." Mack explained as he folded his hands over each other, his magic staff clasped tightly within his grip.

"Then who has a better idea, because quite frankly I'm all ears." I said to them as we looked at the map of the island that for every second we drew closer to it, became increasingly more detailed.

"The ship would be able to fully map the island if we go around it and swim directly under it. Of course there's a chance we might get discovered, but I think it's best if we do a little recon and see if there's parts of the island we might be able to take advantage of. Once we've done that, I believe we need to have two if not three teams get on the island. We can leave Qitar and Dinah behind to keep ship ready for escape and combat should the need arises, but you and Persephone, Zareth and Raven Song, and then me , Darke and Zack would find another way onto the island.

Apart from recon purposes, even with the compass leading the way to the priestess, there might be a need for more resources and information to get to her. That's where we come in, plus there's no guarantee that we would be able to escape the same way with which we arrived, so it would be up to the rest of us to secure a way off the island before rendezvousing with the ship and learning exactly what forces and who we might end up having to deal with. You can just focus on finding the elf." Mack explained with a furrowed look on his face.

Mack has always been the more intelligent of the clones, his Ability to find and disseminate information was quite impressive. If he was on earth, he would probably be working for the CIA.....or maybe working for me, which if you think about it, was actually the same thing. Either way his plan also had holes, but it was more foolproof than mine, and it meant that anyone of us would have backup when we needed it should things get out of hand. Besides if worse comes to worse, we could just blow the island up! I'm already a wanted man, blowing up an island filled and ran by criminals can not make my reputation any more bad than it already is.

"Alright Darke engage ghost mode, and let's hope that the Acheron gets enough information for us to be able to get into the cities without being noticed."






KEEPER had kept watch over this infernal gates for thousands of years, and even though he knew that his time as keeper was rapidly coming to an end, he wasn't really happy. Those otherworld travelers might think he hasn't noticed what they've been doing, but he has, and if left chills in his 10 thousand year old brittle bones. Most people said that with age came wisdom, but for him all it brought about was weakness, with the gates he was supposed to watch over fully and completely responsible for his greying hair and aching bones.

His vigorous life essence was what has been keeping the gates sealed, and the gates themselves greedily drank from him, gaining sentience and power and mocking his resolve and duty. Forgotten by his own race until they themselves had become nothing more than myth, a history long forgotten than even the dragon wars itself. But that was not the only thing he lost, over the years of keeping watch in and over this city, he has had loved ones, wives, sons, daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

But now they were all forgotten under the ravages of time, displaced just like his history and the knowledge of who and what he is. He had forgotten his own name, forgotten his own heart and mind until every other day became a simple slog of self pity and remorse, aches and pains as he counted time that passed and waited for the ever close embrace of death. He used to have a name, but now all he was and could ever be was Keeper; Keeper of the Gates of Hell.

Regardless of what may come, Keeper was prepared to meet the end with open arms and a happy smile on his face. This world had grown weak and might not be able to withstand the onslaught of hell, but it was also strong in it's own right, especially now that he could feel the elements stirring. Be it the gods, or the now forgotten elemental dragons, the elements of the world were stirring, shaking and roiling, this was a call to war the likes of which this world has not seen in ten thousand years.

And once upon a time, such a thing would have gotten Keeper's blood boiling with anticipation. But this war was not for him, to be honest he really didn't care who would win, all that mattered to him was his duty, it's the only thing that has stood the test of time. His job to defenf the gates of hell and keep it from ever being opened, apart from that, the universe could go fuċk itself.

"Is that him? The boss we have to kill to open the gates?" a voice asked as over a hundred men and women made their way into Keeper's temple.

"Yes that's him, don't you see the name tag above his head? We have to kill him to secure the temple, then we can commence the sacrifice by midnight." Another voice replied.

"But seriously though, look at him! He's just an old man, what could he possibly do to stop us? Come on boss do we really have to fight him?"

"Well you stupid idiot, he has to die for the ritual to be completed, as long as he's still alive his life force would keep the gates bound and tightly shut. Didn't you hear what the demon said when they gave us this mission? We have to end him for the gates to be free of suppression. For all intents and purposes he's the first lock we have to smash open, so stop whining and get your head into the game! literally! He's just a boss."

Keeper has heard the terms these people have taken to calling him, he couldn't exactly said that he liked it, but he couldn't say that he disliked it either. Quite frankly he didn't care what they called him, the only thing that mattered was how much of a fight they would out up, because Keeper had every intention of going all out and pushing whatever was left of his once magnificent strength to the extreme. Hopefully these 'players' do not disappoint and give a great fight that's to precede a worthy death.

{{ It's great that you have all gathered here to usher me into my demise, I have waited long for this day, imagined and dreamt it over and over again, but...…each time it's not always the same. And I can ȧssure you it's very different from today too. But one thing that all stays the same is the screams of men, the rage of warriors and the scent of blood all blending together to make for a befitting send off, at the very least I feel that I deserve that.

But in all honesty I really don't want to fight, my bones ache a lot, breathing is quite difficult for me, and I feel sleepy all the time.}}

"Well old man if you don't want to fight then why don't you just let us kill you, we promise to make it quick right guys?"

"Sure we will hahahaha, we need to have respect for the elderly."

{{ What else can be expected of ignorant children who call themselves 'players!' to make a mockery of death and the honor of spilled blood right in the presence of Keeper. You fools must be prepared to die over and over again to be able to beat me, sure your infernal magic of resurrection would keep you all coming after me like flies over shit!

But with each death you children experience, I would make sure it's more painful and brutal than you imagine and slowly break and twist your mind until you're all nothing but mewling little piglets at the mercy of my divine mandate and duty.

I implore you all to take this seriously, I intend to die a good death, a satisfactory death. I don't want to spend my last moments disciplining a bunch of idiots without the conviction to face a Titan!........yes! I remember now, that's what I am, I am a Titan. Indeed I am, I can't believe I had forgotten the glory of my race, but my heart is true and my duty is just.

It has been many moons since I felt so alive, but I feel the sweet and loving arms of death slowly beckoning me, calling me into her embrace and bringing me the just end I deserve. It's a shame that it has to come at the hand of you bunch of pathetic and dishonor filled flesh bags. Well then 'players' I invite you to a dance of death with me, and etch the honor that I've given you today in your heart. And let your children's children and their children remember the glorious end of ATLAS! THE TITAN THAT CARRIES THE WORLD!

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