The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 157 - The Ocean City Of Atlantis (VIII): Acherons Fighting, Atlas Defender, Gates!

There was a stalemate, even the giant behind the group of players had frozen to watch as me and my crew formed ranks around each other. We might actually be outnumbered, but we have a dragon and somewhat alliance with a boss, though to be honest I have no idea what's happening here. None the less this crows of nine circles were the enemy, and we have no quarter to our enemies, we gave no mercy and we had no qualms of giving them the beat down that they wholeheartedly deserved. Darke was wielding his dual elven swords, Mack was with his staff, glowing globes of water the size of a head was floating around him. Zack still used his boss, and he had three glowing arrows strung, and then we charged.

Raven Song moved forwards first and slammed his tower shield on the ground, erecting a brick wall that blocked the ranger attacked that headed towards us, and then said brick wall exploded outwards, sending illusory debris back towards the players and disrupting most of their ranks. Zack's arrows flew past our heads, glowing with a golden light that rapidly multiplied until hundreds of glowing golden arrows was pelting the group of players. And with their take still to focusing on the boss, the other players had no choice but to withstand the ȧssault with just their body, ad the result was terrible. Three of the archers fell, and two other players were popped full of arrows, looking like pincushions.

That was when me and Darke made our move as we can towards the group of players, they were at the entrance of the temple, using it as a child point to defend against us and the boss. A flash of blue covered both me and Darke and our movements became smoother, and we were filled with vigor and strength, almost as if we just received a shot of adrenaline. (YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY A WATER MEISTER: DEXTERITY INCREASED BY 30%, PASSIVE REGENERATION OF HEALTH AND MANA ACTIVATED AND INCREASED BY 25% FOR THE NEXT 300 SECONDS.) Now that's just insane, I get to feel like I'm super charged fro the next five minutes, plus moving like an eel to seal the deal. I really love my crew.

Darke suddenly turned sideways and swung his swords, a decapitated head flew into the sky and a previously invisible body dropped to the ground dead, and right In front of everyone else, Darke vanished from sight, and only the sounds of blades tearing into flesh was heard as he went after the players in stealth that I had not even noticed before, there was more to these guys than I know.

I kept my focus on the people in front of me, my hands tightly grabbing the hilt of the Kusanagi, the melee figured in the front lines were waiting for me, and he archers were not slowing down as they kept sending arrow after arrows at me, but other arrows always intercepted theirs, obviously Zack's skill with the bow was on a whole other level and much more stronger than theirs. A fireball whizzed over my head and smashed into their midst setting some of them on fire, and just in time too as that's when I got to them.

I called my wings and went over their heads, making sure my meal carried me until I was directly over the years of the tanks who had their shields out in front and defending against the swinging hammer of the giant. I flipped myself in the air with my head upside down, and made my move.(LIGHTNING BLADE) (DIVINE WIND DRAW!)

Both skills empowers themselves as a massive crescent beam of wing and lightning shot out of the katana. The beam was extremely thin and glowed a greenish blue with streaks of site running across it, and then it slammed into the front lines, smashing three shields out of the 10 tanks still standing, and throwing most of them off their feet, a huge chunk of their health missing. But those were the lucky ones, one of the tanks directly exploded into a shower of blood and goes and since his body still remains albeit in pieces, that guy had to have been an AI.

I completed my flight and landed much to my surprise on the palm of the giant, who for a second I was almost afraid had every intention of crushing me. But the fight still drew my attention, with most of the tanks down, whatever bonus strengths the party got from them seemed to have been reduced or negated, because immediately Zareth u leashed a stream of flames on the small army and sent more than half of what was remaining to wherever they're supposed to respawn. Two arrows flew into the eyes of a woman with a whip, exploding her head a second later just as Darke appeared out of thin air and crossed his swords over the neck of a heavily armored demon like guy. His videos head fell to the ground, but Darke had already disappeared, before the decapitated body part even touched the ground.

Two massive water while stretched out from the floating water globes behind Mack and pierced into two unsuspecting players who had shifted their attention to Raven. But Raven wasn't paying attention to them as he used the edge of his shield to slam into the jaw of a player, flipping him over and bringing him hard to the ground, and just in time for his glowing one handed hammer to smash his head in putty, the tiles underneath his feet caving in and cracking. Then I heard the giant say in a raspy but quite clear voice.

"I like that one!" I turned to look up at him, but his eyes was completely focused on Raven Song. After that it only took short work for Zack, Mack, Darke and Raven Song to kill the players until only three of them were remaining.

The giant placed me on the ground as I walked towards the remaining three players, however as I got close I realized I sort of recognized one of the players. I mean what were the odds that this lizard guy would be wearing the same armor as that one lizard guy I impaled on a ship during our journey to the Atlantic rim, I think it was when I had to ȧssassinate that traitor elven scientists.

"Wait aren't you that lizard guy I hung out to dry on that sea elven ship? You look good...…I think." I said to him as I walked towards him, coming to a stop right besides Raven Song and Darke.

"I see you remember me, Captain Seven of the Acheron, good! Because I remember you, and your sins against my supreme guild, and believe me when I tell you, when the gates of hell opens, you're going to be the first to fall to horrors of hell!" I blinked my eyes at him, then I sat down on the ground, crossed my legs and leaned back on my hands, looking up at the ugly lizard guy.

"Last I remember Rango, you have no dragon and no priestess, plus I suspect the giant over there has to die for your so called gates to open, and none of this has happened or will happen. Soooooo how are you going to open you oh so scary gates of hell?" I asked him with a smile on my face.

"You ignorant fool, all we needed was a powerful life force and equally powerful unique magic to serve as a catalyst to power the sacrifice. And you all provided the necessary ingredients for the sacrifice! The Titan will die! He has already been injected with the god slaying poison, and in no time at all he would be very much dead and his life force and magic, along with those of all the players you so foolishly killed will open the gates, and as an added bonus the aura of a dragon going on a rampage would more than fuel the gates energy in springing open!

We have this entire island under our control, and the moment that Titan dies, the gates will spring open and hell will visit new Gaia. And there's nothing you can do about it, not to mention there would be no escape for you, the vanguard monsters coming out of hell are hundreds of level above you and your rabble, you're all going to die." Well I guess I can't be lackadaisical about this situation, I turned to look at the so called Titan and watched as he nodded his head.

"He speaks the truth young Dragon, my time in this world would end 7 minutes hence. You should take your family and get off this island as fast as you can." I liked that he called them my family, but I'm not one to give up without a fight, that was not the Wade way.

"Is there no way to heal you or at the very least stop the gates from being open by your death." I asked him as I walked towards the giant.

"Nothing can be done, young dragon, my card is sealed and death shall embrace me today. However I hope you would let me pass on my knowledge and power to one of your family, so that when the time comes, you can fight to close this gate and the many others that would be open should this one be."

"Wait! What? There are other gates elsewhere? Where are they?" I asked him, this was a threat, and I would very much like to eliminate such threats before they can actually threaten us.

"Those gates have not been opened yet, but once this one is, gate makers from hell would be able to build such gates in places of power with dimensional energy. This would be the start of a war between the world of the living and the circles of hell. You must prepare you family, please we're running out of time, get the rest of your family off the island and go far away. It would be impossible for the innocents to be saved, however I believe you can bring vengeance to them, so please go." I understood what he was saying, and it seemed there was no time to waste.

"Raven Song, I believe this Titan guy has something to say or give to you, get to it and let's move. Zareth! Get Zack, Darke and Mack off the island, I'll meet you guys on the ship. Make sure you stay hidden, I'll find you."

With that said I watched as the clones got on Zareth's back, the massive red dragon gave a nod and he flew in from the hallway back into the temple and up out of it's open ceiling. The remaining three players were ignored as there was nothing to be gained from killing them, however I still kept an eye on them as I focused on Raven Song who now had his head completely covered by the massive palm of the Titan. And right in front of me, I watched as his palm began to shrink, and release massive amounts of blinding gold light that covered Raven Song.

Then Raven Song's greyish purple skin began to turn fair and then pure gold. Runic symbols began to show up on his skin as he grew horns and his white hair turned reddish brown. A two grew out from behind his waist, along with a pair of bat like membrane wings. Suddenly the armor on the body of the Titan began totally of his body and right into Raven's, his shield floated and reduced it's size until Raven Song was the one carrying, and following behind was his hammer which slimed down to fit Raven Song's size.

But even if that hammer had slimmer down, it as still two meters long and just as tall as Raven Song. Raven Song's slim frame seemed to add on a little more him as he became a muscular and beefy elf, rather than a slim muscular elf. His eyes were now a blazing gold with three concentric circles within it, and just as his transformation was going on, the Titan's body shrunk until all that was left was frail old man, then he looked at me and smiled, and then slowly he turned into dust and flew away with the wind.

{SYSTEM ALERT: PARTY: Your crew member Raven Song has had his face changed from dark elf to Titan elf, and his class changed to ATLAS DEFENDER/ +65% to party's defense and attack when together with Raven Song/ The party skill (ATLAS SHROUD HAS BEEN ACTIVATED)}

Well that's all good and fine, and quite wonderful if I do say so myself, but currently this entire temple was shaking something fierce and it seems as if it was about to fall on our head. I turned to the players and saw that two of them had already made a run for it, I quickly shifted Sky into her staff form and fired off four (MANA ARROWS) after them, turning them into motes of light before they even got far.

Raven Song and I turned to face the lizard guy, but he was on his knees facing the direction of the temple.

There was a massive black door slowly fading in and out of existence, and with each second that passed it was becoming more and more corporeal, the lizard guy on the other hand had a look on his face reminiscent to that of a man in the throes of an ȯrġȧsm.

"YES! It comes! Can you see hahahaha the gates of hell shall prevail, they shall triumph over you useless heathens! Hahahaha" he spoke with such strength and vigor saliva was flying every which way, and he was heavily drenched in his own sweat. Raven Song scrunched his brows as the guy kept talking.

"Oh sweet Lilith and Noble Lucifer, mother of demons and father of the fallen! I welcome you to the world of the man and their mom! Your servant has prepared a festival of blood for you, come! Cooooomeeeee...…"


"Thank you so much Raven Song, I couldn't take one more second of that guy's fanatical screeches. Come on, let's get the fuċk out of here." I said to Raven song, after he had happily smashed the lizard guy's head to lasts against the tiled floor.

Raven song and it took to the site, he was a little clumsy since this was the first time he was using wings, but none the less he was able to follow being me as we made our way out of the temple and out into the open air. The sky was red as blood and a pressure we didn't feel in the temple was over the island, this was really serious.

{ALERT!: Attention All Players And Indigenes Of The Waking World! A Gate Of Hell Has Sprung Open And Now Demons And Devil's Of The Nine Circles Of Hell Will Now Invade The World Of The Living. All Players Are Expected To Report To Their Guild An Each Guild Report To The Kingdoms Or Planets You Have Your Headquarters In And Prepare To Launch A Resistance Against The Legions Of Hell. THIS IS WAR!}

"Captain; it looks like shit just got real."

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