The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 177 - The Final Trial (III): 7 Deaths

The moment I gave my name, the guy called Locke had his eyes widened to epic proportions, but before he could start asking any other questions, the massive platform with a mosaic of a tree painted on it seemed to ripple as a portal appeared right in the middle of it.

That was probably where the final trial was going to be carried out in, I was confident however I didn't work the three days on the way here just sitting in an airship and the logging out and in. I've done my research, this guy was no pushover, he was like the villain to my anti-hero.

Where I used lightning he used fire, where I used wind he used earth, and where I used magic he used blood. He was a berserker, but as an added bonus he was also a blood mage, I have no idea what sort of class he had, but based on his previous battles, this guy had all the tools necessary to kick my fuċkɨnġ ȧss. But still, this was a game heavily reliant of combat talent and perception, inside the game, I might not be the best, but I've killed enough people to know my way around a fight.

It won't be easy, but this guy was going down. Besides I had trump cards that neither him nor the thousands if not millions of people watching would expect. Besides it was too early for the both of us to jump into conclusions, we have no idea what sort of experience or tertian we would meet once we go through that portal, so it would be better to not underestimate my opponent. I turned to Tiamat and said to her.

"Keep the princess safe, anyone or anything that comes within six feet of her before I get back here, kill it!"

Then I walked forwards to the portal, with Locke right behind me. I didn't generate as I walked through the portal, feeling an intense chill that spread out across my entire body. It was definitely a weird feeling, it was as if I had just been dunks in syrup, really cold syrup and then throw onto dry sand that had pieces of broken glass on it.

{System Alert: Trial Quest!: You have been chosen as the champion for one of the final participants of the trial of revelations. Your job is to retrieve the golden crown hidden within the sub realm and return it to your king or queen before the clock strikes midnight. Please note even if your opponent find the crown, as long as it is still within the sub-realm, you can still and angry if from your opponent, and bring it back on your own./ PENALTY: Failing the trial -20 levels and -40% of all stats./ Rewards: +5 levels, +100 to all stats, a chance to pick one unique skill, one blueprint and one weapon of choice from the vault of he ancient city.}

Well that was quite the reward, I'm sure Mr. Locke got the same offer, and with the game was currently, this was too big a reward to not pay attention, especially for a player who I'm sure was relying mostly on his skills, and equipment to bully people, well we'll see what his made of.

There was bright light and then solid ground under my feet, there was sweet scent lingering in the air, of flowers and green soft grass. In front of me was an ocean, it was peaceful, tranquil, and there was an island in the distance with a house on it. Above my head were numerous floating islands, some where made of rocks with leaves and vines, others were actually made of precious stones and diamonds. Some of them had buildings on them, some of the buildings were dilapidated, in shambles while others were still standing and ornately designed.

Though the other island was a distance away, I could see Locke standing on it, looking directly at me and then up at the floating islands above out head. I ignored him and turned around, just like on his island, mine had a house, it was a simple wooden shack, but I believe it had a purpose.

{All classes and Skills have been disabled. You can still use Equipment, but you will have to choose new skills from the numerous found in the realm. You get a chance to pick a new skill every time you are respawn. If you kill a player, you can absorb his skill and use it to get stronger for the next battle.

The players can kill themselves for as many times as possible with a 60 second interval before respawn without any penalties. The battle will continue until the crown is found, or until the 12 hour deadline runs out. There are no levels, and all stats increment are eliminated. This battle will be fought with your wit, and skills. FOR THE GLORY OF PATMOS & TO THE FUFILLMENT OF PROPHECIES.}

Well that's spooky, and completely unexpected, however as it stands this was just so that the trial would be fair and equal between both of us. It was unexpected and it would force us both to change our game, especially now that we would be using skills we're completely unfamiliar with. But even then, no matter how many times either one of us dies, if he finds the crown before me and is able to get it back to his island, then it's take over for me. This was like a very elaborate capture the flag game, well let's get this over with.

I turned around and went into the house, there wasn't much there, just a table, chairs, and a simple bed. Apart from that the room was hard, however on the table were three skill disks, and if I'm not wrong, I have to pick from one if these three skill disks, to begin the fight.

{FIREBALL: Level 1 basic: shoot a ball of compressed flames to cause damage of 50% of the total sum of your intelligence stat./ Cast: instant/ cost: 5MP/ Cool down: 5 seconds}

{POWER CUT: Level 1 basic: build power within your body and weapon for 3 seconds and deliver a crushing cut at 100% of your total strength value. The longer you build the power, the more damage you can deliver./ Cost: 10 MP/ Cool down 5 seconds}

{POINT BREAK: Level 1 basic: shoot your arrows at a weak point for an extra 100% damage. Speed of arrow during usage of skill is raised by 35%/ cost 10 MP/ Cool down: 5 seconds}

It wasn't hard to make a choice, I took power cut and made my way outside. Fireball and Point break would force me to expose Sky's alternate weapon forms, and as it stands 8t was open knowledge that Aa Seven was someone who had a battle beast capable of changing into a bow and a staff. The helmet is a little bit recent, plus it was really plain with all of the previous designs on it being hidden thanks to Sky's fortitude.

But then again this was just to test the waters, I could use the auxiliary weapons that was packed for me I my inventory, or even the guns too.

However the thing is I don't trust using any other bow or staff if it wasn't Sky in my hand. I don't know if it's a game thing, but I've gotten pretty attached to her. And like I said, it wouldn't be wise exposing all of my cards, especially now that my first trump card has been eliminated.

I looked up at the floating islands, down at the calm sea below and at Locked who just came out of his shack. And then I came to a realization, and I didn't let the time pass me by as I spread my wings and shot up towards the floating islands. With my stats drastically reduced, I wasn't as fast as I was before, but I had a head start.

Just like I calculated, Locke followed after me, his wings were a little bit larger than mine, but that's okay. His wings looked built for power and short distance sprints, mine was built for speed, resilience and stamina. He could keep up and even pass me for a while, but not long enough. I flapped my wings into I got to the first island, there was a peculiar looking spear on it, it had two spear heads both on it's head and base, and it had the faces of demons carved on it.

I grabbed it and then swung it behind me, straight to the raised forearm of Locke who used the bracers on it to defend against the spear. But he was pushed back off the island, his wings caught him, and just in time too as his hands out up and a stream of fire that I couldn't dodge came out of his hands.

{Dark Fire!}

The flames were black and blood red, and they were so widespread that flapping my wings wouldn't have been enough to get me away from the range. The flames washed over my body, and I felt the heat it held, an along with came pain, but it wasn't as intense, and it was only a pain that lasted for a second, before words appears in front of me, along with a countdown.

{You have been Killed by your Opponent! Power Cut skill has been looted! Estimated time to revival: 56 seconds}

Something was very wrong, I reckon that both Locke and I were given the same type of skills, yet his got really powerful. Since we were allowed equipment, I believe he had an equipment that could convert skills to a desk and much more powerful form. Not to mention he knew how to use his skills quite well, he was a pro at playing this game and utilizing his skills in the best possible way.

{Respawn in 5…4…3…2…1….0}

I woke up on the bed within the shack, there were three new set of skills on the table. I didn't waste anytime as I went to pick, without dwelling too much on their description. None of these skills would matter now, I had a plan that I need to take care of anyway. I opened the door only for a spear to stab through my throat, I opened my eyes wide with shock and anger. I really didn't expect this, not one bit, he completely caught me off guard and now it seems I paid a price for my recklessness and inattention.

The same screen I saw came again, and I had to patiently wait for a minute before I could be revived. I didn't want to think too much about it, but as it stands this shit was very much fuċkėd up. Sure I had a plan that I wanted to stick too, but this guy killed me in the most humiliating way possible, I'd like today that it was because I allowed him to do so, but then again I would probably be half lying to myself.

But I think I understand why he was the sin dragon avatar of sloth, the idiot should be looking for the crown, but he's spending it killing me over and over again, trying to stack up points for the most kill. I respawn again on the bed, I picked a skill but went to a window first trying to find any trace of him. There was no sign of him anywhere….or maybe no sign of him anywhere where he could be seen, I smiled as I snuck my head outside the window, only for the same spear to come calling, shearing my head off at the base of the skull. 8 really done want to know how visceral such a sight would have been, but once again it was back to the respawning bed.

Three deaths, it was annoying but it was necessary. He should be looking for the crown by now, at the very least he should be confident enough that I was not as strong or powerful as he was. I took a while before opening the door, my plan was to rush out and take to the sky, and for the first ten seconds, it worked, until a bolt of lightning shot out of the sea and smashed my body to pieces, then there was a fifth time, and a sixth and it was until I got to the seventh death that I realized that my do called plan wasn't going as planned and some other shit was going on.

And then it hit me, Morgan did not need to be the king of the city of Prophecies, he was already the prince of the patmosian, so it doesn't matter how this trial ends, as long as the crown is not found he still wins, the throne is supposed to be his when his father passes anyway.

It was all a ploy and I've been walking right into it like a cool, it was one thing to have a plan, but it as another thing for said plan to be used against you for the benefit of your enemy. By now I'm sure everyone was thinking that I was a cool and wasn't really sensible with the way I've been approaching this fight, by now my image as an idiot had probably been cemented and very much to the advantage of Morgan and Locke. I need to find this crown, Locke really was too lazy to go look for it, killing me as much more fun for him anyway and he didn't need to expend too much energy. Well that changes now.

{Wind School: Sonic Scream: Basic level 1: release an ear piercing scream for 5 seconds that causes 30% damage of the total sum of your full attack. Cause a 5 meter knock back effect and a 5 second dazed debuff after skill has been used.}

I didn't need to even look at the others, this was more than enough to get that fuċkers where I wanted him. This is when the game grumpy begins, and 8 really hope Locke was prepared, because I was massively pissed right now, and it was not a pretty look on my face.

He killed me seven times, I'm going quadruple that number and then multiply that by seven, and then raise that to the power of 100. Yeah I was just that pissed, and unluckily for Locke, he wasn't fighting Aa Seven, he was dancing with Aaron Wade...I'm no one's bitch!

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