The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 194 - Space Virus (IV): Escape

Escaping from this infected would not be too hard for me, after all I had anfdw secret cards up my sleeve, however I just had to know what was going on. I still had a few minutes left before my sight returned, so all I could keep doing was look at them through the use of energy sight, they dragged me until I was right in front of Sky, I had no idea what she looked like now that she was infected, but what I could see with the energy sight was just...ugly.

It was really worse without the ability to see, so as they dragged in front of the infected sky, it was just the sight of thick cloying energy that left me unnerved, whatever it is she looked like now, at least I couldn't see it, because honestly it will piss me the fuċk off. I could run, but I just needed to see where this goes, an infecting n like this was it unlike the havoc my sister was wreaking every where she went, but at the same time this was different. I bowed my head not wanting to look at Any like that again, but the energy sight skill didn't need my eyes, it was as if I would always be able to see and sense the flow of energy whether or not I looked in that direction.

I felt sky place her trunk of my head, it was bigger and colder than usual, I shivered at the touch as she began to make coming and chittering sounds, sounds that Qiatr and the others were more than happy to replicate. This was basically the virus's way of communicating, but I really had no idea what the fuċk it was saying, and honestly it was all a bit upsetting, and then Sky placed her trunk/nose on my forehead while the others held me down, barbs that shouldn't exist on such an appendage stabbed into my head as I felt the injection of liquid into my head.

(Purify has leveled up! Purify has leveled up!/ energy sight has leveled up to basic level 2)

I was being infected just like the others, but I'll be damned if I'll stay here and get turned into a mindless zombie, even as a player such a character is not cool and would only be played by idiots not exactly right in the head. So rather than sit down being held here while my own hate beast infects me with a virus placed on this ship to sabotage us, I'mma skedaddle.

(Air Form)

Their hands and Sky's trunk sunk through my now vaporous form, there was also no eyes in this form, but I didn't need those right now to know I had to get out of here. I twisted myself, spinning as hard as I could to make a small cyclone that pushed everyone n back before I let myself move like the wind that I am, seeping into the cracks of a vent at my feet and into the ship's ventilation system. I had no idea where I was going to be honest, but I just let my instinct lead me to where I'm spoosed to be as I contemplated about the current state of things.

Whoever had done this, had done so with the intention of not leaving an evidence behind, basically we were meant to kill ourselves without leaving any sort of traces behind but the sign of an exposure to a deadly mind altering virus that made us turn on each other. It's a really good plan, but there's no way I'm going to let them succeed, and even more so when we'redone with this crisis, I'm going to find who did this, and rip them apart into as many pieces as I can muster.

Finding my way through the vents weren't as hard as I thought it'll be, eventually I came out into the holding area, looking like nothing more than an imperceptible gust of wind. The Acheron was surrounded by spawns of the viruses, and even more startling was the fact that Zareth was amongst the infected, standing guard as he watched over the ship that seemed to be tightly sealed with no way in or out. I guess I can say that the infected versions of my crews were not too conversant with the skills of their uninfected version, but that was a gamble I didn't want to take as a fight with Safety would tear this ship apart and send us out into the vastness of space, to be frozen to death.

Now for the players it's not exactly a problem, but for the AI's that would simple be a death sentence, so I would rather avoid causing or doing anything that would cost me the life of my friends. I ignored Zareth and floated towards the ship, all of it's turrets and guns were retracted, with only the ion poise cannon at the front being the only way into the ship, but I knew just as well as those Infected that using that cannon to move was a one way ticket to death, it wasn't active or in use now, but there was a constant flux of energy within that cannon, according to Dinah there were residual energy explosions, very tiny ones left behind from every time the cannon was used. Basically it's filled with radiation that would kill even a being made of molecules and cells in seconds.

But in the end I still needed to find a way into the ship, and even if there seems to be no entrance into it, I'll have no choice but to make my own way in. I floated around the Acheron, my eyes peeled until I found what I was looking for, a small window that was open and led into the residential cabins. It was at dey and still fully capable of stopping anything and anyone from getting in, but the thing is I now had access to the ship, or basically I could see inside a lot more easier than normal, which means I could go in.

Using this skill means I could only teleport in a linear direction, but basically I have to be able to see where I'm going, if not I should have been able to find my way into the ship based on memory alone, and even more amazing was the fact that I suddenly realized I had used the skill in my air form, it was incredible to say the least, it left a lot of options open for me when it comes to combat in the future.

It didn't take long to find the rest of the few in the control room, huddle around a magically crafted display of the cargo ship. I cancelled my skill, and reformed right in their middle, only to have a legendary sniper rifle pointed at my face, and a containment field of some sort raised up by Houki, which surprised me. I looked around and couldn't help but smile sheepishly as I waved at them.

"Hey guys...I'm back?" but even then they didn't seem all too keen and happy about my appearance, after all; Tiamat still has a gun pointed to my face.

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