The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 22 - The Island Of Patmos (VIII): Next Fight

When I logged in I was not in my cell, but rather my cubicle in the waiting area. I looked up and discovered that a Patmosian guard was standing watch over me. As soon ad he saw that I was awake, he turned and left, without saying a single thing.

It hit me a moment later, that since I was logged off, my avatar would have been just a lifeless body that they had to carry around. I was left defenseless within a city of hostiles, that was stupid, but I didn't really have a choice. I still had twenty battle points from wining my last fight, and a whooping 1211 from the betting pool. And as if that was not enough, I had 10.202 million gold dollars from the general betting pool.

I was rich, but that was not the end of it. I made 10 million by putting up my previous 80 thousand, but the gambling company or whatever was in charge of the gambling paid me 25 million gold dollars, as a ten percent cut for winning my match and winning them a lot of money.

It made me realize quite a few things, one: Patmosians are very rich, really rich! I deduced that they would be the ones betting against me the most, and because of patriotism or something, they would be betting a lot and banking on Qitar to defeat me. They must have been really sure of her strength, and she would have beaten me if not for the bow given to me by the elven minister. Two: fighting and gambling seems to be quite a lucrative business, which is why it was probably endorsed and accepted by the governing bodies of lost Descendants online.

But now the problem seems to be that, I have no idea what to do with this much money. Which was why I pushed that dilemma aside and chose to focus on pressing matters. I bought the skill Nature Heal and Wind Stride: wings, completing the arsenal of skills I felt I needed at the moment. After my research I learnt that skills were learnt by placing them against the forehead for a few moments, and the memory disks would transfer knowledge of the skill straight into the mind of my Avatar.

It wasn't exactly a pleasant experience for me, learning five skills in a row sort of made me feel a little woozy, but at least I was okay. With the learning of the skills taken care of, I felt the need to allocate a few stat and skill points, just to be prepared. At the moment I had 18 stat points and 11 skill points. I was still stockpiling, so instead spending everything, I raised the level of all new skills by 1. Though in the long run I don't think it mattered, because I realized that skills only had qualitative changes to their power at level 5. But even then, this was better than nothing.

I allocated 2 stat points to each of my stats, without a class I was going in blind here, though I felt that there was no reason to be too worried about it. I've been doing fine without classes so far. With these preparations done, I checked my status.

Name: Aaren/ Level: 20(35.472.480/104.857.600)/ Class: N/A

Race: Dragon Kin Tribrid(Dragon/High Elf/Human)

Title: Thrill Seeker

Attack: 22/ Defense: 17/ Speed: 22/ Magic: 27

Hp 34/34(300) MP 54/54

Stat points:10 Skill points:6

Passive skills:

•Nature buff (level 1) basic + 2% to all nature oriented skills, spells, or tasks.

•Wind child(level 4) basic. +5% to all wind oriented skills and spells.

•Precise Aim(level 5) basic. +10% to aim when in motion, +15% to aim when stationary.

•Nature Heal(level 2)basic. +15% to HP and MP regeneration around things of nature like forests, seas, or even simple plants. /Active Activation: Heals 15% of HP and MP by drawing essence from nature. (Cost 10 MP) (cool down 45 seconds)

Active skills:

•Shoot(level 6) basic. +10% damage and speed for projectile weapons. (Cost 5 MP) (cool down 20 seconds)

•Glide(level 1) basic. Glide in the air for 15 seconds. + 5% to speed during flight. (Cost 20 MP) (cool down 40 seconds)

•Hard punch(level 6) basic. Hit your opponent for 80% extra of your total attack. Speed +10% during skill.(cost 10 MP) (cool down 20 seconds)

•Homing Shot(level 3) basic. Chase and attack any target in sight with projectiles. +15% damage within a radius of 25 meters.(cost 10 MP) (cool down 120 seconds)

•Vacuum Palm (level 3) basic. Hit Targets with a wind element Palm attack. +20% damage and knock back effect. 5% chance to confuse opponents. (Cost 7 MP) (cool down 15 seconds)

•Wind Stride: Wings(level 2 ) basic. Use the power of wind to increase movement speed by 100% for 10 seconds. (Cost 15 MP) (cool down 35 seconds)

•Mana Arrow(level 2) basic. Summon an arrow of pure mana to cause 20% magical and physical damage in a range of 15 meters. (Cost 5 MP) (cool down 15 seconds)

•Mana Slash(level 2) basic. Coat a bladed weapon with mana an attack for +25% magical and physical damage. Has a 15% chance to ignore magical and physical defense. (Cost 5 MP) (cool down 10 seconds)

Augmented racial trait:

•Gills (III): Breathe underwater for eight hours

•Swim Bladder: +60% to speed underwater, converse with aquatic creatures

I felt that maybe I could buy a new armor or something, but I was not really feeling the need to get a new one. So far I've been doing good with the old one, and going on a spending spree was not my style. I had to plan my expenditure and allocate my funds properly. Who knows what might come up in the future, and I suddenly find my self in need of money. So barring that, I checked my account balance, to see how much money I currently owned.






After I checked my balance with the hologram in the cubicle, the metal grate beside me opened up, and a fancy looking wristband with a golden color scheme and silver highlights was thrust at me. It took me a whole of ten minutes to figure out what it was, and that was because there were a lot of numbers in it. I realized later on that it was like an identification card, but also a credit card, a drivers license, and watch that told the time and my location.

I felt stupid and could only blame my intense hate for numbers, we had something like this in the real world. It's quite shocking that I didn't get what it was the moment I saw it. But there was no need dwelling on that, I had to keep my focus and get this damn thing over with.

I opened the challenge panel to see if there was anyone I could challenge, that was a mistake. There was not going to be a problem with searching for people to challenge, because it seems like at the moment, everyone, was challenging me.

It took me a while to sort through the lists of challengers, before settling on my third opponent. He's or it, considering this species did not have any confirmed male or female gender. But for the sake of functionality I'll say he's a he. My next opponent was Perivocle. An aquatic humanoid species with spiral coral shells on their back, and hair made of tentacles that ended with a bright glowing luminescent ball sack.

Not much was known about this species: apparently they were reclusive, and hardly ever came out of their underwater coral cities. This Perivocle is a water mage, and his name...…..was just to insane for me to pronounce, so I'll call him what everyone else was calling him, and that was Shell.

I accepted his challenge, and almost immediately we were slotted to have a battle in two minutes. It was quite hurried, but I had no problem with that. I'm sure that by now, nobody would be underestimating me, which meant people would be betting for me rather than against me. So joining a betting pool this time doesn't seem to plausible, though just to be safe, I'll place 50 battle points in the fighters betting pool, and a 100 thousand in the general betting pool. Let's get this part started, the sooner I finish with this tournament, the faster I can get my overpowered weapon/pet back from this annoying Patmosians. Time to dance with a crustacean jelly fish man, what could go wrong.

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