The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 24 - The Island Of Patmos (X): I-Am-Supreme-On-Ground

The moment the fight began, I shot towards the moleman. Running towards him with an arrow nocked in my bow. When I was just ten meters away from him, the earth beneath my feet lurched up, and threw me into the air. Almost immediately, an earth spike was also heading for my face, but I flapped my wings and moved higher into the air, and then released the arrow I had prepared.

It flew through the air and slammed into the grey rock like helmet I Am Supreme On...…..fuck it! I'm just going to call him Supreme.

A significant part of the helmet was chipped away, and his beady black eyes were exposed to the world. But almost immediately, the helmet regenerated and I was left gaping like an idiot. And then I remembered I also had an armor given to me, but I had forgotten about it in my haste to finish all my fights...….I'm really stupid.

Another spike flew towards me from the ground, stretching upwards in the form of a pillar. I banked left, and then right dodging another spike, and then flapping upward and back flipping to dodge another that flew right past my face.

The spikes rose up from the ground at an incline, and as Supreme sent more and more of them at me, the ground was rapidly turning into an earth cage of sorts. But all good things must come to an end, as Supreme either ran out of Mana, or his skill was going into a cool down. Which works fine for me.

I alighted on one of the spikes, and began to slide down it's frame as it sloped downwards. And as I did so, I nocked another arrow and fired. The shoulder guards of his grey rock armor was cracked as my arrow lodged itself firmly in the armor's frame.

The speed of the second arrow was faster than the first, and the third would be faster too. This was the wind mark skill of my bow, and someone as fast as Qitar could only deflect five of it, with six and seven being direct hits. Supreme was fast, but not as fast as Qitar.

While he was shocked by the impact of the second arrow, I had already nocked the third and released it. This time the arrow slammed into his abdomen, and by the gasp released behind his helmet, I was sure this one went in.

Enrage he gabbed a double edged axe hanging on his back, and slammed it on the ground. A ridge of earth spikes shot out of the ground and headed in my direction with a vengeance. I moved back a few steps, but still the ridge followed, popping out more spikes in it's attempts to catch me. I flapped my wings, in an attempt to fly over it since this earth spike ridge seemed to be a little closer to the ground. Scarcely had I gone up into the air when another earth spike suddenly appeared and speared through my foot.


But pain was something I was familiar with, and I was not going to let that stop me. I pulled out the fourth arrow and shot it almost immediately without stopping to aim. The fourth arrow missed, but it slowed Supreme down as he wanted to be cautious. Big mistake.

I pulled out the fifth and fired. He swung his axe downwards to intercept, but the arrow was faster as it went past his falling axe, sticking close to it's shaft until the arrow tip met his fingers and sliced through three of them.

Supreme let out a yell of intense pain as he lost his grip on his axe, and backpedaled a bit in pain as red blood flowed from the stump where his missing fingers once stood. I pulled out the sixth arrow and used homing shot, sending it straight to his forehead.

The arrow slammed into his grey helmet, splitting much of it into pieces and exposing his soft pink forehead. The helmet was rapidly degenerating, but by then it was too late. I had already nocked the seventh arrow, and used shoot to release it.

The arrow shot out of my bow with an intense silver light, splitting the air as it went and drove right through his forehead and coming out the back of his skull. The arrow kept it's trajectory until it went ahead an disappeared into the shimmering curtain that was the gate to the arena.

Supreme looked shocked, and could hardly believe he had lost. This was his fifth and final battle, if he won this, he would have qualified for the next stage of the trials. But I knocked him out, and from the murderous gaze in his beady black eyes, he absolutely hated my guts.

His body burst into a shower of light and floated up into the darkness, probably heading to the next respawn point. I pulled my sword out, and sliced the top of the spike that was holding my leg in place. Then I painfully pulled it up, blood dripping from it and rapidly pooling on the ground.

"Ladies and gentlemen! What a sight! Just like his battle with Qitar, the phenomenon that is Seven had taken out his opponent with the seventh shot of his bow. It makes me wonder if there's anyone who could live to see him string his eight arrow, much less shoot it. Marvelous, just marvelous. Ladies and gentlemen, winning his fourth battle, I give you Seven!"

I hated the announcers voice, I really did. But it's best that I don't let that worry me. I had a wound to take care of. I hobbled my way back to my cubicle, leaving a trail of bloody foot prints in the process. I could feel myself healing, courtesy of my nature heal skill, but it was not fast enough for me.

So I bought two health potions, a mana potion and helpful serving of Jitusat steamed ocean delight. It was fish, lot's of it, chopped into numerous tiny pieces and glazed with a sauce that made my stomach rumble. I really wish Sky was here to enjoy this with me.

By the time I finished eating, I was already healed up and ready for my next and final fight. However my armor had already been ruined and messed up by the constant fights, and it's durability was really low. It was time to upgrade my equipment, because if my previous fight has taught me anything, it's that a player's real strength was mainly but not always determined by the kind of equipment they had on.

[Battle Suit Of Draconic Prophecies(Full body leveling armor)/ Grade: Earth/ Hidden Grade: Undetermined/ Requirements: Recognition of the tree of Revelations, Draconic bloodline.]

[+ 50% to physical strength, + 50% to movement speed, + 60% to attack, + 60% to attack speed, + 60% to defense, + 700 to health and Mana pool]

[Skill(1). Dragon Wrath: increase all stats by 500% for 5 minutes, during skill duration, immune to all control skills, debuffs, and curses. After skill duration ends, all stats would be weakened by 100% for three hours. (Cost 450 mp) (cool down 24 hours)]

[Devour 5 normal armors and 1 draconic armor of the earth grade to increase grade to heaven. Bound to player Aaren/7]

What the hell! Is there something wrong with this tree or something. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that a tree, whose people intended to use me as a slave, who would fight to entertain them: would be so generous.

With armor like this, as long as I was willing to keep upgrading it, I don't think I'll ever need to change or buy any other armor. This was plenty strong to last me the entire duration of playing this game. Though the cost of getting it stronger seems insanely expensive.

I equipped the armor, and I had to say it was tailored for me. It was not bulky, just a battle suit that clung to my body, with metallic highlights that covered my abdomen, shoulders and my fore arm. It had boots that were a deep shade of dark blue, almost to the point of looking black. But the main attraction had to be my wings: they were completely encased and covered in a sort of soft metal that felt really comfortable to me.

Now the battle suit completely covered my wings with a metal casing, and at the end, my feathers, were edge and sharpened. Bringing another weapon into my arsenal, and one that was deadly. Next on the agenda would be the accessory from the church of Adonai.

[Holy Ring Of Protection(blessed item)/Grade: Mortal/ Hidden Grade: Earth/ Requirements: Acknowledgment of the church of Adonai, conversion(optional]

[Creates an invisible halo of protection and blessing around the wearer. +10 to hidden stat luck, + 50% extra damage against undead and followers of evil. + 40% to defense against dark spells and skills of the evil alignment. Immunity against mesmerizing spells and skills.]

Okay Hallelujah. I guess this is just telling me to dive head first against all of the bad dudes and things of this world, a real hero of the light...…..shit! For some reason; I feel that accepting this cross would put me in a boat load of trouble. But I was not in the habit of refusing free gifts, so I guess I'm keeping it.

[Elven Royal Sword (Wind blessed)/ Grade: Earth/ Hidden Grade: none]

[+ 60% to attack speed and damage. + 40% wind element damage]

Well the sword didn't seem as overpowered as the other equips, but it was ornately crafted with golden highlights, and a hole right in the middle of the blade, that stretched from the hilt, to four inches below the tip. The sword was shaped like a saber, only thinner, however both edges were sharp. One edge was curved like a falchion or Jian sword, while the other was straight like a traditional double edged long sword. It found it's place nicely on my back.

After my fight with Supreme I actually made 40 thousand gold dollars, it was surprising, but it seems someone or a lot of people thought supreme could beat me, well he almost did. But it's the outcome that counts, not the way I got here.

So far I've only been online for an hour, and I've completed two fights in record time, and I was going to go for the third one, right after I finish learning the two extra skills I got.

Name: Aaren/ Level: 20(35.472.480/104.857.600)/ Class: N/A

Race: Dragon Kin Tribrid(Dragon/High Elf/Human)

Title: Thrill Seeker

Attack: 22/ Defense: 17/ Speed: 22/ Magic: 27

Hp 34/34(700) MP 54/54(700)

Stat points:10 Skill points:6

Passive skills:

•Nature buff (level 1) basic + 2% to all nature oriented skills, spells, or tasks.

•Wind child(level 4) basic. +5% to all wind oriented skills and spells.

•Precise Aim(level 5) basic. +10% to aim when in motion, +15% to aim when stationary.

•Nature Heal(level 2)basic. +15% to HP and MP regeneration around things of nature like forests, seas, or even simple plants. /Active Activation: Heals 15% of HP and MP by drawing essence from nature. (Cost 10 MP) (cool down 45 seconds)

Active skills:

•Shoot(level 6) basic. +10% damage and speed for projectile weapons. (Cost 5 MP) (cool down 20 seconds)

•Glide(level 1) basic. Glide in the air for 15 seconds. + 5% to speed during flight. (Cost 20 MP) (cool down 40 seconds)

•Hard punch(level 6) basic. Hit your opponent for 80% extra of your total attack. Speed +10% during skill.(cost 10 MP) (cool down 20 seconds)

•Homing Shot(level 3) basic. Chase and attack any target in sight with projectiles. +15% damage within a radius of 25 meters.(cost 10 MP) (cool down 120 seconds)

•Vacuum Palm (level 3) basic. Hit Targets with a wind element Palm attack. +20% damage and knock back effect. 5% chance to confuse opponents. (Cost 7 MP) (cool down 15 seconds)

•Wind Stride: Wings(level 2 ) basic. Use the power of wind to increase movement speed by 100% for 10 seconds. (Cost 15 MP) (cool down 35 seconds)

•Mana Arrow(level 2) basic. Summon an arrow of pure mana to cause 20% magical and physical damage in a range of 15 meters. (Cost 5 MP) (cool down 15 seconds)

•Mana Slash(level 2) basic. Coat a bladed weapon with mana an attack for +25% magical and physical damage. Has a 15% chance to ignore magical and physical defense. (Cost 5 MP) (cool down 10 seconds)

•Stealth(level 1) basic. Turn invisible for sixty seconds. Stealth is broken when attacked or attacking. Every first hit from stealth is a critical. (Cost 10 MP) (cool down 120 seconds)

•Purify(level 1) basic. Purify all things unclean and unholy. +100% chance to clear all debuffs, curses and poison. + 70% damage against the undead, +40% damage against dark creatures. (Cost 5 MP) (cool down 60 seconds)

Augmented racial trait:

•Gills (III): Breathe underwater for eight hours

•Swim Bladder: +60% to speed underwater, converse with aquatic creatures

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