The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 30 - Trial Of The First Ring (VI): Elven Clones

Ron, and Nanny Florence were not in the house. Apparently it seems like they had quite a few things to go take care off, and since I was a little busy playing the game, she was not willing to leave Ron alone in the house, not even with all the new bodyguards we had.

So in that regard I just had a quick meal, used the bathroom, and logged back into the game. When I opened my eyes, Sky was resting on one of the numerous white armchairs within the villa. I felt sorry for the little elephant, and it was mainly because I had no idea what she might have gone through during her captivity.

But I had to go take care of somethings, but I couldn't leave her behind, neither did I want to wake her up. So I busied myself exploring the villa, and trying to understand the facilities built within.

It took me a lot less than expected, and that was because I was moving so fast my eyes and head could hardly keep track of my motion. I had a significant amount of bonuses to movement speed and physical strength, from the equipment I have.

But it seems the bonuses have to be in balance with a players stats to have the most optimum effects. I had good speed, but not the body or the mental capacity to use it to it's fullest capacity. I was bȧrėly coasting through at the moment, and any attempt to move really fast, usually ends up with me having a headache.

I think to offset that balance, I need to place a little focus on improving my constitution and intelligence stat. Maybe a little bit of wisdom and dexterity too; to make sure I could move properly with such speed.

But that aside, I discovered the villa had five bedrooms, each with it's own bathrooms. Two kitchens, a garden, a pool, a massive garage that looked more like a airport hanger to me, and an expansive lawn with well trimmed grass.

I also discover that it had a holographic device, just like the one in the cubicle, back in the waiting area. It was through that I was able to apply for a new communication device, and a little air car. Both things cost me a little over 300 thousand gold dollars. There were less expensive ones, and if I didn't ask for a delivery straight to my doorstep, I could have spent less. But I had the money to spend, and I really didn't want to explore at the moment, not with my departure to another planet looming and happening in under two hours.

The air car and communication device were delivered right to my doorstep in under forty minutes. I had the Patmosian movers place the car in the garage, said goodbye and placed the new communications device around my wrist.

It was a lot sleeker than the one issued by the bank, and it seemed to be made from a sort of gleaming silver material. I could've changed the color scheme, but the default was just good enough for me. As soon as I placed it on my wrist, the old device lit, followed quickly by the new one.

Lines of code and words began to flit across the screen of both com devices, almost as if they were sharing data or something. Just after a minute it stopped, and the old devices began to fold itself, like it was some sheet of paper. And it kept folding and folding, becoming smaller until there was nothing there anymore. I wonder if it would keep folding itself for eternity, getting more and more smaller, leaving it stuck in the quantum realm like that old movie ant man.






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Well that looks nice. So with that out of the way, what do I do next...…..well I guess I'll just take a nap then. I've not slept in the game yet, wonder how that feels.


I made my way towards the door, and opened it up. In front of me were four elves, armors exquisitely, and looking well prepared. Then selling point about all four elves was that they were a complete copy of each other, like clones of the same person.

"Greetings Master Aaren Seven, I'm elven Shock trooper 0994733219,I'm here with my fellow soldiers and our cargo ship to lead you to M.A.S on orders of the minister. I believe we have to go and pick up a ship."

*blink* *blink*

"Don't you have another name that I can call you. Because all those numbers don't work for me." I said to him as I shifted my gaze to the other three. I was sure with at least a 85% accuracy, that the rest of them also had numbers for names.

"Forgive me master Aaren, but we're clones, we're made only to serve on the battlefield as the vanguard of the glorious elven civilization. We have no need for names, and even then we've never been deemed worthy to be named either, we're not real people."

As he said that I could hear his voice dropping to a whisper. Now I'm all for sitting down, and connecting with clone boys here, but there's somewhere we had to be. So let's just take the shortest way out.

"Okay as long as you guys are with me, you're Mack, Zack, Jack and Darke. Remember your names boys, now let's get out of here. Sky! Let's go."

And then I walked past them, with Sky following close behind me, head and trunk raised high like some sort of queen and all four elves were her retinue. At the docking bay of my villa, a massive space ship was hanging there. It was about the length of a commercial airplane, and but a whole lot wider, and more futuristic, with cannons and stuff.

"This is a cargo ship, it's defensive and attacking properties are bad, but it's speed is quite good. We should be able to get you to your destination in 40 minutes after jumping into hyper space. Since it uses a hyper drive, rather than a warp drive, we have to make three jumps at the minimum to navigate and prevent ourselves from being torn to bits. Since the ship is mainly for transport, I'm afraid it doesn't do much in the way of luxury. So please bear with it Master Aaren." Zack or was Jack, no this is definitely Mack...…Arghhh! I need to find a way to identify these guys.

Either way, I got the feeling that these guys respected me a lot. Don't know why, but I'm sure I'll find out eventually. We made our way onto the grey ship, which was divided into three sections. There was a main section that took up 70% of the ship's space as a cargo hold, the remaining 30 was shared between the crew quarters and ċȯċk pit.

Since this was not going to be too long a flight, there was no need to place me in s room, so I strapped myself and Sky in, and prepared for the take off. The ship started with a soft hum as one of the elves ran a systems diagnostic check, placing special attention to the power cell capacity, the current state of the hyper drive and how long it would take for it to charge so a jump could be initiated.

I'm sure it was a lot complicated than that, but they were trying to simplify it for me. Seriously I don't need them to dumb it down, as long as it had nothing to do with numbers, I could probably take this ship apart and put it back together in seconds. I just won't be able to do anything about the navigation and other computing systems that had to do with calculations. Give me a wrench and a spanner, and I'll show you magic.

The ship moved away from my villa's bay, rising slowly into the air, going as high as possible until it was right above the tree itself. And then I saw a sight that almost made my heart drop. Right on the top of the tree, amidst a dense foliage of leaves and branches was a majestic city. With how big the tree was, which was bigger than I imagined, this city covered a lot of space.

"That's the city of prophets Zebedee. But it's uninhabited, and would remain so until the chosen that would be king comes, defeats the demon general Sortovat and free the island of Patmos from his oppression. Or so the story goes."

I was bȧrėly listening at this point, and that was because my eyes were glued to the majestic silver towers, the paved streets and the futuristic looking buildings that nestled on the top of tree of revelations. Then we went past the city, and I could see the barrier that covered the entire basin that the tree and the entire Patmosian civilization resided.

But just before the barrier, ahead of us was a ring made of silver rocks, and their edges were lined with metal. The ring was huge, it covered the entire surface area of the crown of the tree, and would let the entire tree go through it's hole if it so wished.

On the stones and metal, symbols were etched onto it, as we got close one of the elves had a tiny device hanging from the control board of the cargo ship. He Inputted a few numbers, and the symbols began to glow, and right at the center of the ring, a storm actually appeared, crackling with lighting and booming with thunder.

Before I could say anything we flew right through it and a feeling of intense cold suffused my body, cashing every hair on my body to raise on end like I was electrocuted or something. I closed my eyes a bit, and when I opens them, there was a wide expanse of black and twinkling lights in front of me. I turned to Sky and said to her.

"Welcome to space little one."

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