The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 4 - Logging In (I): Character Creation

[Initializing hub space...…..hub space generated.]

[New user recognized. Do you wish to bind this pod to your account.]

[Binding process initiated.....Bound.]

[Warning! Unauthorized prerecorded message detected. Orientation unknown! Initiating log off sequence...….log of sequence interrupted. Attempting to call for technical ȧssistance...…call back blocked. Playing message]

"Oma mi(my child). This feels exciting doesn't it, you're just like all those heroes from the novels I read you when you were young. I ȧssume you're older now, hopefully not too old. You have a secret inheritance, hidden in a game 30 times the size of earth, and with the new update, that's just one planet and dimension among the millions out there. It could be anywhere! But don't worry it'll come to you once you're strong enough.

Enyo the real world is a much harder place, and if your fath...…I mean your grandfather, if your grandfather does decide to give you a part of his fortune, then he's going to be throwing you into shark infested waters. The life of an elite socialite, or the wealthy heir to a billion dollar company is not all parties and hot models. It's a battlefield Aaron, one you have to fight everyday until you know that you're the only king on the mountain.

I don't need to tell you this, but don't trust your father, or his wife. In fact I would say don't trust anybody, but living life like that would be torture, and that's something I don't want for you. Be careful of the people you trust, and sleep with one eye open. Get a bodyguard, or a dozen, and make friends with all the important people and their children. You'll be playing two games at the same time Aaron, and it's important that you win both. Keep your identity as a gamer separate from your identity as an heir to the Imperium cooperation.

When you're powerful enough, both in the game and outside of it, you can let the world know who you really are. I'm sorry, this message is totally out of context and without structure; but this might be the last time you're hearing my voice, the last time I get to talk to my son...….and I have so many things to say that I don't know where to start. First of, once you start working at the company, or even if you don't get to work there, just in case things don't go according to plan.

You have to track and locate three people. This individuals have in their possession, evidence that could expose the criminal dealings of not just half the board of directors, including your father, but also a couple of international figures, both in the government and private sector.

There are three people, with three different set of information, and each part is useless without the other, so you need all three to make sense of what I left behind. Aaron you have to be careful, because this knowledge would shake the foundations of the world, causing an upheaval that has not been seen since the fourth world war. You should really take my advice and get those bodyguards.

I'm not supposed to do this, but what kind of mother would I be, if I don't give my son access to a cheat item in the game our family has designed and perfected over successive generations. Cheat items like equipment, resources and special locations in this game are not found. They're earned, and in the most surprising ways. You must perform every quest like it was a real life scenario, even the basic ones. And make sure every repeatable quest you get, must be completed at least 25 times. Volunteer in temples and churches, but stay away from the dark ones.

I very much prefer if you were a force for good rather than evil, but whatever tickles your fancy. Talk to bosses, yes do that. Every boss has an advanced AI as the core of their being. You could get a lot of benefits from them. In this game just swinging a sword or shooting a gun won't get you to the top; Just like real life Aaron, you can't just play the Lost Descendants; you have to live in it. I love you."

[Message ended....proceed to opening scene...]

She was right, there really was no context to her message. But that's how I remember my mother. She was messy, forgetful, had her head stuck in the clouds most of the time, and let her imagination carry her away more than once. But she was also beautiful, a schemer and the most brilliant person I've ever met.

I miss her very much, and I hate the fact I had to bury an empty casket the day I had to say good bye to her. I think I just realized that my whole life, there's been shadows hanging at every corner, my mom and grandfather did their very best to protect me from it.

There was bright light in front of me, and I felt the world shift. I looked down, to see a galaxy of stars, and planets.

The boundlessness of space was exposed to me, and it looked truly beautiful. Then I felt it rumble, and a speck of orange light in the distance flared. Then it expanded as a massive wave of fire and rocks spread across space, burning everything in it's path, turning millions of luscious green planets with great bodies of water to nothing more than grey balls of ash and smoke.

Moons exploded, some turned to massive chunks of crystals. Many suns and stars imploded into themselves, causing a chain reaction that burnt everything in sight. Some of the sun and stars began to freeze over, turning from great big balls of burning gas, to great big balls of frozen planets.

It was cataclysmic, another big bang and the veritable end of all life in the universe. After everything had burnt around me, it all went dark. And that's when I heard it. I've never been off world before, but I've watched a lot of documentaries and movies about interstellar travel. I knew the sound either a warp engine, or a hyper space engine made when they traveled.

And that's when I saw them, space ships, numbering in the millions, different civilizations from different corners of the universe. Some of them attacked others, some were attacked themselves. Others made alliances, and some stayed on their own. They all traveled the same direction in the boundless darkness that is space.

Many of them fell behind, their engines going cold as they ran out of power to sustain themselves. Some didn't loose power but instead fell to some disaster either from space, or within their ships. Many races went extinct, others were ȧssimilated by more powerful civilizations that shared similar traits. After countless years and when it seemed as if life in the universe was truly at an end, they found hope.

There was loud bang, as deep drum beats resounded. And epic musical score began to play. It was the kind of music that would get your blood pumping for action. Peaking over the edge of a frozen moon was a hint of planet, and beyond it was a big beautiful sun. Slowly the moon moved away and the planet was exposed in all it's splendor. It was green, but it was also blue, very blue.

Without a doubt, what I was looking at was earth. The same continents, but only a lot bigger, like 20 to 30 times the size if not more. The sun flashed as words etched themselves out of starlight and the entire scene froze.

The Lost Descendants Online

[Initializing character creation menu.]

The world turned upside down again, and I found myself floating above a platform, surrounded by white pillars and a sea of clouds. This was the kind of scene you would see in a fantasy movie. A screen sprung up in front of me.

[Choose racial template. Full breed/Hybrid/Tribrid/Blank.]

Thinking about my choices gave out explanations about them. A full breed means you're a full blood member of a race. Hybrids are explainable as they usually mean someone is a child of members of two different races. Tribids fall under the same spectrum, by having either one or two hybrids as parents, causing for a mixture of races in their children.

Blanks mean you don't have a race, and as such you would start without a gender and racial bonuses. It would be up to you to explore the game and build your own unique race from the ground up.

This must be a new option that came with the recent update, but no way in hell am I choosing that. I like having a dɨċk, whether I'm in the real world or a game, besides the blanks option is a gamble. No one knows what they'll end up like.

And then a list containing over five hundred races showed up in front of me. My jaw was hanging halfway down my mouth at the sheer number of possibilities. It would take me forever to choose. But the list should have a filter.

"Filter the list until there are races good with magic and as an added bonus, a magical race with good physical abilities."

I was fishing in troubled waters, but I just hoped it turns out fine. Did it even allow filtering, or were they races that actually matched that criteria. I didn't have to wait long, and three names showed up on the screen.

High Elves



High elves were marksmen and swordsmen, having really good bonuses to ranged classes and skills, and mastery over rune magic, healing magic, and oracular magic. They're mostly rangers and druids, but have extremely strong and lithe bodies that makes them very fast.

The dragons are just that, dragons with control over a particular element. While I wouldn't have a human form as a dragon, I will have strength, speed, flight, and control over a particular element of my choosing. Classes for dragons are rare, and difficult to describe. But they're given classes based on a players mode of play.

The Yaksha demons are scary looking to say the least. They're a race of demonic priests, but being seven foot tall, with muscles, grey skin, huge horns and a very tensile tail did not look priestly. Masters of curse and black magic, and a very special blend of sinister summoning abilities, made them a recipe to be one of the most malevolent classes. No thank you.

"I choose high elf for one of my racial templates and wind dragon for the second."

High elves were sėxy looking, and my mom wanted me to be a force for good. Which better race to do so than an elf, and who wouldn't want to be a fire breathing dragon, but in this case wind. I chose that because I wanted to build on my racial strengths.

Elves are known for their speed, and closeness to nature, being masters of wind, earth, water and green magic. Diversity is good, but building upon a solid foundation with the same shaped brick, rather than a new type is better. I'll be going for a speed combatant, both in spells and melee. And being an elf and a dragon gave me options for that.

"Filter the list until you have races with good exploratory and production skills, and capable of combat too."






Beast man

The list went on for quite a while, but I had already made my decision. I'm sure I'm not the first person to choose this particular arrangement, but it suited me just fine. I picked human. Most of the races mentioned had one thing in common, and that was their short height, and love for dirt and shiny things. I was a 183 centimeters, and I loved my height. How could I be a beacon for good if I was as short as a ten year old.

[Template accepted. Generating race....race generated. User is now a Dragon Kin. Racial distribution are at Dragon 40% High elf 35% and human 25%. Would you like to alter.]

With the dragon gene having more concentration than the other genes, it made me look more like a reptilian man, rather than a normal human or elf. I shifted it so that elf had 40% dragon 40% and human 20%. By making the elf gene equal to the dragon gene, I made it a major contender, so with the help of the similar human gene, normal features won over draconic ones. I felt a tingle all over my body as I changed.

My height remained the same, skin color was also the same light brown, synonymous with the children of white and black parents. My hair turned into a shiny silver that fell to the middle of back, my eyes became a peculiar shade of green and blue. I had no idea what that color was called, but at different angles it was green and at others blue.

My ears became tipped, not extravagantly like a real elf, but just a little bit longer than a half elf's. And then finally the crazy sensation on my back to show I had wings that were a weird combination of membrane and feathers.

[Input Character Name.]


I did not really have a good naming sense, and using either of my real names would have been stupid. It's the first rule of gaming, never use your real life name for your in game avatar. My mom made sure to beat that into my skull.

[Name chosen. Generating starter planet, generating starter city. Welcome to Lost Descendants Online.]

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