The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 45 - The Second Trial (IV): All Hands On Deck

Spending a Saturday with Ron was quite illuminating, he was rather spirited for some reason, and I had to run after him half the time to make sure he didn't hurt himself or anything. The only problem with that, has to stem from the fact that I was the one who ended up getting hurt. Which is why when he started sleeping, I welcomed the respite. But at the very least, I could officially begin my voyage in lost descendants, so I logged back in.

When I opened my eyes, I wasn't in my spacious bedroom in the villa, rather I was in a smaller room, a little bit futuristic with it's all metal interior, the display screens, work table, and sliding glass door that led to a balcony on the back of the ship. I was on the Acheron's Grace. But with how steady the ship was, it's obvious we've not started moving yet.

I got up, and went towards the balcony, the glass doors sliding open as I got close to them, they seem to work on motion sensors. I looked out towards the island behind us, watching closely as jagged rocks rose around it's entire perimeter, thick storm clouds hung over it's head, and the huge body of the demon Sortovat, rustling the tree line, as he moved to and fro.

To be honest I wasn't exactly sure how me and Sky had survived being noticed by the demon, but I'm glad he didn't. We would have been having a very different conversation right now if I should be honest, and such conversations only means that I'm screwed.

I closed my eyes, and spread my wings. I loved the feeling in them as they caught the wind and sweet scent of the sea's breeze ȧssailed by nose. Was this really a virtual world? Technology was awesome, but to simulate something this grand, this wonderful...…I feel like we're a century to early for that. But I could be wrong and this was just a really good game, besides the idea of this being a real world...…..forget it! I think I might have read a little too many webnovels.

I turned around and went back into what I now think should be the captain's quarters. I was wearing simple clothes, and my armor was hung on a mannequin at the edge of the room. There was a walk in closet that had a few clothes and shoes in it, but it was almost bȧrė, and it made me feel sort of ashamed. I needed to get more clothes, but that's trouble for another day.

There was a bathroom, and while I didn't feel the need to shower, I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. And I did. The bathroom wasn't really that big, I mean after all this was a ship, but I had to say it was nice. Though I was beginning to hate the silvery black coating of everything on this ship, even the furniture's had the same coating.

I got out of the bathroom, and equipped my armor, then I hung both the elven sword and Thalasio Spathi on my back. It wasn't really necessary for me to use two swords, but it was badass, so why the hell not. But before I went out, I went to the display screen on the wall, it was placed over a desk, so in s manner of speaking it was more like the monitor of a computer.

After fiddling around with for a bit, I realized that it was actually a port to the ships computer systems. And while I couldn't do anything like browse the internet, since the ship was piggy backing of the satellites of very powerful nations. I could at least check the current status of the ship.

Connection to an open network like the internet within lost descendants online was looking for trouble. But a local computer like that of the ship won't b raising any flags, since it's not required to connect to any network for it to be utilized. It was as simple as that.





FUEL: GREEN (100%)







There's not nearly enough skills, for me to be satisfied with what I was seeing, but at the very least this was enough. Though not everything the ship was capable of was actually mentioned. But the skills it had at the moment was good enough for me, besides with the engine and the pulse cannon, this wasn't just a ship that was fast and could take a hit, but it could also dish out a serious amount of damage when you take things into consideration.

I was satisfied with everything I've seen, so I made my way out of the room, coming up into a tiny hallway just five meters long. It led me out to what to the cafeteria, and to be honest it was a whole lot different than what it looked like the last time.

It looked like the lounge of a fancy hotel. Fancy leather couches were arranged in a circle around a holographic display of the ship, highlighting all of it's weapons system and, engine and computer system. Dinah was interacting with it, while Qitar, with a new and proper bionic arm the same color and shade of the ship, moved said arms erratically.

It wasn't until after I took a closer look that I realized that every time she moved her cybernetic arm, the ships weapons system responded to her. Though from the looks of it, she was having a little too much problem with controlling all of the guns on the ship. I saw her close her fists, and most of the weapons lit up, almost as if they were preparing to fire, but even then that was only about 10% of the turrets installed on the ship, she was not even close to making the pulse cannon budge.

"You have to keep at it Qitar. The ship's just not familiar with you yet, and since it has a growing consciousness that's pretty much like a baby. It only really recognizes me and the captain as it's family, or you could say it's parents. Once you receive it's acknowledgement, and get a little practice in, you should be able to link you mind to every firing weapons system on board."

The analogy of me being the ship's father was weird, but understandable. Qitar becoming connected to the ship due to her new arm was a surprise, but quite welcomed. And at this point I think it was time we prepared for our maiden voyage, or something of the sort. But before that, I think everyone needed to know their work stations or positions.

I was standing on a balcony over the lounge, I pretended I didn't see the bar at the edge of the lounge, with Mack mixing drinks like a professional server. He looks really happy standing behind that counter. Darke was no where to be seen, and if I had to hazard a guess I would say he was at the helm. The dude was a pilot after all.

Raven Song was spread out on one of the couches, relaxing as he rubbed his hands over Sky's purple head. Jack looked totally out of place with his intensely vigilant look. I don't think that guy knew how to take a break, and finally Zack was looking out the window.

I placed my hand on the railing of the balcony, and just jumped over, flapping my wings so that I landed lighter than normal. I drew everyone's attention to myself as I walked towards them, and sat on the conspicuously huge leather armchair, and then crossed my legs, trying to look as cool as possible.

"Dinah, you're the ship's mechanic, logistics officer, and one of the resident eye candy. Please work hard. Qitar you're the ships battle officer, or a gunner if you prefer. And also as of this moment, my first mate! Which means if I'm not here, your in charge. Darke wherever the fuċk he is, is our navigator, Jack is the second mate and our diplomat, because I think the rest of us sucks in that regard.

Zack is our look out, or our surveillance officer. The dude is just so paranoid I don't think there's any other position suitable for him. Mack that bar is yours to handle from now on, and if you don't know how to cook, you better start learning, because not only are you now in charge of the bar, you're also the ships cook, and it's information officer. You always seem to know something about everything, and with the proper tools, I believe you'll make a great spy.

And as for you Raven Song...…..just stay out of trouble until I figure out what to do with you." I said to him with a smile. He returned the smile with a thumbs up and said to me.

"Aye, Aye captain."

"All right, everybody head up to the deck." I ordered, as Sky ran towards my side with teary eyes.

She was such an attention seeker, but looking as cute as she did, I didn't think I had it in me to refuse her a rube behind her ears. She was so much like a dog sometimes, you would wonder if she really was an elephant, or just some other creature wearing her skin.

When we got JP to the deck, Darke was already standing at the steering wheel. The difference about the deck this time was, that I was covered. Making the ship more like a yacht than a ship. But a few taps from the tablet Dinah always seems to be carrying around, and voila. Like some sort of transformer movie, the roof of the deck melted away, leaving us exposed to the wonders of the open sea and the harsh glare of the sun.

I took a step forward to savor it, to feel the wind on my skin, and sea in my sights. I just felt so… Anyway, I'm sure I had to say something or the like, to get this voyage started, I think it was protocol or tradition, or something of the sort, who knows how these things work.

"So I'm not going to beat around the bush on going into some extremely tiring long tirade, that's going to be filled with bullshit none of us care about, so I'm going to keep it simple." I turned and pointed at the sea.

"You see that vast ocean of blue out there? It's brutal, and wild and untamed. But! We're going to make the sea our bitch, make it so that every time we coast her waters, she mȯȧns in delight at our touch. We're going to conquer her, until every single part of her belongs to us. And when we're done!"

I paused, and then looked up with a wild grin, it ignoring the hovering drone that seeks to be filming everything going on here. Then I pointed upwards, towards the sky, and beyond to the stars we couldn't see.

"And when we're done fuċkɨnġ the sea in every position and with every fetish you can think of. We're going to bang her elder sister the sky, make her our bitch too, and then we'll go for their momma, that big, endless, black sea of stars...…and then we'll bang that mild too. Until everything that was, and everything that is and will be, will remember our name for it...….so let's go fuċk shit up!"

"That was beautifully said captain!" Dinah spoke out as she and Raven Song clapped their hands. Qitar and the others looks totally out of place, completely shocked by my crass words and blatant sėxuȧŀ innuendos. But they clapped too.

"Darke take us out to sea, full steam ahead!"

And then the Acheron began to rumble, his engines powering up as he took his first stride on the oceans of this world. The currants accepted his first step, guided him, as the wind pushed him softly, like a mother whispering a fare well song to a voyaging child. I guess the game, has truly begun.

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