Dinner was wonderful, plus I felt it was about time I took a break from the game, things seem to be getting a little intense. Though I seriously hope we were able to get away from that crazy dungeon, especially that player with a lightening bolt, I don't the others would be able to face him without me being there. But the game was not what I had to worry about, but rather this tailor that was taking liberties with my body. She should be thankful she's hot, or else I would be having words with my lawyer about a sėxuȧŀ harassment suit.

"What color would you prefer sir, and I expect you would like the suit to be form fitting too."

"yes I would like it to be form fitting, and the usual black would do, but also shades of blue and a few white would do."

The tailor nodded her head as she took my measurements and wrote them down on a note book, I was surprised seeing that, because there's hardly anyone who uses paper these days, everything runs on a digital format. After the tailor finished writing with her note book, she stepped closer, patting my shirt and smoothing it of wrinkles. I felt her slip something thin into my shirt, before she tiptoed and whispered in my ear.

"Call me."

Of course it was at that exact moment Kira decided to walk into the room with Ron in her arms. I stepped back so quickly I was sure that to her eyes, I was nothing more than a blur, or that might just be me giving myself too much credit. Kira looked from the tailor to me and then back to the tailor again with a narrowed gaze, and with her narrow eyes, the move seemed all the more pronounced.

"are you done taking his measurements Trisha?" She asked as walked towards me and the tailor.

"Yes Kira I'm done with the measurements, the clothes should be ready in a day, so I'll come over with them tomorrow evening to..."

"There's no need to come over Trisha, I'll come get them myself. There's no need to stress yourself, plus that way you can focus on your job rather than the client, hmm. I wouldn't want you to go so far out of your way to take care of him, that's my job after all. Anyway since you're finished here, you can leave, one of the maids will see you off, good night Trisha."

For some reason I felt as if I was in trouble, but I was not exactly sure why but Kira had that look on her face that I'm gradually becoming used to, a look she only gave when she was about to berate me about something. The tailor; Trisha made her way out, but not before brushing past me and lighting a fire at the spot below my waist and I between my legs. I don't care what sort of look Kira was giving me, I'm calling that tailor first thing in the morning. Plus she had a really nice ȧss and it was fun to look at.

"Are you done staring at her ȧss, want me to call her back so that she can give you a strip tease." Kira asked me with a sarcastic voice, but I opened my eyes wide with wonder as I asked back.

"You can do that? Please I beg you…DO IT!!"

"You want me to kill you don't you? Don't let me catch you looking at other women." She said to me as placed a tablet on my desk and rested Ron's head on her shoulder, he seems sleepy.

"We are. It's important we be together, for Ron's sake, not to mention us being together would mess up the mind of our fathers a bit. But beyond doing what's best for our son, I find that I really like you. And as childish as you are, I would like to see where this goes and pursue a relationship with you, unless of course you would rather have Trisha. She has a reputation of sleeping with all her clients, male and female alike, and with her being a world famous designer, it means she's banged a lot of people."

"while what you just said seems logical, I can't help but wonder if there's another reason behind this, that somehow you're also scheming." I said to her with a raised eyebrow.

"And what if I am, will that stop you from having me, because I know you want me, maybe even more than I want you."

"No it won't, but you are right I do want you, even though every cell in my body is telling me that you're going to mess up my life in more ways than one. Fine what's life without a few risks, how about dinner tomorrow night, I'll pick you up at your place by seven." I said to her with a smile.

"Nope that won't do, that's a little too early, and without a doubt people will suspect that we're in league with each other, most of our future plans has to revolve around the fact that we're supposed to be enemies, and I'm supposed to hate you for forcing me into a job I don't want."

Now I'm confused, what the heck was it with this woman. First she says we are a thing and that we should give being together a shot, but now I think she's telling me we have to be together on in secret.

"Us being together has to be a process, at least in the eyes of the public. We need to give it time, things like this are really delicate as we're not only fooling our fathers and the board of directors, but also the world. So you can actually hang out with a few other eye candies that are not Trisha, just to keep up appearances. After all rich young dudes like sėxy models, you should play the part."

Okay what the fuċk is going on here, first she says she doesn't wants to see me looking at other girls, she plays hard to get, now she says we can be together, but not in public, and now I have date other girls so that our relationship would remain a secret. If I didn't know better, I would say that she was just doing this, so that if it doesn't work out between the both of us she would have a way out without any publicity. She was playing it safe.

"what makes me so sure that I can keep you wrapped around my fingers is due to quite a few things. One I'm Ron's mother, two I'm confident in my ability to keep a man, and three I'm sure you know it well enough by now, that you're crazy about me. And I feel the same, so we just have to make sure these feelings we both have grow into something tangible. But you're right, this is a gamble and someone can get hurt, so we should hold off on getting together for a little while. Let's see how well we get along, so we don't a mistake we might both regret later." She said to me with a shrug of her shoulders.

Maybe she was right, but my danger senses were tingling and warning about Kira, it's entirely possible that she had hostile intentions. But she was right, I was really crazy about her, and I knew without a doubt my feelings would blind me to the warnings I was receiving at the moment. But honestly, I don't think I cared. I wanted her, and I was going to get her, regardless of the consequences.

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