The islands were mostly clustered around each other, and while it might take a ridiculous amount of time to navigate through them, especially if you didn't know where you were going. However we didn't have that problem, and right now we all found ourselves in a dingy looking motel, nestled within the giant trees of our target elves island. An island called Sequoia. The island as opposed to previous one we've been on, was one giant orchard or better yet a garden. The sea elves really out did themselves with the decorations.

But it was due to that, that I felt that it would be a lot easier for us or rather me to carry out this mission of mine. The others thought that I was just here to sight see or something, the only person who was in on my real reason here was Qitar, and that was just so she could provide me back up, of course I also had to coke with my spy master too.

"Captain the processing has left the prison and are on their way to the palace of sea elf king. Based on our calculations they will be passing right below you in about thirty minutes, and you should have an opening for about five minutes. That's all the time I can buy you and Qitar to do what you have to, and you should hurry, the others on the ship are beginning to get suspicious and are asking questions."

"Its okay Mack I've got it, I should be done with this in no time at all."

"Alright captain, I'll await news of your success." Mack replied as the communications between the two of us was cut off. I heard a few steps behind me as Qitar came closer, her neon green skin right at home amongst the branches of the trees.

"I can't believe you roped me into some elven bitch's ȧssignment! And these trees are disgusting! If they grew naturally it's one thing, but the fetid smell of death magic hangs allover them, and to make matters worse they carved buildings into them! Sure Patmos is the same, but this is just downright sinister, the buildings are draining away the life essence of anybody living in them that's not a sea elf. Damn you Aaren!"

Wow I guess there's a lot I don't know about this place, I didn't even notice anything wrong about it. Either way Qitar should calm down a bit, after all we won't really be here long, just another 40 minutes and we're off this island and back to Patmos.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but we will be done soon. I just got need your support to keep any enemy off my back while I take care of the target. It would be over real fast, and we can get the hell out of here in no time. I promise."

Qitar sighed before moving to the window of the room we were in, then she jumped on top of a really thick branch extending from it's sides and made her way up, going deeper into the embrace of the tree and it's leaves. That would keep her hidden while we waited for our target.

As I waited for the procession carrying my target, I covered my face with a painted dragon mask. These things were quite cheap to buy within the game, and they had the amazing effect of keeping your username and level secret from any sort of observatory or appraisal skills. I looked like a real life bandit, it felt really cool if I do say so myself.

It took longer than thirty minutes, but the procession transporting my target finally came in sight. Why they would use a procession I don't know, it was really stupid because it painted a big white circle with my target being the red spot right in the middle.

Unlike Patmos, this island doesn't seem to have grown with the times, though that might be due to the fact that elves love nature, and the idea of using cars didn't sit well with them. So they were using carriages being drawn by giant snails with fearsome looking shells. I doubt those things can go very fast should any danger arise, maybe that's why they've been moving at a snails pace (get it).


Suddenly the entire street was filled to the brim with tear gas, how the hell Mack got his hands on some, I wouldn't know, but the appearance of the noxious gas was the beginning of the distraction I need, Qitar would take care of the next stage. I unfurled my wings and jumped out of the window, falling ten meters right in front of the procession whilst holding my breath and blinking away the tears in my eyes.

A bullet flew past my head and went into the skull of an approaching guard, his spear discarded besides his falling lifeless body. Another guard came towards me, his light blue skin glistening from the sun rays that escaped through the canopy of the trees hanging above us. There was another soft puff, and his head exploded in a shower of blood and gore.

I was finally seeing how capable Qitar was with a sniper rifle and it startled me. I pulled back the strings on Sky's bow form and released an arrow that pierced through three guards at the same time. That left me a little surprised because I did not expect them to be so weak, something was definitely up here.

I moved to carriage that was supposed to be holding my target and pulled open its doors. But it was completely empty and devoid of any sort of life, I resisted the urge to yell as I bent down to take a peak underneath the seat, hoping to see him hiding under it, however what I saw made me narrow my eyes and curse out softly as I had invariably been totally and utterly fuċkėd.




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