The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 62 - Cartels (II): Sad New, Crime Lords

I really didn't see the need in dressing up to meet a bunch of gangsters, I mean seriously, this shirt was just too nice, but I knew I was going to end up getting blood on it. I guess I really couldn't help it, I just had to roll with the punches.

Nanny Florence looked dressed to kill, literally. She was dressed in a suit, but even I didn't know the ridiculous amount of guns and knives she had on under that black blazer, and even though her eyes were covered with sunglasses, I could feel the destiny chill from within their depths. We were having our meeting in a public place, which was probably the cartels way of putting me in a tough spot so that I wouldn't try to kill them immediately.

Either way I do commend them for being really careful and crafty, but I would not have had any of them killed, not until after I've recovered what they stole. I looked a little bit to the left, and there was Ron playing in a sand castle, the three maids standing watch over him. We were in a park, but everything I could see were props, or rather I should say the lively atmosphere here was a lie.

I don't know how Nanny Florence did it, but every sine soul in this park, down to even the dogs and cats being walked, much less the children, belonged to me. And this very realization scared the shit out of me, if I was this powerful, and wielded this much power, then how come I didn't know. It was a million dollar question, but I believe Nanny Florence was only allowed to reveal certain things to me at the most opportune moment.

"Master Aaron while we wait for our guests, I have something to tell you." Nanny Florence had a rather serious look on her face, making me realize the s severity of what she had to tell me. I hope it's not any mote bad news, or some big reveal that's sire to throw me off my feet.

"In a months time I would be officially resigning from my position as the Shadow Mistress of the Wade Family. My replacements would be arriving at the manor within that time, but once they do. They would take over as your second in command, and handle all of the logistics between both our legal and illegal businesses. Wade Manor and all it's secrets would be theirs to keep and protect, just as it has been mine for 34 years.

And just as I've protected your grandfather and protected you; so too will they protect you and your son. They will be hour shield and your sword against the darkness of this world, your very own mistress and master of shadows."

That was a bombshell, I'm sure my face had already gone pale, and I was intensely shocked by what I just had. All my life, even when I was away from home, Nanny Florence had been a part of it. And she's been my closest confidant, especially with all this drug related business. I just couldn't see a future where I would be able to stand on my own without her, she was my support.

"I don't understand Nanny Florence, why the sudden hasty decision? I need your help with Ron alone, not to mention an entire empire of both legal and some what semi legal businesses. I'll drown without you, please don't leave." At the moment I might seem like a child, but I didn't care, Nanny Florence was no different from a mother to me.

"Silly child, who ever said anything about leaving. I'm going to be here, taking care of you and Ron, but not as a second in command or a personal maid. I'm just going to be an old grandmother who just retired and has enough time on her hands to play with her son and grandson.

I've spent most of my life spilling blood and being the object of many people's nightmares. I would very much like it if I can now take a break and for once just be a normal old woman. I know I still have quite a long time to live, but still whatever time I have left, I just want to spend it taking care of the people I love. You don't have to worry about anything, my replacements are even better than I am."

"No one is better than you Nanny Florence, no one." I said to her as I stretched my hand over my shoulder and grabbed hers.

"Well I should know, I've been training them for this position for over fifteen years now. Don't worry, once they get here, you'll have all the answers you need, but for now our guests are here." She said toe with a smile as she nodded her head in a particular direction.

I looked at where she was pointing and raised an eyebrow at the three men and their lieutenants. They practically waltzed into the park like they owned the entire place, and quite frankly is pissed me off.

Alejandro Gomez, Jose Manuel and Pepe Vega. Powerful members within the Mexican drug cartel that had built their power over the last decade by trampling on the rules and methods of the old cartels. They were new bloods, wild unruly, and disrespectful as opposed to the old families that have existed for centuries. They would be a little hard to deal with, after all they believed everything they touched turned to gold.

"Mr. Aaron! It's good to see you in such good health eh! Seems like being boss man has been good for your skin Hahahaha." Pepe seemed like a jovial man, but that came as no surprise to me, I already had intelligence about the kind of people I was currently dealing with.

"Young Aaron, we apologize for such an abrupt meeting, but all three of us were great amigos with your grand pappy. You might not have noticed us, but we were at the funeral to pay our respects, forgive us for not trying to strike up a conversation with you. It didn't seem like the right time for any sort of introductions." Alejandro was a crafty one alright, when he s aid not the right time, that's probably because none of them were sure whether or not i was going to inherit all of my grandfather's business, even the one that was not mentioned in a will.

Jose was not that much of a talker, his voice was only heard when he needed it to be, and right now did not seem like the time for him. Either way I didn't mind, this meeting was a formality, and while I would have just loved to go all godfather on these idiots, I'm a scion of the old families. Basically you could say organized crime was in my DNA. And as such there were rules I had to follow, observations I had to take.

A soft wind blew and the white dress shirt I had on with motifs of silver dragons swayed softly. My hair was slicked back and my original pale look was back to normal. I guess it's time to play a game I've found I really enjoyed...politics.

"Please gentlemen, don't stand on ceremony.....have a sit!"

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