The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 7 - A Son & His Mother (II): Wardrobes Malfunction, Enemy's Daughter

How did I ever get into such a comical situation. I was holding on to the legs of this strange woman, as she tried to leave with Aaron in her hands. There was no way in hell I'm letting her get away with my son. A son who I might add has chosen sides, and he picked her! She must have brainwashed him with toys.

"Let go you stupid man!" She screamed at me.

"You let go!" I shouted back, reinforcing my decision to absolutely not let go.

"I'm not holding on to you, dumbass."

She replied.

Oh right! She was just trying to leave. Ignoring my throbbing nose, and hoping to God it wasn't broken, I dragged myself off the ground and grabbed a hold of her collar, trying to stop her from leaving. There was a struggle, then she violently dragged herself from my grasp.


I knew I was strong, but not to the point of ripping off a blazer and blouse at he same time. Smeared make up and messed up hair aside, this woman had a body to die for. Smooth, pale, but also incredible tattooed. That was something I didn't expect to see in this scenario. Of course I also didn't expect to rip her clothes of her body, but who knows how this things turn out anyway.

She had a tattoo of a rose bush, a bush who's roots started from below her waist line, from a direction I'm not supposed to be looking at, up her navel, before spreading towards, oh my God! She's not wearing a bra. What kind of woman leaves the house without a bra. I was dark skinned enough that the blush creeping up my neck could not be noticed, but it was obvious I was terribly flustered.

"did you enjoy the show?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

" at all… it was...…terrible." I nervously answered, trying not to stare as the two roses tattooed over her brėȧst and nɨppŀės.

"So you're saying you stared at my brėȧsts for almost a minute because they were ugly?" her voice had an edge to it.

I was not an amateur when it comes to women, though I couldn't say I was master either. Honestly more often than not, I'm a stuttering mess around members of the opposite sėx. Most of the hookups I've experienced in my twenty four years of my life, has been because women find my awkwardness cute.

As much as I hated to admit, I'm not the stereotypical rich handsome young master. In fact not until recently the rich part was not included in the equation. I had a face that was plain, forgettable in the crowd, but I also had one redeeming factor.

My blue eyes, the most obvious trait of the Wade bloodline. I had it and it saved me from being a vɨrġɨn at twenty four, but my incredibly cute little boy also had it, guess we now know who has the stronger genes.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" I have absolutely no idea where that came out from. And she seemed even more surprised than I was.

"Indeed Ms. Kira it would be our honor if you have dinner with us, and maybe set up the young master's room. We also have to get you new clothes too, and all this childish fighting is unbecoming of both of you. Though young master Aaron finds it amusing, it's making me itch for a beat down session. Now before we proceed who's car is parked on my beloved roses."

I didn't need to think twice before pointing at the woman who's name was apparently Kira. I so did not want to get in Nanny Florence's bad book, that old woman was deadly in more ways than one. After I finished speaking, Nanny Florence went to the door, and ran her hands over the edge.

To my shocked gaze, the wooden boards at the threshold of the manor slid aside, and rack filled with guns rose up out of the ground. Kira moved backwards keeping her distance from both me and nanny Florence. Then Nanny Florence pulled out earphones from God knows where, and threw it to Kira.

"Put that on the young master, and hurry."

I'm sure in Kira's mind, all she could think about was that here was a crazy old woman with a military grade ȧssault rifile. She hastily put the earphones on Aaron's head, and watched with nervous breaths as Nanny Florence made her to the doorway. I would like to tell you that as Kira breathed erratically, my eyes were not glued to her brėȧst, but that would have been a total lie. They were so big, and perky, and......


I dived for the ground immediately, crawling towards Kira, hoping to keep her and Aaron safe from whoever was attacking. But the crazy woman was not even keeping her head down, she was still standing there like a deer caught in headlights. The gun shots had already stopped, and I could hear her muttering to herself.

"My car, my precious car."

I turned towards the open door, and stared with open jaws as Nanny shot a vintage Camaro full of holes. She placed the gun back on the rack she took it from, then came and led the shocked Kira and dozing Aaron up the stairs, leaving me flat on my ȧss and completely stunned by the sudden turn of events.

"What just happened?"




To be honest I couldn't bring myself to be angry at the lady who introduced herself as Nanny Florence. But that would probably be because I was busy being absolutely terrified of her. Is this where my baby would grow up, with a trigger happy Nanny and a perverted idiot as a father, this was not good, but I don't think I could do anything about it, not unless I took this to court and have them carry out an investigation.

And I would do that, if I was not so scared gun master Nanny Florence here would kill me. She destroyed my baby, a classic! Just because I parked on top of a few flimsy roses! Who does that?

Aaron...….well Aaron senior seemed afraid of his Nanny.

But there was one thing he's been doing all through out this awkward dinner that I really appreciated; and that was pay complete and total attention to his son. Of course I think he's avoiding me because he had seen me topless, and also his nanny because of the embarrassing position she found him in today.

Aaron junior on the other hand was happy being somewhere new and meeting new people. I could see the resemblance between father and son, but thankfully my baby is cuter. The both had blue eyes, and tipped ears like real life elves, and they both had the same intense look of concentration as they slurped up the Chinese noodles we had ordered for dinner. That was all the proof I needed that they were father and son, their love for noodles was all to obvious.

"So Ms. Kira, where do you work?" Nanny Florence asked as she wiped the side of her mouth with a white dinner cloth.

I didn't know whether to answer or not, but his nanny already knew my name. She must have done a background check on me, so lying about who I was just to avoid an awkward situation did not seem to be an option.

"I'm the director operations of the Consumer services department in the Imperium industries."

Aaron senior froze with his chopsticks hung halfway to his mouth. Continuing with a game they previously had going on, Aaron junior leaned over and stole his father's dinner, with a triumphant smile on his face. Seems he's won this round. Aaron senior gave junior a loving smile that did not leave his face as he asked me a question.

"Your Thompson Lee Zhang's daughter aren't you?"

"Yes." I answered him.

"Well that's unexpected, but no problem. You're always welcome here Kira, anytime of the day you want to see him, you can come over. If you want you can even move in too." He said with a bright smile on his face. But ignoring his innuendos, I asked him with a surprised voice.

"That's it, just like that? You do know my father is part of the reason why your grandfather got ousted out of his own company, and you're okay with me being around you and your son?" was he sick in the head or plotting something, nobody was that forgiving.

"Well what do you want me to say? You want me to tell you to get out, that you should stay away? Please that's way to dramatic for my taste, and I'm much to lazy to play that game now. But most importantly, you're his mother, the woman who raised my son when he lost his biological mother and I couldn't be there for him. I owe you, and stopping the both of you from seeing each other is the worst possible decision I can make as a father. To be honest I have no idea what I'm doing, I almost killed my son today by giving him too much ice cream..."

"What! Are you insane! He's allergic to dairy! How did you calm him down and treat him?" I asked as I got up from my seat and went to check on Aaron. I pulled out my phone to all a doctor.

"I gave him some home made herbal remedies, it made the symptoms subside."

"Let me call for the family doctor lady Kira. Please don't be too hard on the master. It was my fault for leaving a man who can hardly take care of himself alone with a three year old. The doctor will be here in ten minutes."

I nodded my head, and carried Aaron up, though he protested quite a bit seeing as he was not done with his dinner. I looked at his father and couldn't help but agree with him. He really had no idea what he was doing, and he really did need help, lot's of it.

Thankfully for him, I'm not willing to let him send Aaron to an early grave due to his ignorance of parental duties. So I'll stomach his presence for now, I just didn't know why, but looking at him annoyed me.

I felt like I had to keep on punching his face a million times before I would be satisfied enough to leave him alone, that and he still saw me topless.

Though I wasn't too worried about that, he's not the first man to see me topless, unfortunately he would probably be the only man who didn't enjoy the excitement that came next after seeing me topless. As if that will ever happen.

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