The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 75 - The Fast & The Furious (III): Start Your Engines

The moment we got into the car, Malia started speaking frantically. She was trying to get me to give up the race, that much could be infested from the rather frantic way she was moving her hands and pointing at the very obvious fact that the car; big ugly and violent was driving was a Nissan Xerxes Skyliner. It was nothing if not one of the fastest mag-lev vehicles currently in the market. Which is to say, his bloody car can fly and the controls are a lot more refined than what I was driving.

She had a valid reason to be worried, my car was two centuries old, but I had a grandfather who loved making old things work like new ones. Which is to say he was an old dog that desperately loved new tricks. This Mustang might not be able to fly, but she would be able to run ten times as fast as a legendary unicorn, in fact now that I think about there was a name given to the car, it wasn't from the manufacturers, but rather by my grandfather when he had it modified. I looked out the side of the car and smiled at the name written there.


(Voice recognition confirmed. Starting up the Pegasus A.I navigation system.)

(Speed Mode, Defense Mode and Battle Mode now online. Where are we going boss?)

I had a shit eating grin on my face, my grandfather really does love his artificial intelligence, was he trying to be iron man by having an AI inserted in every important vehicle he had. As soon as I got home, I was going to be looking through every single piece of tech in that house, who knows what I would find.

"Are you dead meats ready? Ha! I doubt it. You can't ever be ready, not in this rust bucket at least. Hahahaha."

I watched as he drove his neon grin mag-lev convertible to the starting line, a massive tunnel that slopped downwards into the earth. The car had sharp edges with it's front shaped like face of a bird.

Wings extended backwards from it's side, with it's edges glowing red from the activation of his Mag-lev engine. The triple exhaust pipes behind the car released a bit of steam as the car's cooling system worked overtime to handle the car's capability. She was a thing of beauty, too bad it was wasted on such an idiot.

"Aaron are you listening to me, you have to get out of here now! It's an ambush! That's what he did to my brother, he wrecked his car and finished the race making it seems like my brother lost. Now Emil and I have to pay off the debt while Martinez is in hiding. He could kill you Aaron! I can't live with myself if I let anything happen to you, when I die how can I face your mom or Dinah. Please I can't get my best friends brother and the son of the woman who was like a mother to me killed."

"Wow! You talk a lot more than I remember. Don't worry, we'll be fine. Pegasus are your ready."

(Well duh! Why won't I be ready, that muscle head just called me a rust bucket. I would very much like to have him and his ugly car eat my dust!)

I raised an eyebrow in surprise then turned to look at Malia, who also had a look of surprise on her face. I guess the AI had a lot more character than I expected. Which is good, I wouldn't want to drive a boring car anyway.

I moved the car until we were right besides Big Ugly Goat, for naming purposes I'm going to call this idiot Bug. He revved his engines, releasing a soft pitched him that was synonymous with new age vehicles. Then he ran his finger across his neck with a wild grin on his face. Both my eyebrows went up at that.

(Bitch please! Does his vehicle have a cold or something? This baby can't even compare to my Majesty. This is what a real car sounds like.)

*Vroom!* *Vrooooooooom!* *Vrooom!*

(mic drop bitch!)

I couldn't help the smile on my face, even Malia could not hold back a grin. Bug had a vein popping up on his head with shame and embarrassment, I laughed at his expense. It was a good laugh, something I desperately needed with all the shit I was dealing with. Then a really sėxy and hot lady came to stand in between both cars, a white handkerchief waving with the wind.

"Gentlemen are you ready? Now I'm sure you all know the rules of the Angel's underground, but since this here darling is new, why don't we have a refresher course. Hmmm.

1.Don't stop

2.Don't stop ever

3.There are no rules!




"What do you mean you can't find him?" I asked the Hispanic butler while trying to balance Ron on one hand. The kid had woken up and went looking for his dad, even asked after him too, but now that pervert was nowhere to be found within his own house.

A phone rang, and the butler raised a finger to ask for a moment. He was so smooth with all of his movements, like a swan of peacock. I knew a fighter when I saw one, and I also knew a killer when he was staring at me right in the face. He had heavy eyes, very much like Aaron. I listened to what the butler was saying as he spoke to the person on the other end the line.

"So he took the Modified classic Mustang, the one no one's been able to start since the old boss passed away. Hmmm, yes that's right. He also took a pair of loaded hand guns, the FT001 prototypes right? Hmmm that's good. What sort of rounds were in them? Armor Piercing? Explosive Armor Piercing Rounds! That's not good at all, it would put us on the police's radar. Where is he now?

Satellite imaging picked his location at the entrance of the Angel's Underground, he was in a fight you say. About to race against a local gang lord. Outnumbered you said? Very well rally the Familia and head there with them, give support to the young boss if he requires it. The mistress and the young master would head over there with me in a moment. Oh! And Nezha, if there's any threat, any threat at all...…Neutralize it and have Nuwa be on standby. Hades out."

Sure I've had all kinds of shock with everything he had just said, but I think the biggest came from what I just realized. Aaron was mobbed up, heck he was the head of a mob. I've heard rumors that Los Angeles had a new player, a Dark Prince as most people have taken to calling him, but that can't be Aaron right, he's just so harmless, how!

But that was besides the point now, he was in trouble. I should have read up on it, he kissed me so suddenly and out of the blue, and I snapped at him. Aaron was not without his flaws, but h wouldn't take a advantage of me like that, or rather he would, but not if he knew I was going to let him. There was something wrong, he needed me and I turned him down.....

Well that's no fault of mine, if he needed help or someone to talk to, he could have gone about it a different way than kissing me out of the blue. I can worry a out that later, I just had to go get my son's father our of there, before he gets into more trouble.

"Hades was it? Take me to that bloody idiot."

"Very well Lady Kira, follow me."

XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm sorry for putting this here, but doesn't allow links in the author's note, so I have to put this here. I have a WhatsApp chat group for all my stories and I believe it's a good way for me to have contact with all my readers and listen to whatever ideas and suggestions they might have regarding all of my stories. So this is the link.

Please join and don't hesitate to ask me questions.]

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