The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 78 - The Fast & The Furious (VI): A Glimpse Of Darkness

Kira was pissed, but to be honest halfway through her tirade it became obvious she wasn't really angry, she was just worried. And I couldn't say anything in my defense, if I was in her shoes I would probably be just as pissed. After a few seconds that felt like hours to me, she grabbed my jaw and turned my head to the side, maybe a little harder than was even necessary.

"We need to get that cleaned up, are you feeling okay? Did these guys hurt you?"

(Hurt Him? Hah! You Guys Should Go Back Into Those Tunnels And See The Pile Of Bodies The Boss Left In His Wake, He Was Like The Grim Reaper! Of Course He Had Help From Yours Truly. But Damn Lady That's Some Nice Ass You've Got Over There, How About You Come Put It On My Cushy Leather Seats So That I Could Warm Them Buns Up For Yah. ????????????????)

What the hell? My car is pervert. Also he seemed capable of displaying images on his body, if not why the hell will there be a giant winking emoji on his bonnet. I looked at the car and then back at Kira, almost completely sure that she would strip him down for parts and then insert the AI's chip in an old ladies vibrator...that's t worse torture I think he could go through, but knowing Kira she could come up with worse ways to torture him.

I felt a hand touch my face, and looked down to see Ron looking up at me. For a moment he seemed so calm, and then.

"Wahhhh! Wahhhhh!"

It was the single most terrifying sound I've ever heard in my life, and it was intense. The kid just saw me bloody, it was easy for everyone to come to the conclusion that he was sad his father got hurt. I quickly pulled my shirt off, leaving my upper body bȧrė as I used my jacket and shirt to clean the blood stains off myself as much as I could. Kira was already trying to get him to calm down, but it wasn't working. I threw the bloodied clothes away and out of sight, and prayed to the high heavens that I was no longer as bloody as I was before.

"hey little man, look at me, come on Junior look at daddy. I'm alright okay, daddy's fine it was just a little scratch, see, all clear."

Ron looked back at me hiccupping a bit as he grabbed my jaw in much the same manner his mom did a few minutes ago, and looked at my wound. This bratty kid is a little too smart for his age, if he looked at the wound, then he would still see blood, but what he said next shocked me so hard that I almost fell.

"The wound is going away, there's no blood anymore. Don't like blood, blood bad."

Well I'll be damned, the son of a mafia boss is a pacifist...I guess I should start finding ways to get the Wade family legit, unless Ron gets a taste for being bloody, he can't handle this side of our family. It might have just been simple words, but with the fierce look in Kira's eyes, I knew I would be making the same decision my grandfather and mother made over my own future.

Ron must absolutely not know about the dark side of the Wade family, about my dark side. If my son wants to live his life in the light, free, happy and without blood in his path, then that's what I'm going to give to him. No matter what, I'll make sure he remains happy and safe and away from conflict for all of his life.

"He's right you know, your wounds almost completely healed. I've never seen anything like it before....hey Kira, it's been a while." Malia said as she came up behind me, looking at my head and then back at Kira.

I'm not really surprised they knew each other, Malia used to be the young genius of the Imperium industries, and Kira practically grew up within that company and both were around my mother a lot as young girls. They definitely knew each other.

There were things to be taken care of, especially since I had to go to the office tomorrow and then log back into the game and finding out what the fuċk went down with my sister when I turned into a dragon. The topic might be a little difficult for me to face, but I will have to face it none the less and deal with it. Dahlia has become something dangerous, something that's a threat not just to the world of lost descendants online, but also to the real world, I have to figure out a way to Neutralize it, and fast.

"Sir! What do we do about him and his friend?" my Butler who's peculiar name I remember to be Hades asked me as he came close.

I turned around to see that he was talking about Bud and his female navigator, there's no need to think too much about it. I already made up my mind about what I was going to do to him, and that hasn't changed. But I didn't tell Hades what to do with him immediately, instead I started giving different orders.

"Hades this tunnels runs across the whole of Los Angeles, I need you to get our best analyst and work with Malia. I need a route mapped to all of it's exit points from the manor, all of our bases, the company and any other ȧssets we might have on ground. We can literally transport anything within, into and out of the city without the cops being aware.

There other gangs that would have though of this, give them the option to clear out or go to war. By the time the month runs out I want full and total command of the entire subway tunnels systems. Anybody who needs to use it for transport would need to pay a percentage, you can never have too much power. Plus I need every criminal activity within the city completely within my grasp, as for the details to that we can discuss it later when my commanders get her here."

As I spoke I walked forwards and covered Ron's ears with both my hands all the while smiling at him. Then I turned to Hades and said.

"As for my friend big Ugly goat over there, get rid of him thoroughly. But make him suffer while you're at it. When you're done no trace of him should have ever existed in this life or the next, break up his band of merry drug addicts, and when you're done burn whatever is left of him and throw his ashes in the ocean. As for his friend....there can be no witnesses, end her but do it quickly and painlessly. If she has family that needs to be taken care of, send them enough to guarantee them an easy life. We will discuss other matters back at the Manor." I said to him as I removed my hand from Ron's ears.

"Yes sir! It would be done just as you've said." Hades replied to me, I nodded my head at him and turned to the horrified looking Kira and Malia and said to them.

"Lets go home, Malia let's go get your brothers, you guys can judge me later."

And so we left that tunnel, ignoring the pleas of Bug and his innocent female friend who would be loosing her life because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But I had no choice, or maybe I did, but I'm not one to leave loose ends, this was my life now, it was royalty in and out of itself, but it came with a price, a darkness.

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