The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 80 - The Play For Power (II): More Suggestions

Getting rid of my step mother was something that I would be all too willing to do, but she's family, one way or another. And I know she's an evil bitch that's a pain in the ȧss, but killing her seemed too extreme, and I'm not sure I hated her enough to do so yet.

"I can't do that Kira, not until I'm sure she poses a real threat to me and my son." I said to her, looking her in the eye just so that she would know I meant business.

"Well that's good, because it was a test. I just wanted to see how dark your heart has become, but it seems there's still a conscience in there somewhere. The thing is, your step mother has major control over the R&D department for Lost descendants online, most of the current game masters and maintenance staff are all subsidiaries from her family's Neural Engineering facility, and she's been using everything lost descendants has achieved to push forward her family's technology and make money from it, money that Imperium industries has no access to. Plus that's your mother's department and I feel as if that woman is putting a stain on it just by sitting her ȧss in your mother's old office. We need to replace her.

Of all the enemies we have to take care of, I believe that she's number one. You have to deal with your own household first before we start facing the feast of the board, I have gathered quite a substantial piece of evidence to use against her, hut just removing her isn't enough as we would need to put someone that's qualified and not in league with board as the new head, someone we can trust. But if said person is not good enough, it would give the Board a chance to back us into a corner, so we have to make our choice wisely. Though I'm sure we can both agree that Malia Is perfect for the Job, we both worked in that department as really young interns when your mother was still alive.

Next week you have to meet with the mayor of new York city, Imperium industries donated an artificial island park, and an AI to handle traffic security as a welfare donation to the city. As the head of the company, you have to be there with the mayor to have the AI go live, and officially open the gates of the park, which has been renamed into a memorial park in honor of your grandfather, which means it would be a family affair. Your father and step mother will be there along with your brothers, we can make our play to remove her from power after we're done there.

Next, which is mostly still dealing with Lost descendants online, is the fact that we need to have a little more exposition into the game since there's been a new and very massive update to it, and the fact that this happened after your grandfather passed away has spun the rumor mills that this was probably the last update of the game, and Lost descendants online would be going offline some time in the future. A few of the developers suggested that we sponsor a world wide battle and crafting tournament, and this time, both players and NPCS alike can participate.

This should create more awareness for the game, and help quell any sort rumors, but it should help expose all of the new selling points of the game, and that's the fact that the world itself no longer just belongs to players, but also to the NPCs. I believe your AVATAR should host it. It would show sincerity, and give a little exposition to your play style and game play, plus all these kids need someone to look up to, so tell me your in game name so that we can meet up and I can power level you and your skills to an acceptable level."

"Are you sure that's necessary, I would very much like to keep that aspect of my life secret and away from real world, that's the once chance I get to he someone else other than Aaron Wade, if I do this, then I will destroy everything I've been working for, please we have to find another option." I said to her with a resolute gaze.

No matter what, I'm not backing down about this matter, Seven and Aaron Wade must never become one and the same person, not just because my mom and grandfather had insisted that I keep that part of me a secret, but because I've come to love the freedom that life gave me, even if I've been dealing with some bullshit lately, it was nice.

"Well it's not absolutely necessary that you appear as your current character, the Dev team can craft a new cosmetic AVATAR for you, it should help keep the identity of your real AVATAR a secret. Don't worry, I lay lost descendants online too, and all for the same reason as you....a chance to escape my own life, I'm sorry for trying to bring work into it." She apologized with a smile.

"But we're not done yet, this Friday there's a party being thrown by my father, it's to celebrate my brother's coming of age and his time to finally become a part of the company, my father would like you to give him my old position, or at least something substantial enough for him to prove himself to you. But we can worry about that later, my final report has to be on Zeta bio-tech."

I leaned back on my seat and raised an eyebrow at that. The Zeta corporation was second in the world and our direct competitors. They were a company that focused more on the advancement and application of medicine and all sorts of medical technology, there's a strict stay out of each other's way policy between both companies, so I don't get why Kira Is bringing them up.

"A few years ago, the Zeta corporation started a new facility catered to the development of new living biological materials, aka clones. They succeeded, becoming capable of making clones of practically every living thing in existence and even some that have been extinct. Recent report shows that they've been able to clone sabretooth tiger from DNA they got from its bones. I know this is getting very Jurassic park like, but that's besides the point, the thing is all of their clones always end up malfunctioning in one way or the other, and it totally Jason to do with neutral problems.

The clones are sometimes catatonic, others to wild, some just repeat one particular action, over and over again. Basically they're perfect bodies, but without a soul."

Then Kira got up and turned to around my desk, sitting on it so that she could be closer to me. I swallowed hard and then tried my best not too look at her stocking covered thɨġh as her skirt rode up a bit.

"Zeta is looking to sell of 60% of their biotech facility and hand over development of the clones to another company. But even then they still want to retain some part of the profit, so that it wouldn't be a total loss. Problem is there's only one company in the whole world, except of course for the tech institute on Mars, that can make sure their clone tech is not a bust, and that's us.

It might be too early to tell you this, but your mother and her old friend board member Cora have an old project that was scrapped because you step mother was a bitch and wouldn't let anyone go higher than her. They talked about the possibility of transferring the consciousness of AIs in the game into robotics bodies in the real world, or fully transferring the consciousness of a human being into a virtual body and prolonging their life.

Now we both know that lots of people love the game, but they also live the life that live in the real world, and many people have bodies that fail everyday. Just as we've evolved, so too has diseases, and there are new cause for death each and every day. But what if we can control death, find a way to give humanity a second chance by transferring their consciousness into a virtual world, or into a brand new body of their own specifications, or just like their old ones."

Kira said to me with smirk on her face.

Shock would be an understatement to what I was currently feeling right now, a move like this would not just make Imperium Industries number one, we would be building a new world order, there would be no death or rather we would have control over the most powerful and unbeatable force that has existed from the very dawn of the universe…..death.

"Get me a proper proposal and layout for this endeavor, keep this close to yourself and get me a meeting with the head of the Zeta corporation. We have to figure out a way to own Zeta-biotech completely." I said to her as I got up to my feet, visibly excited. Then Kira called out to me.

"There's one more thing to take care of."

"huh! There's more?" maybe I shouldn't have asked, because what came next was heaven, she kissed me.

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