The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir

Chapter 96 - New Era (V): Next Stage Of Human Evolution

At some point I knew the world I lived in now, was a lot more different than the one I was born into. Governments have wanted in power over the past century, as massive corporations rose up, becoming almost responsible for the stability and economy of whatever country they were located in. The people who ran this corporations more often than not, had the power to shape the present and future of their countries in more ways than one.

But this world was more than just the governments of earth, there were three mega spade stations that supported life, two of which currently orbited the moon, with the third being half as large as the moon and orbiting mars. And then finally the colony on Mars, the terraformed part of the planet that at the moment could support life and thrived under the watch of humanity, well I guess we call them Martians now. Science and technology have experienced big breakthroughs, and even now they were still growing at a fast pace.

So our society and our technology have evolved and they're still evolving. It was nice, but if all these were happening, then I guess the next step to take would he human evolution right? Maybe so. At the moment there were things like cybernetic implants and neural enhancers, most of these tech were illegal outside of surgery procedures or special military squads, but they were there. So when someone talks to me about human evolution I think maybe one day we can create teleportation tubes, and a proper light speed engine that won't force you to travel in space for five years before you get to Mars. Or maybe we delve deeper into cybernetic and create a whole new race of cyborgs, or with the advent of clones and virtual reality tech, the world can get very Altered Carbon and become capable of transferring human consciousness from one body to another with as much ease as fueling a car.

That was the though, the belief or expectations of the next stage of human evolution, but nothing, absolutely nothing would have prepared me for super powers.

Bright orange flames that looked more like energy than fire appeared above Nezha's hands. They looked like flames, but that's not what they were, shredded he said flame on, but what I was looking at seemed to be a pure concentration of energy and light, and even as he moved forwards towards the gate massive doors and nanite protected warehouse building, I could feel the intense heat coming from it, it was like standing next to the sun.

"Nezha has the ability to manipulate an control the positive side of the energy or rather temperature spectrum. But that's just a simple explanation, he has the ability to rapidly speed up the movements of molecules and even change their composition until they're hot enough to compare to a small nuclear bomb. If he wants, he found level a small city if he wants to, however his twin sister's ability or the complete opposite." Jade was explaining Nezha's ability to me, but even then I couldn't take my eyes off the sheer display of power currently in front of me.

The balls of energy above his hands seemed to come together, forming a larger globe of energy that now released a beam of intense hot light at the nanite shield and door. It was like a laser cutter raised to the power of the sun, it was insane. As I watched him break through their defenses I heard Hades continue speaking.

"His sister Nuwa can slow down molecules, but alike her body who can only affect the molecules in the air. She can do it within the body of any living thing, or even within the interior of any object. He abilities met her drop temperatures from +1000 degrees to -1000 in anything under 20 seconds. Unlike her brother she can't level a city, but I don't think an ice age is any less dangerous than a small nuclear holocaust."

"Master I know you have a significant amount of questions, but Lady Athena....Ms. Florence is on her way back to the city. She insists on wanting to be the one who tells you everything about this situation. It's a rather sėnsɨtɨvė topic I hope you understand why I wouldn't want to say much sir."


The massive door was blown of it's hinges and straight into the club/warehouse. There were loud screams of pain and shock coming from within, but none the less it was time to go spill blood. Hades was right, I rather hear this from nanny Florence.

"Alright Hades, Nuwa, our main goal is to get Ivan, I don't know who he looks like, and frankly I'm too pissed to care. Find him and point him out, if possible contain him. As for everyone else, as long as they point a weapon at you, put a bullet in their head." I ordered as I took of my suit and folded my sleeves.

Hades turned to one of our men and received a polished wooden box with a motif of a wolf and vines on it. I looked at Hades supreme, but all he did was open the bode without saying anything. A pair of gleaming silver guns were staring back at me. There were a little bit larger than normal, the end of the guns around the barrel had openings into it that seemed like gills and glowed an eerie blue. On their frames were motifs of white wolves and even more vines as the warped around the entire gun all the way to it's handle, I looked at Hades.

"A gift from your grandfather. We've been keeping it for the right time, and now seems as good a time as any." I smiled as I said to Hades.

"You, me and Nancy Florence are going to have s long talk about keeping secrets from me. But in the main time, thanks so much for the gift, now let's get to it."

As soon as I finished speaking, I took both guns and went into the warehouse, Nezha and Nuwa on my side. We had scarcely spent a second in the warehouse before someone fired a gun. I don't know who moved faster, whether it was the gun or the person who shot at us, but Nuwa waved her hands, and in front of me was a wall of ice that all three of us huddle behind.

After saying there for about a minute, we heard the tell tale sound of an empty chamber, I smiled and turned around and shot towards the direction where the shots was coming from before. A second later I saw someone's head completely disappear from their shoulders, and their body also fell to the ground. But that was enough for me to notice the amount of people holding guns within this club/warehouse. There were a lot.

I quickly huddled down behind the ice wall Nuwa made, we were completely suppressed and couldn't make a move form behind the ice wall due to the amount of bullets that were falling around us, however they had their attention focused on us, completely forgetting the fact that I had an army outside with the warehouse complete surrounded.

A glowing silver object flew over our heads and into the warehouse, a beeping sound slowly being released from it. Under the rapid fire of all the guns in the warehouse, they saw the small silver sphere, but they didn't hear it, and someone of them even tried to shoot at it, not all fearful for their lives.


There was no loud explosion or the sound of shrapnel, but rather a shockwave so powerful that it leveled the warehouse and pushed a lot of the people involved in this gun fight backwards. The shock wave was so powerful that the top half of Nuwa's ice shield was completely sheared over, as a sort of pressure was felt, with our heads getting a bit heavy and our ears ringing. This was a concussion grenade, but damn it packed a punch and was completely unlike anything I ever used during my time in the military.

But even then this had cleared a path for us as the people who had been shooting at us were currently nursing a massive headache and were sprawled out on the ground like a couple of teenagers passed out at a party. They were ripe for the picking or was it reaping. I stepped out from behind the ice shield, both guns crossed over each other as I happily let it rain.

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