The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1031: Great evil spirit! (Congratulations to the leader of "Yiqi Baipao"!10/10)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!


The sound of Dongying Yushen sounded in the void space. He stood here alone, and secretly exerted his strength to break through the space, but there was a strong force against him.

Frowning tightly on his face, he was analyzing something.

From the group of monastic monks with powerful forces in the monastic monastery world, we learned that the Chinese monk monk, that is, the night, has two 12-star powers; one of the two 12-stars is almost a puppet, and the other is said to be Seraph.

Judging from the blood volume slot seen by Xiu Zizi, these two 12 stars seem to be the early state? !

Dongying Yushen believes in his own judgment. If that is the case, it would be weird, because the power of the other party felt from this space is never the power that should be in the early state.

Because he himself is a mid-level state, and the power that exists in this nether world is the power he is more familiar with, that is... has the attributes of tradition!

At this moment, Dongying Yushen looked sideways at the darkness, and saw that there was no figure from there. This figure was now walking towards himself, silently.

Then this figure appeared, it was a monster, a peerless deity!

Dongying Yushen looked at the peerless beauty standing still a few tens of meters away. He opened his eyes wide, his eyes revealed unbelievable, because the other side was just a breath of air in his eyes.

I just stood there, but couldn't feel the other party's existence, this...

Where does the blocking power of space come from...

Dongying Yushen's eyes dimmed and he cautiously said: "Where is the great god, is it worth the battle to die for the monks of the Taoist realm?" Power.

"Then why are you here again." Mo Nuer spoke lightly, his eyes squinted.

"I'm just for myself."

"The same is true." After speaking, Mo Nuer launched an attack, and the breath on her body suddenly showed up. At the same time, a pattern appeared on her chest, which is the pattern of the magic pot...

The breath from Mo Nuer let Dongying Yushen instantly know the realm of Mo Nuer...

"The Great Consummation!!" Dongying Yushen's tone concealed a panic. "It's unbelievable... how could this be...


The magic slave's attack hit the opponent's fan, making the space sway, and the power to maintain the space also appeared chaotic.

"Kill me, even the Dzogchen has to pay!"

"Do you really want to enter the quasi-imperial level?..."

Speaking of which, Dongying Yushen's eyes widened to the extreme in defense, his eyes full of horror, because he realized one thing.

The blocking power of this space is Taoism, but the great perfect woman in front of her, the magical power used by it is definitely not the power of Taoism, it is an evil force that is absolutely different from, even opposite, Taoism! !

What is the truth inside? ! !

" could it be!!! Impossible!!!"

"Oh!!" Too distracted made the Mo Nuer find a chance to hit him hard. The blood volume of Dongying Yushen suddenly dropped by one and a half blocks. Know that this one and a half blocks of blood volume is extremely deep.

After spitting out a sip of blood, Dongying Yushen did not dare to take it lightly and went all out.

Only in his heart, there is a sense of sorrow and sorrow filled his heart...


‘Continuous Skill: Fighting the whole space and imprisoning a blow! ’

I saw Chu You slowly waving the immortal halberd. Whether it is in the eyes of Dongying players or in his eyes, there is a progress bar. This progress bar is the progress bar for launching this skill.

The celestial halberd burst into light, and there was an agitated irregular trajectory around the void space.

‘Wow! ’

At the last moment, the halberd waved violently!

Suddenly, the Dongying players within 1000 meters of the surrounding area, whether they are using the physical attack skills or the dodge skills at the moment, are all empty at this moment!

They are all bound, and they also found that the triggered disarm skills cannot be disarmed!

Ha ha, even if Chu You's current state is in the late period of the previous life, it is almost invincible! !

Yes, it is almost invincible. It is equivalent to a full-level player who has developed for ten years and is a super player. It has passed through the existing super-level attributes to ten years ago.

Traveled to the present stage of this life!

At this time, I saw Chu You stayed in place, and put out a move that triggered the second continuous skill: ‘Fight of Fighting All Space Fall! ’

The fairy halberd slowly waved again, the skill bar appeared again, and the void space here appeared a more irregular movement track.

‘Wow! ’

At the last moment, the celestial halberd slammed again.

'Snapped! ’

All the controlled Dongying players were slashed from above by an invisible knife light, and the restraint skills of the empty control also exploded at this moment.

All died!

All the players under control of Dongying are dead!

No, it is accurate to say that all the controlled Dongying players lost their lives, because some players have estimated magical equipment. Although they died, they were resurrected in place, and the soul was not dragged into the guild prison.

It can be seen that at the moment of the real death of the player, when his life has bottomed out, a purple and black devil claw appears suddenly, and then a fierce grab at the player's corpse. The black breath fluctuated, but it did not spread far.

The player's body has not disappeared, but the player's soul has been captured; the living player can only see the devil's claw, but not the dead player's soul.

Then the claw disappeared instantly.

Obviously, Dongying players have not been killed, and there are still fishes in the net, but there is no player in Zuoguan City. The previous one is red and red, and it was completely blown up by a chaotic dragon ball star! !

The teleportation array was destroyed, and the assimilated core building of Zuoguan City was also destroyed.

Equal to the current Zuoguan City is a ruin!

System: You have occupied Zuoguan City!

Yan Guo Announcement: Player "Yu Ye" recaptured Zuoguan City!

The two skills Chu You just showed: Dragon Ball Skill and Fighting Skill, instantly reversed the situation in Zuoguan City!

Only two skills have reversed the situation, cleaning up countless Dongying players and the heroic NPCs or creature troops brought by Dongying players.

The Dongying players who were resurrected on the spot full of blood and full of state were extremely frightened, and Chu You was also very satisfied with the effect of the skill, and satisfied that he was in an advantageous position of absolute suppression!

I once said that at any time and at any time, I hope to kill any player in seconds!

Against the sky is still possible, but against me there is no life!

At this time, a Dongying player who was using a scroll to read the article and was about to escape suddenly appeared a terrifying figure behind him.

The Dongying player only felt the urine was coming out. He knew who was behind him, his face twisted by fright.

"Where do you want to go?" The other party's voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Devil.

At the next moment of the sword sword, the player's eyes appeared loose, and a white claw of'pa' was a scratch at nothingness!



In Jingzhongyue fantasy space, Dongying Yushen knelt down on one knee, his body was covered with blood, and the sound from his mouth clearly felt the pain he suffered.

At this time, Dongying Yushen raised her head hard and looked at the two figures standing not far away, yes, they were two figures.

One is Mo Nuer, and the other is the Yue Qing Yin of Fuqin.

Under desperation, the people behind the scenes, who radiate the power of Taoism, are finally forced out, and at the same time, Dongying Yushen also discovered the truth!

"Ming... understand, as for my death, no, not you..."

" (he), hehe."

" have the same one...cause and effect!"

"It's ridiculous, the existence of the sublime great consummation, actually willing to be a slave to the Taoist Son!!" said here, Dongying Yushen became more and more uncomfortable, the demons in the body were looting...

At this time, the eyes of Dongying Yushen changed. It was a kind of madness and incredible terror about the appearance of something...

"It really appeared, it...youyou, uh...unprecedented...great evil spirit!"

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