The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1037: Or not together

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

When you couldn’t help it, Chu You stopped on her own initiative, and Jin Cuiduo lay down on her body, feeling that the entire body of the Jade Man had softened.

After resting for a while, Jin Cuiduo began to realize the state.

With a 100,000-luck status, Jin Chuiduo felt the speed of the state very quickly.

In Chu You's eyes, Jin Chuiduo's level rose from level 135...


At the time of rising to level 165, the effect of luck stamina disappeared, that is, the consumption of 100,000 luck value, and now Jin Cuiduo's strength is the mid-level realm of 165-level service.

"Not enough!" Chu You said, and then injected Jin Chuiduo with luck again.

In the process of injection, Jin Cuiduo once again realized the state.

166.....169....171...175...179....180.....At level 180, the level rise stops, but Jin Chuanduo’s blood volume slot begins to change , Which means that the realm of Jin Chuiduo has been raised, reaching the realm of the later period of serving the moon! 180 level service Yuemang late realm!

As of the time mentioned above, Chu You has consumed a total of 300,000 luck values, and the total luck value spent on Jin Chui Duo has reached 400,000. At this time, Chu You faintly understood how terrible Jin Chui Duo’s hidden treasure is. Jin Chuduo's combat power in the same realm can crush each other!

Jin Chui Duo was one of the arrogance of the generation of Tian Taoism. Born to be the daughter of the Taoist gate, because Jin Cuo Duo's physique is a congenital Dao, she grew up in the realm of divine nature or deepness. Even the number of holes in the sky is much stronger than that of most people in the same realm, so the greater the value of the luck it takes to increase the strength of Jin Chuduo.

There are only 5-10 caves in other people’s caves, and 13 gold pendants. Each one is bigger and stronger than others. Cave’s cave is a store of energy to restore energy, so it’s very abnormal to have another cave. Yes, if the speed of other people's Dao Dan is 0.1 second, the speed of Jin Chuiduo's Dao Dan is 0.001 second.

The speed of Dao Dan usually represents the magic speed of magic power, and the compression is repaired to energy density. The faster the speed, the faster and stronger the step!

Fireball consumes 10 magic points, but the magic element density of each point is 100 times or 1000 times that of ordinary elements. What effect will it have? !

But there are doubts, if it is so, is it still fireball?

Of course, because the spell of casting fireball is still this spell, the fireball formed under this framework is fireball! It's just that its energy density is infinitely strengthened by the caster! This is also closely related to the spellmaker's attainment of spell spells.

Therefore, the speed of Dao Dan has a great influence on the battle!

Take preemptive action to win quickly!

Pre-emptive to force win!

UI! Invincible!

"Dodo, how are you feeling?"

"Need to consolidate, also need to experience, Ye Ye, stop it, I am very worried that I grow up so fast will be suspected by intentional people."

"Then it's even more dangerous if you go to explain the Taoism, or don't go."

"As for experience, experience it with me, there are a lot of fights to fight!"

Jin Ciduo smiled silently, "Uh."

"It's just that there is no such exaggerated danger to go to Taoism. I'm not a magician. I only need to reveal the atmosphere of serving the moon. I'm not fighting, I'm just investigating the situation." Jin Cui Duo said softly.

After that, Jin Cuiduo left the Immortal Guild.

Chu You's changes have changed a certain relationship for the two.

For Jin Chuduo, as long as the two still have affection for each other, it is enough to see that Chu You does not have a substantive relationship, because the nature of the relationship between the two is also to enhance the strength of both parties, and now there is luck. The perverted attributes were replaced.

Therefore, in this environment, the relationship between men and women is closer to the pure joy of men and women. Since Chu You is not active, can Jin Cuiduo still demand? !

Taoists are very indifferent to sensuality, especially high Taoists, it is not an exaggeration to regard them as a group of severely indifferent patients. If a male or female act occurs, it is only driven by some self-interest; and in this process of men and women, the Taoists are also uninteresting.

For Chu You, why he did not push Jin Chuiduo because he knew and saw a lot of hidden inside information in Heaven, the more contact he had, the deeper his understanding.

The higher existence of "Tianshi" can be regarded as a higher-level data body, and can also be regarded as the soul detained in this virtual world.

The reason why he did not push to Jin Chuduo is because his mood has changed, but for Chu Chuduo himself, Chu You is affectionate, so he feels more urgently that he needs to bring Jin Chuduo's'soul' into it. Go between the sun.

As for the Dao Souls on both sides, this is irrelevant. If you have luck in your body, are you afraid that Dao Souls cannot grow? !

There is still 480,000 luck values ​​left, Tianyun Xianchi still has 300,000 luck values, and 660 million gold coins remain.

Summoned Mo Nu'er and asked her to go to the Xiongnu Grassland to collect the gold coins produced by the gold mine under the Immortal Guild.

Open the friends bar and say to Zhao Feifei: "Open the unilateral transmission channel to the gold mine. Someone has to go."


Chu You, who changed her appearance, came to the Central City of China. He was not in a hurry to do a guild strategic mission, although 23 hours were left before that mission.

There are more and more players in China Central City. I know that in the future, this city will open more teleportation arrays, and it will also open more advanced business districts to ease the pressure caused by the population.

The teleportation array is large, and there are many people. It is possible to see journalist players with high suspicion of ‘paparazzi’ patting high-end players with a sleek look.

This phenomenon appeared in the previous life also appeared in this life.

What kind of situation is this? When you see a player making a certain behavior trajectory against a high-end player, basically that player is a'paparazzi' player.

Chu You’s dress is more flamboyant today, because it’s too mysterious, because she is wearing a black robe that covers her whole body. This black robe was made by Muse at the time, and the face looks very dark to outsiders.

I can see that some players have ecstatic eyes when they see themselves. Obviously they have found the ‘prey’, press the screenshot function immediately, and then look for the appropriate distance in the screenshot...

It is equal to several players constantly turning around Chu You.

However, China Central City is like a capital, and there are many kinds of cool and cool players appearing, so when seeing the next target appear, this group of players "passed silently" over Chu You and went to shoot Another player.

Although this dress is attractive, it has not caused any sensation.

There are many hidden camera shooters hidden in the crowd. In this environment, Chu You and other high-end players just walked out of the giant teleportation array just like walking on the red carpet.

It took 2 minutes to squeeze out the crowd, and finally came to a relatively quiet street to stand and wait for the carriage to arrive.

However, it is clear that the carriage business in China Central City has also become popular, and Chu You has been standing for a long time without waiting for an empty car.

It is impossible to walk in the past, and you will enjoy convenient services in this life when the environment permits.

Finally, a carriage with an empty carriage ran towards the place where Chu Youzuo stood.

When Chu You was about to raise her hand to signal that she wanted to take a ride, she walked in front of an unfamiliar player. She just raised her hand in ‘good’.

The carriage stopped in front of the two, but the coachman's eyes looked at the girl in front of him, not Chu You in a black robe.

When the priest girl walked into the carriage, she suddenly turned around and looked at herself, showing a beautiful smile, "Hey, or together."

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