The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1055: Became a land of chaos

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

The guardian deity of Yan Guo Hu Guo will fall. Although it can absorb the life of the earth to replenish its own vitality, it is clear that this speed of replenishment cannot withstand the combined attack of the two suits, the Sun Mang Da Yuan!

At the moment when the patron saint will fall, the beam of light around the king city disappears, and the related buffs on the player also disappear.

After killing the patron saint of protecting the country, a lot of luck breaths were generated. Most of these luck breaths entered the bodies of Yue Qingyin and Xiao Junyi, and very few even benefited a handful of players around.

I can see that the patron saint of the country protects the whole body into light and enters a palace. In this palace is the main palace of the shrine, where it condenses into one... jade seal!

This jade seal exudes the breath of the road, and the jade seal itself is also very big!

At this time, Xiao Junyi looked at the palace, then cast a spell, pointed it at his finger, and saw that the light beam entered the palace, and the beam hit the huge jade on the place name.

Then Xiao Junyi's expression changed, saying: "Emperor Yan must be killed to erase the bloodmarks in the jade seal, so that the ancestors can inherit.....emmm, at least there must be an heir made by the ancestor."

The jade seal cannot be obtained, and its current state seems to be phantom; it is possible to see a large array of skynets appearing centered on the jade seal, and slowly turning.

Seeing the fall of the huge patron saint of guardians, Yan Guo players and Dongying players who were hiding and watching from far away were shocked, because they only saw two figures flashing at speeds that attacked the patron saint of patron saints. will.

The opponents of the patron saint of the country throughout the whole process are these two shadows, which have been blinking and dazzling.

When did the fairy guild have these two monsters again? !

The Yan Guo announcement includes a regional announcement: The Yan Guo patron saint will be killed by the Xian Gui Association, and each Xian Gui Association player member will have +100,000 luck!

Yanguo Announcement: The vacancy of Yanguo Avenue, the imperial system is waiting for recognition...

Yan State Announcement: Killing the Pseudo Emperor (Yan Emperor), you can become the new emperor of the country!

This intrusive Yan Guo announcement made everyone more caught off guard.

Not only that, at this moment, all the transmission lines in the entire territory of Yan Kingdom were invalid, which means that the transmission array could not transmit the towns within the territory of Yan Kingdom, the towns and towns could not be transmitted, and the guild could not transmit the towns. People came and it was unusable.

The player guild's teleportation array can only teleport field teleportation arrays.

Emperor Yan looked very weak and old, lost his luck, and his body was filled with death air.

Master Yan Guoguo shook his head regretfully: "The patron saint will fall down, and Daotong will come here for fear that it will take some time..."

"And during this time, it is still unknown whether His Majesty and I are waiting."

"I... I'm not reconciled!!" Emperor Yan stood up hard, and the huge jade seal in front of him exuded the golden light of the road. At this moment, he extended his palm to the jade seal, and then the two produced a weak induction. .

Yan Guo Announcement: The Pseudo Emperor is activating the blood of the imperial system, and the current progress is 0.01%...

"It's in vain." He shook his head while talking to the National Master, then his eyes narrowed, staring at the top of the building above.

I saw a mouth blow out there, and the whole palace shook.


If it really came, the two figures entered, quickly landed, and stood firmly above the jade seal.

Of these two, one is Yue Qingyin, and the other is... Chu You!

"Yu....Yu Ye!!" Qing Deng Gai stared at the man not far away, Ning Tianshu beside her was also a hell.

After the night was full, the information about him no longer appeared on the official website forum, because then he disappeared into the public view.

Now, he appears in the eyes of the members of the Genesis Association.

Now he, actually... is this look.

12... stars!

The woman dressed as a female Taoist next to him was actually 12 stars, and the blood volume of these two people seemed to be deeper than the 12 stars I saw in China Central City! Also atmospheric! Also...shock!

What is this blood volume slot! !

Emperor Yan also saw the night when he was watching him. His eyes were really complicated. Before, the other party was still a people who listened to his orders. Now, even if the patron saint of the country will be resurrected, even if...

Afterwards, Emperor Yan's eyes showed a relief, he figured it out, meeting such luck transporters, any power and strength is pale.

"Emperor Yan, you don't have to worry about it, because your loved ones are waiting for you below." Chu You opened this sentence.

And this sentence made everyone realize that Yan Emperor's harem was slaughtered by You Ye.

Yan Di bleeds from the corners of his mouth, but his expression is very strange, he actually smiled: "Hehe...then...then that's good."

"There are many people who want to kill you, but you must die in her hands!"

"Voiceless, take him to the Fairy Guild."

"Yes, Patriarch." After that, Yue Qingyin shot, it is strange that no one stopped in the process, watching Yan Emperor taken away by the female priest.

Chu You looked very relaxed. At this time, he lifted the immortal halberd and pointed at everyone, "Next, you all die."


On the platform at the top of the Xiangonghui sunset villa, Emperor Yan kneeled in front of Cui Nuanjun, standing behind him with an outstanding but very friendly moonlight.

Up to now, the dialogue between Cui Nuanjun and Yandi has ended, at this moment there is nothing to say...

Emperor Yan was kneeling, lowering his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Cui Nuanjun was still sitting, only his eyes were looking at the sky, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

At this moment, Yue Qingyin smiled slightly: "Come."

As soon as the words fell, there was a figure behind Cui Nuanjun, it was Chu You.

"Xiaojun, how?"

"All right, just waiting for you."

"Hmm..." I saw Chu You's eyes changed slightly, and then the ghost chi Yan appeared next to him.

"June, kill him!"

Then Cui Nuanjun stood up, drew his sword and pointed to the kneeling Yan Emperor. Then his temperament changed and became extremely fierce!

The sword light sword flashed in a flash, and with a sword, he cut off Yan Yan's head.

But then the strange scene appeared. The body of Yan Yan who lost his head did not bleed, but the whole body was shaking. There was no flesh at the position of the incision, but golden light...

Yue Qingyin said: "Patriarch, Yan Di has become a container. Injecting energy into it can wash the jade seal's bloodline!"

"In this way, the patriarch can replace it."

I saw Chu You walked over, and the body of the headless Yandi kneeling on the ground suddenly stood up, his body still shaking.

In Chu You's eyes, there is a light hole in the heart of this body.

In the eyes of everyone, I saw that the man stretched out his hand and then penetrated into Yan Di's body.

System: You need to inject 10,000 Qiyun value before Yuxi can recognize the Lord!


When the patron saint of protecting the country will fall down, the chain effect of the entire country of Yan Kingdom, its comments on the official website forum exploded!

This battle was shaped like this by a very famous big man: Yan Guo was almost beaten down by You Ye and became a land of chaos.

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