The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1110: Experience Trade Group

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Master, I found it. There is a Dongying Mighty willing to buy 100,000 godstones for 300 million yuan." Miao Jiuer heard the voice.

"Okay, I'll be here soon."

Some people wholeheartedly help themselves in attracting business, which does make the gold coins come quickly, which is not good. Miao Jiuer has drawn a big order for himself.

He Minger returned to the Immortal Guild and placed Minger under the care of Yu Nuanjun, and Chu You came to Dongying Central City.

Looking at Ming'er, Cui Nuanjun's eyes flashed strangely. She is not doing what she did before, but is resting.

"Ming'er, you have a master's breath. It seems that the master has subdued you and gave you this suit. You are wearing a good fit."

Minger gave Cui Nuanjun a cowardly look and lowered his head to speak softly: "Sister Nuan... I can't refuse it."

"The person who is the master in your current situation is the best result." Cui Nuanjun said aloud, "Can you tell me, what have you talked about?"

Minger looked up at Cui Nuanjun, remembered that the other party took care of her, and remembered that the master did not ask her to keep any secrets, so she said: "The master asked me if he wanted to be someone like them..."

"Huh?" Cui Nuanjun stunned obviously, and then immediately returned to the original state, and at the same time his heart faintly understood what Chu You was doing, remembering the look the other party used to her before taking away Minger, the heart faintly realized that This little girl Ming'er, very likely... is an experiment.

"I answered and thought, the master said that I would be the first to have a real body."

It seems that the owner is not completely sure about this matter, there must be a ‘pioneer. ’

If the guess is correct, the Minger in front of him is a pioneer, becoming the first person to be transformed from a person in this world into theirs.

Thinking of this, Cui Nuanjun felt an unspeakable feeling in his heart, which contained envy in his unspeakable feeling. What envyed him was that Ming'er would become the first player.

In Cui Nuanjun's view, the success of this kind of thing is very good, and the master will not be targeted. In the past, when the other party described this kind of thing, it was very confident.

Only now, what ‘danger’ is there that would make Chu You have some fears? !

What did he realize? !

In Dongying Central City, Chu You and Dongyin Mengjiu introduced by Miao Jiuer had negotiated a good deal and sold all the godstones: 120,000 pieces, and received 360 million gold coins from the other party. Now his gold coin holdings have reached : 1.17 billion.

It must be mentioned that the store where Baqi Dashe is located has canceled the 1,000 gold coin entry fee, and at the same time issued a redemption task to the player. What is the redemption task?

The answer is: gold value exchange experience task!

That is to say, let Dongying players pay a certain amount of gold coins to get a certain amount of experience.

This was hot. I saw that there was a huge crowd of Dongying players here, and every Dongying player's face flashed with excitement.

This time I finally talked about the great prince of Dongying. The prince of Dongying is the prince of Zheng's eighth classics. The actual background is the royal family, the great prince, the person closest to the prince.

Dongying Grand Prince is different from other Dongying royal families who like to hide behind the scenes or do the work behind the scenes. Dongying Grand Prince is a serious battle player!

And he has gathered 100 million gold coins on his body, and came to the deepest store in the Yachi Shrine Shrine, where he saw the magic snake.

"Human, how much training energy do you want from me? (Experience)"

"Dear Lord Baqi, I want to end my journey and let me really step into the realm of Shinto! (2nd turn)"

"Oh? You let me look at your body..." The eyes of the demon snake gleamed dangerously, but the great prince Dongying had no fear.

"There is a shackle in your body. Through this shackle you will be able to create a Shinto spiritual root. In your experience, the thickness of this shackle has been reduced. Well... 50 million gold coins are needed. I will help you quench it in one fell swoop. Destroy it!"

In other words, after paying 50 million gold coins, you can directly reach the full level. Think about when Chu You brought Miao Jiuer from transfer to level 100. As long as 10 million gold coins, even if Chu You promised to bring him to the full level, it is estimated that his The offer is capped at most 30 million gold coins.

Moreover, the level of the tutor can also cultivate the relationship with the tutor. Some adventures encountered in the process may also benefit, and these benefits even slowly offset the fee for the level.

Of course, there is still a huge difference between the two, one is instant full level, the other is the time it takes to reach the full level faster than the average player. The choice depends on how the person chooses.

This is not to say that 50 million gold coins will be able to reach full level directly, because the prince of Dongying is now at level 70. If the transfer player is upgraded from level 10 to full level, he will need more gold coins.

The reason why the Baqi Serpent opened 50 million gold coins is because the infusion experience value is at the expense of its own great consummation energy. There is a'transition artifact' in operation, which injects its own great consummation energy into this artifact to generate experience value Inject into the other party's body, so as to get through the shackles.

High-level aborigines basically convert experience points, but without the blessing of auxiliary items, converting experience points is just like restoring energy, and it takes a lot of time.

Later in the game, there will be an Aboriginal: Experience Trade Group.

The trade group is specifically aimed at players and profited from it.

Wow hahaha, as long as 50 million gold coins can reach full level, the prince Dongying also knows that his team is warning him that this method is actually undesirable, but I can’t help it anymore, I just want to be full level, you. We can. Put. Me. Ye! Drop!

"Okay, 50 million gold coins is 50 million gold coins..."

So, the two parties conducted a transaction, and the Baqi Serpent made the Prince Dongying full, and the Baqi Serpent received 50 million gold coins.

In the space purgatory, the real body of the Big Qi snake swayed, "Wow ha ha ha, I really did not expect that gold coins are so profitable, so that my trading time with that person is infinitely closer, and I..." Speaking of which, the white killing dragon looked at one of its sleeping companions, the snake body.

"The next one will be you....When my eight Qi are all dragon bodies, then at that time, I will really step into the realm of imperial level!"


Fang Moxun's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and there was a feeble color in his eyes.

In front of him, there was an abnormality in his secret secret Taoist Zhibao Jiming Jiuyang Fang Zunding.

You can see the black and purple breath floating from time to time in this tripod, and the breath disappears quickly.

And Fang Moxun knows that every breath represents a super evil strong in the underworld in the treasure, such as Yin God, such as Ghost Emperor!

The reincarnation technique performed in the last incident consumed too much luck in the treasure, so it could not suppress the gods in the underworld to respect the gods. Now, the ghost gods and emperors in the underworld chose an appropriate time. At this moment it finally broke out.

These super evil strong will escape the treasures and will ruin the world...

It will also mess up players!

It will also disrupt the current critical period of reincarnation.

Fang Moxun, the ancestor of the Celestial Heaven, immediately "connected" the other ancestors of the Taoism, opened up the boundary of sympathy, and communicated with spirit.

"It seems necessary to make use of monasticism..."

"Making the monks strong is of great benefit to me and others."

"The monks are immortal..."

"Although it is the ultimate enemy, I will not sit back and watch tigers suffer..."

"Exactly, receive their gold coins and give them experience..."

"Let them take the risk to go to the fierce land to obtain divine materials for me..."

"Ultimately let more Taoist priests marry into the realm of imperialism..."

"This will make our rule stronger..."

"When there is a Taoist who crosses into the realm of the Japanese mansions and cannot be used by us, he should be killed...

"The fire does not go out!"

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