The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1115: Quick and easy and monitoring

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Everyone got out of the car. In front of them was a very large luxury door, and now the door was slowly opened!

Then the lights inside light up naturally!

Everyone did not take down the luggage, which was requested by Chu You. He said that a robot would come to help him later.

So everyone stood here empty-handed.

At the moment, the mobile phone held by Chu You sounded the voice of Intelligent Da Qiao, "What you see, ladies and gentlemen, is the residential area. Now that the gate is open, you can walk in."

"Let's go." Chu You said, the first step was taken, the people behind me looked at me and I looked at you, and there was a look of surprise in my eyes.

However, without taking a few steps, Chu You stopped advancing, and everyone stopped advancing.

I saw a slight footstep sound on both sides in the hall inside, and then everyone saw two people who were obviously not human but were like humans. The two men were dressed in maid costumes, and their facial expressions changed with those of people. There is still a difference.

Yes, this is a real intelligent robot!

As far as human aesthetics are concerned, these two maids have an impeccable sweet body.

At this time, Da Qiao's voice sounded again: "These two are high-intelligence mechanical Ji, the left is called Eve, and the right is called Eve. They are familiar with everything here. They absolutely obey you. Eve and Eve pass through the retina I have recognized your appearance, they know you, they will introduce everything below!" said here the phone sound stopped.

However, these two mechanical Ji have acted, and saw very standard etiquette against everyone, but after raising their heads, their eyes looked at Chu You. They spoke, and their voices were almost the same as those of the human voice: " Chu You, you are our host, welcome back!"

Eve had a beautiful smile on her face: "Master, I am Eve!"

Awa smiled on her face: "Master, I am Awa!" After speaking again, she said to the people behind Chu You: "Guests, I am very happy to meet you, we will serve everything for you! "

Next, these two mechanical Ji were introduced to everyone. During the process, everyone learned that these two mechanical Ji did not look weak and weatherless, their strength was very powerful, and they did not need to be charged at all. Of course, if the amount of exercise is too much and too strong, you may need to connect to the power supply.

The most exciting place of Ji Ji is that it is online 24 hours a day. At the same time, the manor house has an independent intelligent system (in fact, the Tianchu Group system). When calling them, as long as they are not too far outside, they can call their names directly on the bed. , They will all respond, instead of waiting for the two mechanical Ji to come over and have a conversation.

All rooms are equipped with advanced sound control technology devices, and the entire villa estate is completely covered by intelligent systems!

From another perspective, human beings are even under intelligent monitoring at all times!

And the most powerful intelligence of this planet has already shown the characteristic signal of betraying humanity!

As for how the people’s rooms are allocated, this Chu You’s master bedroom is on the third floor, and the other people’s rooms are also on the third floor. This was discussed beforehand, and they are all close together. Everyone’s room is Facing the sea!

It's almost evening. When everyone is familiar with the room they are assigned to, in the process, the two mechanics are moving the luggage of everyone in the RV.

At the same time, Ji Ji also told everyone that the dinner was ready!

When you came to the spacious restaurant, Chu You saw the dishes full of tables, and many of them were dishes that everyone loved. Of course, there were also dishes that Chu You loved.

As early as Yuanjing, Da Qiao learned everyone's tastes and preferences through monitoring, so all the dishes put out for dinner were everyone's favorite.

As for whether the dinner was delicious or not, Chu You felt that it was not as good as Zhou Zhijun's.

In short, living here, everything becomes very fast, thoughtful, and simple.

If you stay in the long run, people will become lazy and enjoy! Ironically, this is the ideal life that many people pursue in their lives!

After the meal, everyone came to Chu You's room. On the balcony, everyone looked at the sunset and enjoyed the sea breeze.

Looking at the group of women brought by them, Chu You raised an unspeakable emotion in her heart. What made them all stay with themselves? ! What are their ideals and pursuits? !

No matter what, your request I Chu You has to answer!

"Chu You, what are you thinking about?" Lin Luoer's hair was blown by the sea breeze and narrowed his eyes.

"I? Didn't think about it."

"Can you tell me, besides your mission, what other pursuits and ideals do you have?" Lin Luoer asked again. As for the word mission, only Zhao Feifei and Baoer can understand it. Zhou Zhijun and Dantai Jingning If you don’t understand, it’s revenge!

Revenge, this thing that has been aimed at from the beginning, but in the near future it has not been much targeted, because the enemy is too weak, because he is too weak.

The enemy is weak in "The World", they are not worth mentioning, they can destroy everything in a chat, but they can't hurt the roots, and they must wait until the turbulent period of the previous life comes before they can really be executed.

And when does the period from the previous life to this life happen? !

Too weak is because the real world is really weak. Although the real world's own strength is also strong, it is far away from its own strength and power in "The World"!

Unable to do whatever he wants, unable to use his own strength to achieve all revenge, Xiao Qiaohong once warned, and then slaughtered, the rest of the Qiu family will face the matter once they think of it in their own way, thus shaking things out, they will face Endless trouble.

Once it was determined that it was you, the people in Tianchu Group and those around them were in trouble, and the huge hostile forces they faced at that time could not compete with themselves! It is tantamount to hitting stones with eggs!

At that time, I could only do nothing. In fact, it does not matter. The key is that there are some things that I...cannot let go!

The previous life is the same, how can I do this life again? !

Waiting for that kind of trend to arrive, Honghou must control "The World"!

It's just why, Grey Ash will send himself that email, to let himself enter the final fantasy world, and the source code is hidden in the final fantasy world, then all success Even if the "Tianshi" source code is obtained, what specific use is it?

By that time, will it be possible to give the red queen? !

After the hatred is reported, can I...can I get away? !

"Chu You?"

In a flash, his eyes were completely awake, and he found that everyone, including the mechanical Ji Xia pushing the wheelchair, was looking at himself.

"What you say makes me...hehe, me, pursue? Ideal? I haven't considered these, but I have an idea, that is, after completely destroying "Tianshi", what will be the next virtual game?!"

"This is very difficult. This game will upset our world. How can there be the next game." Zhao Feifei answered.

"Well, there should be no next game."

Zhao Feifei glanced at the Eve holding Dantai Jingning's wheelchair and said slightly: "Chu You, do you like being monitored?!"

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