The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 216: Sunset Villa

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

As for the property of [Commander], it is easy to understand that it is that creatures recruited from 9 different creature nests fight. This has nothing to do with the order of creatures, as long as there is a position, you can lead the expedition. This item is also a superb item. The average hero can only bring 7 different types of creatures.

There is also the property of [Butler], um... Chu You chose to open it immediately!

The steward is authorizing the hero to have the authority to help the player take care of the housework independently when the master player is offline or when there is no time.

The scope of this housework is very large, as long as it is any property belonging to the owner or something else, it has the right to take care of it!

Of course, if a bad result is produced, then all the consequences are borne by the host player.

What does biological escape rate mean? That is to say, the hero was suddenly beheaded by others, then the morale of the troops leading the expedition was greatly reduced, the heart was fearful, and there was no courage to fight. They fled and fled. For example, there are 100 flower demon troops. 50.

Chu Yousuan was able to see that Cui Nuanjun's attributes are all top grades, but the commander's value and specialty attributes are more prominent. The top grade among the top grades can be perverted!

As for the attribute of the troop fusion stunt master, that is something to say, I will mention it later!

Why can't I see the true intelligence of the hero? This is a hidden attribute, judging how high a hero's intelligence is, and can only get along with the hero day and night, so as to determine whether it is suitable for being a housekeeper! Sometimes it can be seen from the face, is a five big three thick hero, is it really appropriate to use it as a butler?

Cui Nuanjun is suitable to be a housekeeper. Chu You must have a very deep heart. How can an NPC who can speak the main world be so smart?

Loyalty is also easy to judge. At 50 loyalty, the hero is in danger of defection. At 70 loyalty, if it is a heterosexual hero, then you can get married. Marriage in Heaven is also a fun thing. Chu You smiled a little at the thought. , Because when a marriage occurs, if both parties are players, they can enjoy the other party's 10% bonus to all attributes. If it is a hero of the opposite sex, the opponent will enjoy 20% of the player's overall attribute bonus, while the player has nothing.

What if the player wants to cheat but doesn't want to divorce? In "The World" the player's personal apartment provides such a venue. This kind of setting makes the players of the previous life defamatory and feels the deep maliciousness from the R&D personnel! You should know that after marriage, the other party can also return directly to the apartment of both parties, which is very interesting. A lot of tears in "Tianshi" happened from here. I still remember that a big brother in the previous life took a small three with The apartment was doing a good job. Suddenly, the figure of her mother-in-law appeared in the apartment. Don’t be embarrassed.

It must be mentioned that homosexuality is recognized as legal in The Heaven! Another point is that the return of the apartment to the city will cover the guild's return to the city skills.

"Master, Nuan Jun can feel that his master is so rich and has a lot of property!" Cui Nuanjun said with his eyes closed at this time, she should be absorbing the data of Chu You Industry. But the equipment of the player's personal body and the wealth of the items in the backpack cannot be seen by the housekeeper hero. This can be proved in the previous life, there is nothing to worry about.

"Our property will only grow bigger in the future, are you ready?"

"Okay, hee hee, now I can finally leave the house!" The girl Nuanjun's eyes were particularly bright at this time, and her tone was full of excitement.

Big Sima still did not come out, seems to be hurting alone? do not care.

"Then follow me!"

When Cui Nuanjun finally stepped out of the door with one foot, she was extremely excited, like a child, looking away curiously about the strange environment.

"Wow, is that person a practitioner?" At this time, a player hurriedly ran from here and didn't notice the anomaly here.

"Yes, you will get used to it later."

"Master, why are you so rich, but you don't have a home?" Nuan Jun asked suddenly.

"Home?" Chu You couldn't help widening her eyes, and was at a loss for a while, but he quickly reacted. The home Cui Nuanjun said refers to the player's personal apartment, that is, the bungalow provided in the guild. Of course, if It's a single player, you can also buy an apartment in the town, but you can't upgrade it, this thing is home.

"Yes, after you go to the Lord's World, Nuan Jun doesn't know where to rest as well!" He could not help but slightly puckered his mouth, which made people feel pity.

"Look at me, even forget this!" Chu You's index finger and **** together, clicked on the forehead and slid down to the tip of the nose. He did not say that the guild is my home! There are only three people who can legally appear in the city of Yunding. Why do you want an apartment? ! At the same time secretly praise Nuan Jun's intelligence.

"Let's go back to the Guild!" After finishing talking, Chu You used the Guild's skills to return to the city directly. Nuan Jun murmured when he saw: "Is this the ability that comes out of the contract with Daozi?" He closed his eyes after speaking Then, the same brilliance as Chu You appeared on the periphery.

In a few moments, the two came to the city of Yunding.

"Wow, what a beautiful place!" Nuan Jun couldn't help complimenting when she appeared, she was so curious about everything here.

"That big tree is so beautiful, and Nuanjun can feel the mysterious and powerful breath it radiates on him!" Nuanjun pointed to the skill tree.

"You can play by yourself, I will build a house here!" Chu You walked towards the core building of the guild.

When you came to the core building, Chu You chose it, and an interface was opened. This interface is the interface that displays your guild sphere of influence. The area covered by blue is very large, but most of it is in the sky.

Then Chu You found a huge floating rock and looked at it, that's it!

In the center of this floating mountain stone, Chu You built a bungalow, as ordinary as the exterior. Is this the end? For Shenhao, this is impossible.

Upgrade it now! From the first-level apartment to the tenth-level apartment, then from the tenth-level apartment to the first-level villa, and finally the first-level villa to the tenth-level villa!

The process is quite fast and unhuman. At this time, the tenth-level villa fills up the entire mountain and stone. From the perspective of the sky, this villa occupies a very large area, with an oversized outdoor swimming pool and swimming pool. Still on the top floor on the right, there is a larger garden.

The style of this villa was designed by Chu You to be completely unrecognizable. Its overall shape is like a small imperial palace in Sui and Tang Dynasties. The garden is more magnificent, because the garden of the Ming Dynasty is more decorative and elegant, and then It’s the astrological tower. That’s right, Chu You also built the astrological tower. Although it’s useless, it’s good to see. When there’s nothing wrong, you can stand there and take a panoramic view of the city of Yunding.

The appearance of the outdoor swimming pool is more like a hot spring, except that it is not a hot spring.

As for the decorative furniture in the villa, Chu You knew that it was still empty, and you had to buy the furniture yourself, but fortunately, there was an apartment mall, which was not a problem. Open the apartment mall, and the furniture prices range from copper coins to gold coins. , No strategic resources required. The things inside can only be used in the apartment, not outside.

It is worth mentioning that furniture cabinets can provide players with warehouse attributes. If the player has a lot of equipment and does not want to go to the town to store it, then it can be directly stored in the apartment furniture. The higher the price, the more the amount of storage. The more, the right to use includes: owner, wife, butler! The wife and the housekeeper can only keep it, but can't get it, but they can view the items inside.

With the richness of Chu You, needless to say, one million gold coins were spent to decorate the inside with exquisite elegance, yet without losing luxury.

"Well, there seems to be something missing." Chu You said this thing is a potted plant.

Potted plants are rare items in Heaven, and they are also graded. Cultivated potted plants can obtain blessing items, such as sacred grade flat peach fruit trees. Although they are called trees, they are a kind of potted plants. Plant it in it every day. After pouring a certain amount of water, it will grow, and finally flowering, the player will be able to obtain ripe flat peach fruit, after eating it will have a gain attribute.

The properties of potted plants are various. Their sources are obtained from merchants and in the wild. The number of potted plants is linked to the level of the apartment. The higher the level of the apartment, the more potted plants can be stored.

Apartment villas can be sold, but the transaction can only be members of the guild, outsiders are not listed as objects of sale. If a member of the apartment is kicked out of the guild, the apartment villa will be taken back, and the equipment stored in the furniture will also be taken away. It is a kind of clever way of plundering. The guild was destroyed, so unfortunately, all attributed to the enemy.

If the player's personal apartment is not set up, it is open to the outside world, that is, the members of the guild and friends have the right to visit and visit your apartment, but only to visit and cannot be destroyed and used. This occurs when the owner is not present.

Chu You thought about it, only allowed Lin Luoer to have the right to visit, and all other friends were closed. Regardless of whether Lin Luoer has a house, just open her permission first.

Tenth-level villa attributes: +5 for all attributes, and the upper limit of hunting recovery breath to 500% ('Xian' Guild members only have a 100% upper limit).

Finally, there is the naming right. The apartment cannot have the naming right, only the villa can enjoy this qualification.

After thinking about it again, Chu You entered four words with her mind: Sunset Villa!

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