The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 223: Chaos of the army

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Boss, they come out, there are too many people, and there are too many to count." In the sight of an assassin of a super-god guild, there were dense players of Chu Kingdom in front of them. Behind these Chu players, there was a huge teleportation. Channel, this channel is transparent, from the outside you can see through the scene behind the channel, like a mirror, but Chu players are constantly emerging from the inside.

This place is the place where Chu State's Battle Square was introduced into the northern territory of Yan State.

The assassin only felt that his scalp was numb. He felt that his intensive phobia had been committed. The first time he saw such a large group of players, his momentum was too shocking.

"Haha, read with me: Zhuangzai, my great Chu Kingdom!" Looking at the numerous Chu Kingdom players, the War Soul Fengyun was very excited and roared loudly. It can be said that this war against the Yan Kingdom was initiated and organized by the Guild of War Souls. In reality, I do not know how many relationships are used and how much financial resources are consumed. The bigwigs of the guilds of various countries have also given their faces, resulting in such a grand occasion. When the army went out, the Soul Guild showed up for a while, just like the largest guild in Chu.

The scene is extremely lively, but crowded, the players in front are unaware, the players in the middle are squeezed to death, the players in the back... well, the incoming players are too crowded and the characters can't move, they can't condense For the entity, then, under the channel area where they came out, there was a large overlap...

"Call those alliance leaders to move their alliance personnel forward." Soul of War has mercilessly contacted the bosses of various guilds and the alliance corps organized by his guild.

The soul of war is finally relentless to realize that it is a very difficult thing for this army to be able to obey the command of the command at any time. There are more than 10,000 people, and the voice of the command will be obliterated in the human voice immediately.

So it can only be conveyed through voice friends, which is very slow. It was such a simple command, but it took a minute or two for the front player to move a few hundred steps forward. Seeing such a situation, War Soul frowned relentlessly, and he suddenly felt that his idea was too simple. Just now he roared a few words with his voice, but found that it was completely useless, and the players in the middle could not move forward, because the players in front could not hear, it was too noisy.

"Let the guild bosses, as well as the alliance leaders, check if the members are there, more than 70%, we can start." At this time, a player said to the soulless voice of the war soul, this person is the old online gaming guild: North Commander of the Dragon Guild, Autumn Twilight.

Immediately, another command was developed layer by layer.

"Relentless, have the pathfinding troops been sent out?" Commander Beilong continued.

"Just went out just now? I asked, it was too crowded, no one could go out before." War Soul said ruthlessly as he walked, his face was already sad.

After receiving affirmative news, War Soul sent a relentless breath, and the two groups of path-finding troops had already set off. This was the tactic they had determined before.

"Have they set off yet?" said the commander, standing on the tower, looking at the quiet ancient road.

"Not yet, I don't know what I'm doing."

"Well, notify me as soon as you set off, and be careful yourself."

"Huh? Boss, two troops set off first, and looking at their direction, it seemed like they were coming towards us like this."

"Oh? Got it, you continue to monitor." The killing commander understood in his heart that this was the Chu army searching for the way.

The reason why War Soul Ruthless does this is that the members of the guild have been sent out in the early stage and the location of the Super God Guild has been ascertained, so as soon as they appear in the Yan Kingdom, they can see their coordinates and the location of the Super God Guild on the map. In this way, the direction is clear.

Why not send it out directly? To know that this is a 20-25 level area, the terrain is complex, and it is easy to cause such and other troubles. There is a fatal problem here, that is, the amount of people lost is huge. Running and running, some players are ‘missing’! This is most clearly reflected in other online games.

The scouts of those two groups of troops are all riding horses, and I believe that it will not take long to achieve results.

"The Soul of War is not hurt, how is your side?"

"It's already on the way." The Soul of Warlessness is the group of Chu players who came to Yan from the crack. Here he is just a liaison, not a commander, and the commander has other people.

"Okay, don't be too fast, we haven't set off yet."

War Soul rode a horse without any harm, and turned to the young man next to him: "Kaka, mercilessly tell us not to be too fast."

"Ah, we no longer advance when we reach the predetermined position. It's really desolate here. I haven't seen a player from the Yan Kingdom. Why did you say that the Super God Guild chose this as the base camp?" The commander of the team is called Kaka. It is also a mobile unit, and all 1,000 people are riding horses.

At this time Kaka's eyes appeared a little surprised, smiled and said: "I just said that Yan Guo has no one, this is no, some people in the league say that two Yan Guo players are secretly following us."

"Oh? Will it be the Super God Guild?"

"Why don't you just kill him before talking."


Chu You stopped walking, her halberd weapon's head was facing down, and there was blood dripping from the sharp part of the dragon horn. Looking around, Chu You withdrew his fighting stance, because the players from Jin Guo who had come from the crack had been killed by him, at least in his eyes, there was no shadow of any enemy.

"How many points do you have?"

"I'm 807!" Lin Luoer had already jumped down. As Jiu Caier showed, he suffered a fall and said at this time.

"Me too 807! How about you male god?"

"I am 833!" The reason for the inconsistency is that the two did not keep up in time. In the team mode, once the two parties are too far apart, other teammates cannot enjoy task sharing.

"Now, let's go there and make another wave!" Chu You faced in one direction, where the players of Wu Kingdom gathered from the crack in Yan State.

"Boss, solved!"

"Solved? What's the solution?" Killing Commander listened to a player's message, his face was blank, he was too busy, busy receiving the message, busy communicating the message, but there was no time to distinguish who this person was.

"I'm monitoring Jin Guo's anti-inflammatory. Boss, it's incredible. You Ye has solved all the Jin Guo players here. It's so amazing, it's almost a blast!" At this time, excitedly reported the situation here to the killing commander.

When he heard the news, there was an unbelievable sight in the eyes of the killing commander. He believed that Chu You was able to solve the player of Jin Guo 800, but it was unbelievable that it would happen so fast? This is too fast!

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