The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 225: No one has been like me, just front

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Chu You also opened the PVP leaderboard. In the personal score column, the scores of himself, Lin Luoer, Jiu Caier and others are far ahead of others. The fourth place is only 67 points, while the three of them are more than 800 points, the gap is too wide. It is clear to my heart that if in the previous life, 67 points can enter the top three at this stage, because the war did not take long.

In the guild rankings, no points have been generated yet, which means that up to now, no guild has been destroyed in the China region.

However, in the national games value rankings, Yan Guo is not in an absolute lead, with a score of 1048, temporarily ranked first. The second place is Qin Guo, with a score of 927. The third place is a little worse, Tang Guo's score is 486, the last place is Jin Guo, 307 points.

Although Qin State also issued a war declaration to Yan State, Qin State's largest guild, War Wolf Association, did not participate. Being able to keep up with Yan Guo at 927 points in terms of the value of the national games. Presumably, the War Wolf Guild played a vital role. The tactics they developed were obviously successful.

After turning off the list, Chu You's face was still faint. Now, the three of them are riding a velociraptor standing on a small road in the forest. According to the intelligence and their familiarity with the map, Chu You knows that the prey are coming in their own direction.

It's not easy to fight in the forest. There are big trees and rocks. The range skills are weakened. At least there won't be such favorable terrain as when the players of the Jin Kingdom are destroyed. If the players are scattered, they will not be able to wipe out, but it doesn't matter. As long as the Wu State troops with nearly 1,000 people are broken up, so that they do not have the strength to harass the Super God Guild, then the purpose will be achieved.

It is the purpose of Chu You to try your best to annihilate the living power of the enemies of the offender.

"Slaughter, you can ask someone to send Wu's troops over."

"Coordinate points 546,987,557." The commander quickly sent the coordinates.

Chu You immediately opened the map, and the other party was now very close to where she was.

Turned to the second daughter and said, "You are hiding there, when I send my skills, you will come out again."

Lin Luoer Jiucai'er did not have any objections, and immediately followed Chu You's instructions, quickly mounted on a mount to hide behind a huge rock standing here.

Cancelled the mount, opened the backpack, looked at it, and finally fixed it on a special item.

‘Changing Rock’: After using the item, the player becomes a rock that can’t move for 30 minutes. When the other party exerts an intermediate anti-stealth skill, the perception is at 100, and the magical equipment has anti-stealth, you can see through your truth. If you are attacked, the rock state will also disappear.

Chu You was looking for this item, grinned, ran a few dozen steps forward quickly, and then used this thing.

Immediately, Chu You turned into a small rock that closely matched the surrounding environment. From the appearance, there was nothing unusual, just a common stone.

After a while, Chu You saw a sparse figure in front of her, and then more players appeared in her eyes, and Wu’s troops came.

Some of this group of people ride horses and some run. The efficiency of marching like this is very slow. When there are many players whose physical strength bottoms out, the team will have to stop to rest, which is very common in the early game. The phenomenon.

Soon, those players riding on horses crossed the rock that Chu You turned into, and Chu You still didn't do anything. He was waiting for the moment when the crowd was most concentrated.

This moment will not allow Chu You to wait too long. When a large group of dense players pass by Chu You, they suddenly hear a strange laugh coming from the side.

There is no such thing as a sprint, so Chu You's laughter is very abrupt, which surprised many Wu Guo players. You see me, I see you, but no one looks at the rocks next to them.

"Dragon Breath Fluctuation", the loud skill explosion finally broke the silence in the forest, and the battle started. The players on the mounts turned their heads to see what was going on, and the scene before them stunned them.

Some players have a scene in which characters are blown up in mid-air because of a spike. What is this skill?

The rock was no longer there. At the center of the skill range, a tall, slender figure stood there, entangled with black air, oppressing the hearts of the people, but surrounded by dead bodies.

One of the Wu Guo players recognized who that person was at a glance. After all, he claimed to be a fan of Ye Ye.

"He is Ye Ye, everyone be careful." When you say this, Chu You has already started.

No matter whether it is a previous life or this life, no one has ever been in a personal posture, the front is just a few hundred times or even thousands of times his own enemy, and finally won.

In this life, Chu You did it!

With a longing in his heart, and with the passion drawn from this thought, Chu You once again opened the ring.


"Boss, visually one or two thousand people are coming, they are all riding horses, and the big troops are left behind." The assassins who have been monitoring the Chu Kingdom have seen that many Chu players have summoned their mounts, and then they have not looked back. Swiftly riding in the direction of the ancient road, he immediately reported to the killing leader.

"Oh? At the beginning, there were two vanguards, and now thousands of people came quickly, it seems..." The killing commander turned his head and quickly understood what was wrong, and the other party clearly understood himself There is no one in the guild. This is playing a cooperative battle, forcing yourself to drop the level and defend the guild. Then everything that the level does will be lost.

Opened the friends bar and found that Chu You's avatar became busy. Killing Commander canceled the voice. He knew that this was the mode that Chu You set in advance when he entered the battle.

"Everyone got up, and the other party was coming." Then he said to several centurions: "Can I ask the NPC for reinforcements?"

These centurions are the ones who accepted the task before, and they have gained a good impression from a camp not far away. They can invite 50 25-level Samsung elites, but the duration is only two or two hours. These NPCs will return as soon as time comes.

"Boss, please feel free to please!"

"Okay, wait for my order."

At the location of Chuyou Chiyou's No. 1 battle halberd, several members of the Super Divine Guild discovered Chu's pathfinder troops. The other party had a total of 48 people. After seeing them, they immediately returned.

The leader of these 48 people is the soul of war. He also saw several players appearing in the distance, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his feet were still nonstop. At this time, he turned to look at a war halberd and stayed in the center of the river. Office. The war halberd did not retreat, so it stopped at that position.

This did not attract his attention, thinking it was a NPC battleship.

A little while later, the outline of a level appeared in the eyes of this group of pioneers of the Chu Kingdom. The terrain there was very peculiar, with a long gap in the middle, and a bridge that was not spacious was connected to the level. The left and right sides of the level were also the same. On the cliff, on the right is the insurmountable mountain.

If you want to pass this way, you can only pass that level. In fact, Chu You knows that there is another way, but that way is not suitable for players to move forward.

"Relentless, the level was found, the coordinate point is... By observation, I found that there are many Yanguo players on it."

"You stay away, if they come out, you will run, and we will be there immediately!" Soon the ruthless voice of War Soul came.

The soul of war is a bit dazed, the big troops are arriving so soon?

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