The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 232: everything's ready

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Boss, some of the other party's attributes are so powerful, we have a few more deaths." A centurion shouted to the killing commander at that time, and once again glanced at the resurrection point he bound, I saw the resurrection idol in this unit. The number of resurrection times shows 32/48, which means that it has provided 32 resurrections for the people who bind it, and the remaining resurrection times are still 16 times. Once the number is used up, the player can only be priest. Resurrection, or simply go back to the city, just like the Chu players outside.

"I know, you are ready to reschedule the resurrection point." After the killing commander immediately sent a message on the guild channel: "After this death, all melee occupations stayed in the city wall and were not allowed to come down."

On the bridge, when the players in the front of the Chu Kingdom fell down, the members of the Tuhao family behind the Guild of Souls could finally fight. They had been squeezed in the back, and it was them that caused considerable damage to the Chaoshen Guild. Contribution. The counterattack of the Super God Guild was suppressed.

"The long-distance profession still stands according to the previous position!" The command of the killing commander made the counterattack just now. The first is that the blood volume of the gate no longer drops, which has played a certain role in buffering the more brutal battles afterwards. The second is that the Chu players have gradually decreased, but they have no resurrection points. In that wave, many players from Chu Kingdom used back to the city. The Chu army of more than 2,000 people originally had only about 1,500 people left.

The third is shocking! The killing commander stood on the city wall and looked at the players of the Chu Kingdom opposite. They saw that they no longer desperately attacked the city gate as before, but rested not far away. Presumably they are waiting for the main force, but their own side?

"Old kill, the Super God Guild has solved it, now I'm coming!" Just when the killing commander had no bottom of his heart, Chu You's words came. This voice is undoubtedly a stimulant for him.

"Everyone sat down and rested in place, back to the blue and back to the blood!" After killing the commander, he sat down and looked at the other person's horse.

Behind the ancient road, a large army that can't see the head is slowly moving, and the team is pulling very long. This is the result of the constant urging of the War Soul. In fact, this can't be blamed on him. There is no way to urge the Spirit of War.

"Fengyun, in this way, there are too many players left behind, you have good attributes, move fast and have a lot of physical strength, don't just run by yourself, you are the commander, you have to take care of the overall situation!" said someone from another guild, in this war In the management, he ranked in the position of deputy commander, at this time dissatisfied with the battle spirit Fengyun said.

"Lying trough! The labor-management brother is in front of the super-god, you are alive and dead, are you telling me to rest now?" War Spirit Fengyun said angrily.

"Then you are free. I tell you that there is still a distance. Even if you are, it is impossible to run all the way there."

"Labor and capital have mounts!"

"Then you are more casual, you go alone, you support alone, rest assured, I am here to help you build up the army." This person sneered. In his opinion, the war spirit is not suitable for a commander at all. Only the striker general. But fortunately, this battle was initiated by the Guild of Souls of War, and their own side also collected their money from the Souls of Souls. It is their business for others to arrange their command.

"Fuck!" The battle spirit Fengyun spit out the word fiercely, then reluctantly issued a command to rest in place, waiting for the players behind to get closer. Early in the game, not everyone has the money to afford a mount.

A figure in the sky was flying fast, at this time his eyes lit up, because at a distance below, a big river appeared in the eyes flying in the air, the river was familiar to Chu You, it was Xuan. River.

Then, the road of the ancient road also appeared, and from it you could see the silhouettes of sparse Lala, some running, some riding, some sitting and resting.

Judging from experience, this route has already passed its own battleship position, but it is very close.

Are the main forces already gone? impossible? But he accelerates in a straight line. To find out what happened to these sparse people, he opened the friends bar and sent a voice to the killing leader.

"Slaughter, send me the coordinates of their main force."

After a while, a reply from the killing leader came: "Boss, their coordinates are..."

After hearing the coordinate position, Chu You smiled coldly, because according to the position reported by the killing commander, the main force of Chu State has not yet passed its own warship position, then the Chu State players appearing on this journey must belong to the drag oil bottle. Class players. This kind of player, regardless of the period of the game, has a shadow of existence.

Still flying fast forward, and also slightly moved the direction, not long after, the outline of the battleship staying on Xuanhe appeared in his eyes.

Haha, brother!

At this time, Chu You changed his posture from flying to gliding, and dived toward the battleship in an oblique straight line.

Those players who appeared in this distance did not find that the figures appearing above them still only pay attention to the road under their feet.

"Ah, it's so cool!" Chu You groaned as she stepped on the deck of the battleship with a smile.

"Children, let's start now!" Coming to the control room, Chu You gave the order to start the warship.

Immediately, this warship, where the Buddha had become an ornament, moved at this moment. It did not move forward or kick back, but thought about the shore of the ancient road.

When even the secondary artillery was able to bombard the ancient road, Chiyou No. 1 finally stopped coming.

This scene was noticed by several Chu players on the shore. At first, they were extremely surprised, but when they saw that the warship had moved only a small amount, and when they did not move again, they thought that this was only a game background. That's it!

They wanted to come, maybe there might be something on this battleship, but now, there is no time! And don't look at how many levels belong here. Even if you enter the battleship for more than ten levels, you will be killed by the monster on the battleship? !

Therefore, after watching these Chu players, they no longer ignored or reported anomalies to the upper layers and continued to run forward.

At the moment when Chu You entered the battleship, the battle spirit Fengyun felt almost the same, and once again ordered the army to set off. This time, he was going to lead the large troops to the position of the level in one breath, and relentlessly merged with the soul of the war.

Nearly 9,000 players moved again. From a distance, it seemed to be an extremely thick snake, which was winding.

When you were bored, Chu You opened the leaderboard. The three members of the "Xian" guild are still in the top three, and her own score is already 3104. It can be said that Yan Guo took the top ten in personal points!

Then chose the guild points ranking, Chu You was slightly surprised, because the name of the guild appeared on it, which means that the guild was eliminated, and it was eliminated by a pure guild without foreign aid. The rewards have been clearly stated. The elimination of a guild and the increase of guild points can only be already guilds. If the guild has been incorporated into foreign members, then the guild points are not counted, but the national transport value points.

The first place in the guild points was the Qin Kingdom War Wolf Guild.

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