The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 239: I'm coming

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"I'm scared!" said Cui Nuanjun with a mosquito voice.

"What makes you scared?" Chu You didn't make herself smart, but followed the other person's thoughts.

"It's because... it's because I'm too weak." Cui Nuanjun finally lifted his buried head, staring at Chu You, tall and straight, with tears in his eyes.

"Nuanjun wants to become stronger!"

"Sooner or later, you will be strong. I can assure you of this. Is there anything else?" Chu You was puzzled, and the behavior of Urging the King was somewhat abnormal.

"It's gone. Just now Nuanjun lost his mind, I'm sorry, Master." Cui Nuanjun released his hands and left Chu You's arms.

"It's okay. Stay here and run if something goes wrong. Then I'm gone."


Chu You immediately used the skills of returning to the city. After 10 seconds, Chu You appeared in his guild.

"Old man, are you all in the guild?"

"Yes, boss."

"Okay, wait for me." Chu You quickly ran towards the Allied teleporter. When passing the skill **** tree, he also found the six fireflies. The fluorescence was pale blue and blue, very beautiful. Chu You just glanced at it, and didn't care, hurried past here. And the firefly did not respond...

For the sudden appearance of this phenomenon around the building, Chu You has seen it in his previous life, and there is nothing special about it. In particular, the building is still a **** tree, with a natural nature, and the appearance of fireflies is very normal.

After that, Chu You came to the Super God Guild.

"Old kills, are you all set up?!"

"It's all ready."

"Okay, yes, this is the unit resurrection point, you distribute it." Chu You then traded the 113 unit resurrection idols on his body to the killing commander, some of which were left over from the original, some were newly made, and he still had 6 on his body. Pcs.

Then Chu You gave Lin Luoer Jiu Caier to the group, and all the members of the'Xian' Guild were together again! There are three people in this team.

"Zhao Feiyan, you still stay in the guild to watch the house. Everyone in the Chaoshen Guild will follow me now!"

When seeing Chu You appearing in the Super God Guild, Bai Weiwei's perspective was always aimed at him. This made the live broadcaster Qin Suwan extremely excited, and the protagonist finally appeared! At this time, the netizen audience has exceeded 9 million!

But at this moment, I saw Chu You came to Bai Weiwei and said very clearly: "Turn it off!"

Suddenly, Bai Weiwei was fooled by Chu You's remarks, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer the call.

"The next steps are extremely secret. I don't want to be seen by outsiders. I still hope to understand. When I get to the place, I will let you continue."

"Oh, I see." Bai Weiwei didn't dare to look directly at Chu You's eyes and immediately turned off the video.

"To be obedient!" After dropping this sentence, Chu You turned and walked back.

When Bai Weiwei turned off the video, Qin Suwan became a black screen. To be precise, only Qin Suwan's own projection remained.

"Don’t panic, this is a confidential operation. I believe that when the video is turned on again, it will definitely make everyone shine, and you will wait and see. I believe that You Ye will not let us down. Now let’s analyze and analyze The tactics used by the previous super-gods. I’m bursting some information for everyone to listen to!" Qin Suwan responded quickly. When she saw Chu You's mouth shape, she felt a sense of tension in her heart, but she also had a heart Preparation, as expected, the screen was interrupted at the next moment, Qin Suwan immediately explained and began to guide netizens.

"Listen, don't Chu want to do us? Now, let's do them!"

"If you win this time, everyone will add 10 points to the DPK!" Hearing 10 DPK points, the Super God players can't help but rub their hands in excitement, so that their favorite equipment skill book can be exchanged!

"Everyone! Get on a war horse, come with me!" After talking, Chu You summoned the velociraptor, and then ran towards the South Gate, followed by 436 people, including 18 troops, and another killing leader and Lin Luoer Jiu Caier, Bai Weiwei. Counting Zhao Feiyan's words, there are 437 people.

Instead of choosing to teleport, he went directly out of the city gate. Because Chu You knew that in this 25-level area, there was a crack that spread into Chu Kingdom. And the players here are extremely scarce, and the crack still exists.

After spending 14 minutes, Chu You led hundreds of people finally to the location of the crack. In order to ensure speed, Chu You was approaching the road, which inevitably led to many strange, but with the advantage of speed, One after another, if it can't be opened or the player is harassed, then kill.

Seeing that this crack is still 0/500, the heart is clear, which means that no player in Yan Kingdom has used this crack.

"Go in, go in!" Chu You first entered the crack, a flash of light flashed over, and her feet stood on the ground of Chu Kingdom.

Immediately behind them appeared a large number of Yan Guo players. Chaoshen Guild came to Chu Kingdom with the second organized!

"Get on the horse!" After seeing that everyone was there, the crowd went on the horse again, and then took Chu You as the leader, and the team quickly rushed in a certain direction.

Here is level 25. For the player, it is still an area that cannot be set in, so the player is not seen along the way.

The super-god players gradually discovered that as they went deeper here, the experience blamed the lower and lower levels, which shows that the direction of the Chu You zone is based on the lower-level area, and the closer to the lower-level area What does it stand for? The answer is naturally self-evident.

When everyone came to the 20th-level area, Chu You brought the Super God Guild to this remote location. This location was a hideout in the previous life. Many players like to set the resurrection point here.

"Each unit uses a unit resurrection point here, as long as one is enough, hurry up!" Chu You said immediately after coming here.

Suddenly, the Centurion of the Super God Guild arranged a person to set a resurrection point, and players chose to bind.

Jiucai'er also ordered one, Lin Luoer and Chu You bound it.

When you saw that everyone was ready, Chu You opened the map. On the map, the area was gray, proving that she had never been here. Then Chu You looked at a certain point in the gray area. When you saw this point, Chu You got a sneer.

"Listen, when I called to stop, you quickly approached me, did you understand? Understand loudly shout 1!"




Because it is not an alliance mode, Chu You commanded this unit by shouting...

"Go for a walk." Chu You left the place one step at a time, and the super-god players behind him followed them one after another. This time, everyone did not ride.

Chu You pushed forward to her destination in a hidden way according to her memory...

In the process, Chu You's eyes flickered...

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