The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 241: Wonderful guild!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Quickly, here is the spot!" Chu You jumped off the war horse, pulled out his weapon, and threw out a range of skills.

"Rotational fluctuation"-"range fluctuation".

Suddenly a piece of damage appeared in an instant, and several of them even appeared golden yellow critical strike damage.

Those players who had just appeared in the teleportation array were killed by Yu Ye before they could figure out what was going on.

"Don't worry about the players around, come and set a point!" Chu You hurriedly ran to the opponent's resurrection point.

Hahaha, the president of the Association of Ten Thousands of Society is really wonderful, the architectural planning of the Association is extremely unreasonable! Because the resurrection point is not far from here, it can be said to be very close.

It can be said that on the left and right sides of the core building are the teleportation array and the resurrection point, but the resurrection point is slightly further away, about 40 meters.

In the early stage of the game, many guild builders did not realize the importance of architectural planning. Some wonderful guilds even brought together the resurrection points of the teleportation array, which was very fatal. But at the same time, it is also extremely convenient, provided that no enemy breaks through the city gate, and once the city gate is broken, the consequences are unbearable.

And the Guild of All Nations, yes! Chu You’s goal this time is the Wanshi Guild! This guild is even more wonderful, the strategic buildings such as the teleportation array are arranged very close to the core building, and the return point is also next to the teleportation array.

Perhaps, the original arrangement of the guild boss was for convenience? But no matter what, it is now creating an excellent strategic location for one side and others.

The super-god player ignored the surrounding sporadic players, and ran directly to the distance between the core building of the place and the teleportation array, and used the army resurrection idol.

"Yu Ye, where are we set?" Lin Luoer followed Chu You, shouting. At the same time, Jiu Caier is also following.

"It's up to you!" Chu You answered quickly.

At this time, a resurrection player appeared in the resurrection point, and Chu Youxiang didn't even want to throw the scope skill again. Those players who had just been resurrected lay dead as soon as they appeared.

"Oh, ah, mad at me! Tianya, your dog-day guild is occupied!" The vice president finally waited for the resurrection, but once again he was killed by Chu You again, he was going to be mad The mentality exploded completely, and the soul roared silently. However, no matter how the screaming player shouts, the people around him can't hear, and even a hint of sound can't be revealed.

Each unit of the Super God player has set 5 resurrection points here, that is to say, 5 of the 24 people in a unit have been set! The 18 troops are 90 resurrection points, but at a glance the densely resurrected statue of the army.

"Everyone outputs a teleportation array, and as soon as their players appear, they will throw me the group attack skills!" the killing leader shouted loudly. The tone was quite excited, he simply admired his boss!

"Excuse me, can I open the video?" Bai Weiwei said cowardly to the killing leader.

"Come on, you can drive!"

"Thank you boss!" Bai Weiwei excitedly opened the video immediately. She knew that once the video link was good, it would be a very shocking scene for those netizens. The only regret is that it takes a certain amount of time to connect to reality, not that the video can be seen in reality as soon as it opens.

At the moment when the building was attacked, all the players from far away in Yan Kingdom received information from the system: your guild was attacked!

The news shocked them all and quickly sent a message to the guild boss Tianya.

Tianya was also dazed and shocked, and immediately opened his own friends bar. When he saw that the vice president was in a state of death, he was really horrified, and he shuddered in his heart!

Quickly asked on the Guild Channel: "What's going on? What happened to the Guild?"

"Boss, I just sent a message just now, you didn't pay attention, the guild was attacked, it wasn't! It was occupied!" This message was topped by other members' information as soon as it appeared, otherwise Tianya concentrated attention Li, this news will definitely be ignored.

"Occupy?" Tianya stunned, followed by a sudden rage! He didn't ask who was occupied. He saw that he immediately closed the guild to speak, and the guild channel was suddenly clear.

Immediately Tianya sent an urgent message on the guild channel: "Everyone listens well, and all give me back to the city guild!"

In fact, no need to say that some members of the guild have already used this method. When they returned to the city point of the guild, they saw a piece of red-named players in front of them. Those players' heads were: Yan Guo! Two words.

In shock, he sent a message on the guild channel. System: The guild channel was banned by the administrator. Seeing this news, these players have nothing to say.

In just a few seconds, the group attack skills of super-god players have hit them, and under the attack of nearly two hundred group attack skills, these players were immediately killed by seconds. At the same time, so many groups The attack skills also attacked the teleportation array, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

You know, when Chu You first started recruiting super-god players, he focused on recruiting warriors, especially the halberd sword star profession! The ratio of warriors to priests accounted for 70% of the total staff of the Super God Guild!

No one knows the importance of warriors in group battles better than Chu You. In the later stages of the game, the role of the warrior profession in warfare is unimaginably powerful!

Warrior is not a profitable profession, and it lags behind other professions in many aspects. However, in war, no profession is as important as the warrior profession!

The total amount of health of the teleportation array is 7 squares, and it suddenly drops by half of a square.

"War Halber Sword Star stands for me between the return point and the teleportation array! The priest and nurse pay attention to the blood of your team, kill the star assassin to output the teleportation array, masters, your goal is the surrounding enemies, remember not to leave Big troops."

"All the staff, just stand here and call me! Don't go anywhere, chase people, deduct DPK points!" the killing leader exclaimed urgently.

In those guild buildings, there are many members of the Wanshi, especially the craftsman's room, and there are many players coming out.

However, the funny thing is that the vast majority of these players have not changed jobs, and they are expected to be some life professions and weak members.

Where are these people's opponents of the super-mages? !

"Tianya, what do you mean?" Battle Spirit Fengyun said as he frowned as he watched all the members of the world suddenly return to the city.

"What do you mean, the labor union is attacked!"

"Oh? Who is it?" Feng Yun Feng was very surprised. He didn't expect that there would be a civil fight in Chu at this time. When he wanted to come, it should be that the Chu Kingdom that did not have long-eyed guilds attacked the Wanshi Guild.

Before the war, they signed a guild declaring war against the Yan Kingdom. They all had a unified treaty, that is, which guild was beaten and collectively reinforced. Which national guild attacked in chaos will be wiped out after the war!

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