The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 247: The most brutal force

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Boss, the crack is about to open."

"Well, I know, as before, lay eyeliners at those six points."

"Well, I have sent people over."

"Okay, now... old kill, which guild do you want to do most?"

"Me? That's needless to say, Chu Kingdom War Soul!"

"Oh, they, wait, wait until their guild reaches level 7, which will make them feel more painful, and choose another one." Chu You want to use War Soul as a breeding existence.

"Choose another one? Hmm... I don't have any hatred for the others. Let me think about it..." Killing the leader felt a little embarrassed.

"Feiyan, what other five countries do you think aren't pleasing to you?" Chu You turned and looked at Zhao Feiyan. A group of people were discussing the next plan in the Chaoshen Guild.

"Uh... it looks like you will definitely die as long as you say!"

"Oh, at this stage, that's the case." Chu You didn't feel proud, and said this very lightly. But no one present felt that this man was joking.

At this moment, the voice of the leader of the Luohua Guild came from a friend.

"Brother, give some support to the younger brother."

"What's wrong? Can't bear it?"

"Oh, it’s not right. The West Gate was beaten with 2 blocks of blood. Now the opponent’s fifth-level guild has retreated for no reason, but I still have more than 2,000 Wei players here. I want to destroy them. After that, go to other countries for a few waves, otherwise it will be too stifling."

"Such..." Chu You thought about it, and suddenly thought of a way.

"old flower..."

"Uh, could you please call me this way, or call me a little flower." Hearing Ye Ye suddenly called himself old flower, the flower fell on the floor and felt goose bumps fell to the ground, crying.

Pretend that what you pretend to be called in this way!

"You let out your voice, besides Chu, the level 5 guild among the five countries, who paid the money, I destroyed it, the gold coin transaction, cash anger is not acceptable." Chu You thought of a way to make money, anyway, the crack still Not open, just choose a target.

"Ah? Well, okay, you wait. What about my business?"

"You can rest assured, let me deal with my affairs first."

Just as a few people continued to chat, it was not long before the voice of flowers fell, "There is a guild willing to bid 400,000 gold coins to destroy Wu Guo's Soul Guild!"

"Which guild pays?"

"Fairy tales!"

Fairy tales? This is not his own fan group. For this guild, Chu You still knows that there are a lot of rich players, but no matter how low the level is, most of them are untransferred players.

"Why, the fairy tale kingdom is destroyed?"

"Haha, almost wiped out. They paid for someone to help defend, so they hated the Soul Guild."

"Okay, you tell them the boss, I took this order, and I will ask someone to collect the money now, and then the money will be delivered."

"You wait..." After a while, Fanhualuo's voice was sent over: "Big brother, the other party said yes, your face is so big, the other party heard you said it yourself, their boss didn't think much about it Just readily agreed, you can ask people to collect money in the past." The envy of Chu You was not concealed in the words.

At this time, Chu You turned and looked at Zhao Feiyan, "Feiyan, go to the fairy tale kingdom, find their boss, and collect 400,000 gold coins!"

"Ah? What is this for?" Not only Zhao Feiyan was surprised, everyone else here looked at Chu You with surprise.

"I told you to kill someone, you can't say a goal. I had to tell others to speak. Now some people have given 400,000 gold coins to destroy Wu Guo's Soul Guild." Then he said to the killing commander: "You can call someone Prepared, we set off immediately, Feiyan sent a message after receiving the money and then quickly returned to the guild.

Once the goal was determined, Chu You didn't want to waste any time and executed it immediately.

Suddenly, Killing Commander and Zhao Feiyan performed different tasks respectively.

Soon Killing Commander organized the Super God players.

"Go, let's clear the Wei people over there!" After all, they paid 100,000 gold coins for protection every month, and for this war, only two blocks left the other city gate. Before calling his own reinforcements, from this point, Chu You started to appreciate the flowers and characters.

So, under the familiar leadership of Chu You, he quickly reached the battlefield through the path of sending towns and copying shortcuts.

From afar, I saw the piece outside the gate of the Falling Flower Association, all players of the Wei Kingdom, and it seemed that there were really no fewer than 2,000 people.

"Go!" Chu You rode the velociraptor, and ran to the Wei Guo player group, followed by more than 400 super-god players.

The Wei Guo players here have never imagined that there will be a strong Yan Guo reinforcements killed, and... unstoppable!

When he touched the outside of the opponent, Chu You opened the incarnation and the phantom split, and the killing frenzy began instantly!

This is like a torrent of water rushing into the deadpool, Wei players can't stop this turbulent force.

"Boss, someone came to reinforce us, you see!" a wall flower player said to the flower wall in surprise.

Looking at the night and the super **** guild massacre, killing the falling flowers of Wei Guo players like cutting vegetables and killing ants, the flowers are completely convinced, and from this moment, he decided to follow death in the night Behind him.

"What you see is the most brutal force in "The World"!" After saying this, it seemed to be infected by the night's momentum, and the momentum of the flowers fell at this moment, and the big hand waved: "Organization Good man, open the city gate, let's go out and do it!"

So under the attack of both sides, the players of Wei State were quickly disbanded, escaped, and returned to the city. The previous siege event was instantly vanished.

"Thank you, thank you very much!" When Fan Hualuo saw Chu You, he immediately smiled and felt.

Nodded and only said one sentence: "Something calls me."

"Everyone is on the horse!" Chu You received the news from Zhao Feiyan that he had obtained the 40 gold coins and told the Weeping Soul Guild's coordinate point that he immediately ordered all the super-god players to be launched, but ignored the scattered Wei players. There is no climate at all.

The fairy tale kingdom is really rich, and the power of the fan group cannot be underestimated. Chu You couldn't help but this idea emerged.

He actually didn't know that on China's dirty and chaotic channels, the two guilds were the most fierce.

Hearing the sound of the night, it seemed like instinct. At this moment, the super-god players summoned their mounts neatly and turned their horses. This effect is very visually striking, and the players of the Falling Guild are extremely shocked.

"Go!" was another simple and powerful tone, and Chu You led the super-god player to quickly disappear in everyone's eyes.

"Lying trough, Super God is really good, I haven't had time to hug the friendly army!"

"Boss, the crack is on."

"No need to teleport, follow me!" Chu You mastered the coordinates of the Soul Guild, and a clear and fast road map immediately appeared in her mind.

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