The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 251: Three knives per second

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

The Crimson Guild's resurrection point resurrected a large number of players, all of whom were frightened by their eyes, and were afraid of the powerful attributes of Ye Ye.

The back-to-city building is magically resistant, but it has weak defense against physical attacks, so it was not long before it was destroyed by Chu You’s range skills. You must know that this was not destroyed by Chu You.

"Hang Tuan Bao Tuan, don't be too scattered, don't pull those who chase people to death, call him back to the city!" Chu You said loudly, and then united the only more than 180 super **** players to gather together, and finally rushed To the core building of the other party.

"Fight fights, fight in groups, don't chase people." Chu You was commanding and killing people, and his hand was a head without any accident.

Lin Luoer only added blood to Chu You at this time. At first, he focused on protecting and killing the commander. Now it is no longer necessary.

Chu You's blood volume dropped by three-tenths. You must know that it is still in a state of transformation. This shows how fierce the battle was just now, and the player's growth is very fast. After all, the equipment on Chu You is only 15th level.

After the Phantom Doppelganger was cooled, Chu You was thrown away, and then used the "Strangling" against the core building. This skill not only hit the target, but the avatars far away from the enemy player also used the "Strangling". Although the attack power is incomparable with the real body, it is no problem to kill this group of crimson players with different blood volume.

"Damn, did you see that female? The wizards gave me that dog leg!" Awen looked at Lin Luoer's teeth and ordered the player to aim at her. His current mentality is purely disgusting.

The opponent's unusual movement could not escape Chu You's eyes, he sneered, and quickly stepped forward quickly, facing the mages who had read the article was "swipe"!

Fuck! That woman really is Ye Ye's heart! Seeing this, Awen was sure, otherwise why Chu You didn't save others, but she took care of this woman? !

"Everyone changes direction, gives me a hug at that point, and destroys the woman." Hey, as long as you harass your horse, you don't want to do anything else.

Lin Luoer was suddenly attacked by a large number of crimson players. The vast majority of these attacks were long-range attacks. After solving all the melees, Chu You came to the mage archer in an instant, and opened the incarnation avatar skills.

"Crying Soul, have you come?"

"It's half way, I have seen your building, it's coming!" Although the Soul Guild is destroyed, it is still fighting. You know that there are still 200 Super God players in the Soul Guild that have not been able to teleport and are fighting. After this awful player, he immediately organized the remnants and rushed to the Crimson Guild to support him.

Lin Luoer died, no one gave her blood, at the moment she was named by a large number of players!

Chu You was not angry, and after suppressing this wave of opponents, she immediately returned to the core building and concentrated on output.

When the killing leader saw it, he immediately called a priest to resurrect Lin Luoer.

"See? No, the woman is about to be resurrected. After the resurrection, there is only 10% of the blood volume. The mages immediately gave me her!" Awen kept watching, when he saw a priest performing resurrection on Lin Luoer, immediately Said on the Guild Channel.

From the resurrection point, I came to support continuously, and soon a large number of crimson players gathered here. If it is not extinguished, the situation may be dangerous.

Then Chu You still concentrates on exporting the core building, turning a blind eye to the increasing pressure from the super-god players.

At this time, Lin Luoer chose to resurrect, but it was only a moment after the character was resurrected. The other party seemed to have been prepared, and immediately flew over and directed at the prepared Lin Luoer and played a fireball skill of 1 second.

Suddenly a lot of fireballs struck Lin Luoer across the arc.

Lin Luoer fell again, and at the same time a piece of platinum equipment was revealed. The magic stone cave of this platinum equipment was embedded with several top-level healing stones. This equipment was immediately picked up by the resurrection priest. Arrived.

In Chu You's vision, Lin Luoer on the team channel suddenly died after resurrection...

The Crimson Guild did have a certain strength, and it quickly wiped out Chu You’s doppelganger. Wu Guo’s largest guild was not called in vain.

"Luoer, please go back." Chu You's eyes flashed cruelly and sent a message on the guild channel.

Lin Luoer immediately obediently chose the resurrection point bound to the big city for resurrection, but rejected the resurrection technique that the priest once again performed.

"Well, now destroy this player, remember, the person who was resurrected after the death of the other party gave me priority bombardment!" Awen seemed to gradually find the state, and immediately directed the player to attack the Super God Guild player. At the end!

At this moment the blood volume of the core building is nearly half.

More than 2,000 players rushed to more than 150 super-god players again, Chu You also moved at this time, issued a sweeping blow to the other party, and used many range skills again.

But even so, because the terrain here is very wide, and there are many enemy players, so although the crimson players fell at this moment, the Super Divine Guild is also uncomfortable, and the number of personnel is gradually decreasing. After all, there are too few people and it is easy to be targeted by the other party.

"Kill kill, You Ye came over here, you will kill Super God from both sides!" A Wen said excitedly, "Everyone insist, I have never heard that You Ye was killed by the player, This time, he will die on our hands!"

"And, victory is ours!"

In this way, under the crimson organized attack, although he paid a heavy price, he still almost wiped out the super-god players.

"Let Commander go back to you!" Chu You said to the Commander who only had a small blood volume of half when the building had only ten minutes left.


"Leave it to me, come back!"

"Okay." Kill Commander is no longer speechful, he knows that one second more time on the battlefield can add different variables. Immediately cast back to the city skills.

Under the cover of Chu You, the killing leader Enran returned to the guild.

Once again coming to the core building, Chu You continued to output it, and there were fewer and fewer Super God players beside him, until there were none.

"Everyone, concentrate on the night and kill him!" Awen shouted loudly.

Yu Guang watched as many players pounced on himself, and Chu You decisively opened ‘Fight of Fighting at this moment! 'skill.

Suddenly, the eyes that were all red without eyes turned purple at this time!

At the same time, a very large tremor range fluctuation spread out, leaving almost 1,900 players in a syncope state for 5 seconds.

Awen was also fainted. At this time, he couldn't move, and he was shocked in his heart. He was extremely worried that Youye would attack him at this time. You must know that he has magical equipment on his body. of.

At the next moment, Awen completely rested his mind. The opponent did not attack the player first, but still attacked the core building, but the attack speed was greatly increased at this moment.

After using the fighting rages, his ordinary attack speed reached 0.33 seconds once shot speed, which is three knives per second! The only regret is that in this state, the range skills are indiscriminate.

I saw that Chu You was still exporting the core building at this moment, but at the next moment, he suddenly carried out a'swipe strike' to the syncope player, and immediately a large group of players died, and the slaughter state was blessed again, and the attack power and movement speed increased greatly. .

While the player is still fainting, Chu You once again attacked the building three times in a second, and finally swept the other side's crimson player.

The swipe skill has been upgraded to the 10th level of Chu You, and with the powerful attributes of Chu You, even if someone here is equipped with a set of 15 black diamond level equipment, it is also a spike, without accident!

After 5 seconds, there was no one around, which was so different from the phenomenon just now.

The blood volume of the building has approached the last square.

Arvin looked extremely worried. He understood that no matter how defensive the current guilds were, they could not withstand Ye Ye's attack.

This is nothing more than dying.

"Fuck it, he is about to destroy the guild. Everyone goes on, don't stop for a moment!"

At this moment, Chu You heard Emperor Ji's idea.

"Master, my Wanyu Storm skill has cooled down."

"Then attack!"

"Where is the attack?"

"It's still the same, the one with the loudest voice!"


Emperor Ji immediately locked Awen, and Awen still shouted loudly, not paying attention to the imminent danger.

The existence of Diji everyone knows here, but Diji only attacks once in 1.5 seconds, and she has not seen any skills she has played. In addition to flying and avoiding the player's attack, the attack power is strong enough, it seems there is nothing What's special...

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