The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 254: The end of the war

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Sister, you have never seen this kind of assassination order-taking mode made by the previous killing commander. The business is extremely hot! And now I have such capital.

No one knows the importance of gold coins in "The World" better than Chu You. Although everyone knows the importance of gold coins, Chu You should see it more than a few times or even tens of times in this respect.

After looking at the 860 million gold coins on his body, Chu You deeply understood that this amount of money was still not enough, far from enough.

This is of course not enough for the way you are eager to grow!

By playing, by saving, by accumulation... I have to wait until when, my way is to buy it, buy it all!

This is how I grew up, and the relevant experience has been completed in the previous life!

"Why didn't you speak? What happened?" Zhao Feiyan was surprised when she saw that Ye Ye hadn't answered her at half past one. Was she really taken the floor? In fact, when Chu You accepted the commission of the fairy tale kingdom, Zhao Feiyan was faintly suspicious of this aspect. This man seems to be short of money? !

"Man, who doesn't experience several life setbacks, if you really lack money, speak up bravely!"

"What do you say?" Chu You laughed suddenly and silently, but the movements in her hands kept on, still in the production.

"If it is, I will help you!"

Hearing the other person's tone was inexplicable, Chu You jumped inward and continued to test: "How can you help me?"

"Don't you think it's a play to talk like this? Let's meet in reality, this is the premise!"

"You Ye, everyone knows that you are a rich second generation, you must be standing behind a big company, and now you have problems with your backers, I can not only help you solve these, but also make your company receive special preferential national treatment. !"

"National treatment?" Chu You narrowed her eyes.

"Of course, you have to know that you are Ye Ye. The name Ye Ye is now very interesting to many big-name people. I won't say anything else. How can you be interested in contacting me offline?" Here, Zhao Feiyan couldn't help but breathe Some hurried.

"Uh, let's be honest, I do not have enough money. No, I really need gold coins, but there are no problems for the time being. You can let me stand for a while."

"Yu Ye, you must know that you are now a mythical existence. The present time is extremely beneficial to you. If you fall down the altar, you will not have the capital so good now."

Do you work for the government? Chu You knew what Zhao Feiyan said.

"Cough, Feiyan, you have a lot of energy! The country attaches so much importance to "The World"?"

"The degree of attention is beyond your imagination!"

"I know, thank you, but I'm inconvenient to appear in front of others now."


"I have my hardships. Okay, can you talk about something else? I don't want to talk about this topic anymore."

"Well, you are free, what are you doing?"

"While making things, alas, the produced things can't be sold, so annoying!" Chu You feels helpless about the current game environment, and everyone has no money. The army resurrection idol is calculated according to the strategic resources of the gold exchange market. A army idol needs 270 gold coins, which does not include labor costs and the rarity of items.

"What are you doing?"

"Use it yourself!"

"Make something?"

"The troops temporarily resurrected the idol."

Zhao Feiyan: ...

In this way, chatting with Zhao Feiyan while observing the leaderboard, and listening to the report of the killing commander to grasp the dynamics of the war. Under such circumstances, the time passed quickly. When Chu You made 2000 army gods and then After practicing strategic production proficiency for several hours, I stopped everything here.

Come to the guild exchange and hang 200 army resurrection idols on it, one idol is priced at 380 gold coins!

"Chu You, nothing has been done." Lin Luoer heard a voice.

"Oh? It's all solved?"

"Almost, those guilds are no longer in danger. We have also cleared several cracks"

Looking at the ranking of the national games value, the second place still has a certain safety distance from the Yan Guo points, so I am relieved.

"Old kill, let the brothers relax, those who don't have the game cabin can go off the line to rest." Chu You is equivalent to giving the Super Divine Guild a holiday.

At this time, Chu You received Zhao Feiyan's voice again.

"Yu Ye, a good show is coming. The 5th-level guild of Jin State is willing to contribute 500,000 real coins and asks you to let them go."

Is there such a good thing? Chu You stayed for a while, and then immediately replied: "Yes, you can find them in reality, 500,000 will be saved with you first."

"What do you think of me?"

"Uh, if you don't do it, then refuse them and let them worry about it!"

"up to you."

Chu You came to the Chaoshen Guild again, and saw the killing commander, "Old kill, I forgot one thing. When you cleaned the boss before, did any boss drop the drawings?"

"Drawings? Yes, they were stored in the guild warehouse."

"Oh? Take it out and have a look." Some drawings are a prerequisite for redemption of strategic drawings. Although the level of items produced is very low, they are very popular with players at this stage. Chu You believes this.

Soon Chu You picked out several drawings from the killing commander and put them in her backpack.

"Old kill, you and Lin Luo'er Jiucai'er will play BOSS with them, playing level 20, my level is too high, affecting the explosion rate." Then told the killing leader some of the 20 level wild BOSS locations you know .

Immediately after that, Chu You went offline because Baoer called.

It was already evening, and Chu You picked up her mobile phone and called back Baoer's phone.

"Hello, has Baoer rested?"


"Well, have you been happy today?"


"Fortunately, what is it?"

"It's okay." The voice on the other side of the phone was still very low.

"Baoer, tell your brother, are you happy there?"

"Happy?" Baoer's pure black eyes blinked, and the word spit out softly.

"Yeah, do you feel happy?"

", I don't know."

After the two had another conversation, they hung up the phone. Judging from the conversation, Baoer was more open to himself than last time. This is indeed a happy thing.

Immediately, Chu You turned on the computer and first entered the game forum to read it. All the posts in it were extremely surprised at his strength. At the same time, wings, tactics, unit resurrection points, large-scale stealth, etc. The information that burst out of him opened the eyes of many players.

But few people have raised indignation such as withdrawal.

In Heaven, fighting and killing is not the main theme. Although the game has a very high player resistance, it is also very attractive in other ways. The charm of Heaven is not single, but multi-element.

Finally, Chu You opened her mailbox and saw the mail sent by Xia Yueying. After clicking on it, under a glance, Chu You's eyes became cold.

Draw a cigarette in his mouth and make a fire, the look in his eyes becomes more and more blurred in the smoke.

After recovering, Chu You extinguished her cigarette butts, settled her personal hygiene and took a bath before entering the game again.

He decided to kill it all night tonight...

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