The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 268: Sanctions for nuclear forces

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Sticking his tongue out and licking his lips, he looked at the room where the huge demon existed, his eyes seem to be evil.

Turning off the interface, Chu You walked out to build the palace. This palace was located in the middle of the mountain, and a breeze came across, blowing the clothes and hair.

Standing on the edge of the cliff outside the palace, looking at the fortress that has been activated, those originally black lacquered palaces now emit a slightly golden rune light inside.

"It's fine if there is a cigarette..." The inexplicable light spit, a light and powerful turn of the head and neck, made a crisp bone sound, and moved the head and neck with his hands to turn to the small teleportation aside, here A tall city defense attack device has been erected.

A small interface is opened, which is full of the palace names here, as long as you select a name, it will be transmitted to the location of that palace.

At the next moment, Chu You appeared at the top of the fortress. There is a majestic palace, surrounded by eight huge attack devices.

The name of this palace is ‘Jiang Tiangong’. There is a large altar in front of the palace. There is also a huge crystal in the center of the altar. The crystal is surrounded by clouds that emit purple electricity, which is very strange.

The crystal seems to be empty. Seeing this, the heart moves slightly.

Chu You thoughtfully walked to Jiangtian Palace.

Entering the inside, the palace pillars and bluestone tiles have runes and radiate light. Chu You, who has found the trick, immediately opens the function of this palace.

System: Are sanctions nuclear forces activated?

A smile appeared on his face, and he guessed right.

Sanctions for nuclear forces: Punish those guilds that are disobedient and make all the strategic resources of the guild contribution list cleared! The strategic resources of the players in the attack range are -50%, and the mercury resources are cleared. At the same time, within three days, the opponent's guild mineral resources income is 0! The opponent’s guild teleportation array is inactive for 24 hours. The opponent’s guild player cannot return to the guild using the return to city skills within 24 hours. The resurrection point building is inactive for 24 hours. The craftsman’s workshop gains -30%. The exchange is closed for 24. hour. The guild building's overall defense power is -20%, and the guild building's overall vitality is -20%, lasting 24 hours.

How to use: After the sanction nuclear force is in the launching state, enter the coordinate point of the other party's guild. The sanction nuclear device will launch a precise strike on the guild 1 minute after it is ready to launch.

Sanctions nuclear power start time: 24 hours, can only hit one guild at a time. Permission to use: Archon.

The activation of the sanctions nuclear power device does not consume any resources of the archon.

Chu You immediately launched the sanctions nuclear power, suddenly the energy of the altar outside was a masterpiece, and the purple crystal began to appear full of violent energy.

System: Since you are starting for the first time, you can complete it, and the sanction nuclear device is in the launching state!

Quite well, Chu You was very satisfied, and at this moment, an announcement appeared.

Yan State Announcement: Negative imprisonment imposed on the Royal Guild: Betrayer!

Prisoner Betrayer: Guild player attack power -10%, attack/cast speed -10%, hunting experience -10%, army total attack power -3.

Looking at this message, I knew in my heart that it was Zhao Feiyan and the guild of what is called the royal family. Zhao Feiyan is an internal official and has the right to buckle any guild of the Yan Kingdom. Ask what happened!

"Feiyan, what happened?"

"Yu Ye, I'm so mad, I let them join our alliance, but they made a provocation. In the final analysis, they just don't want to pay the union fee, just want to take advantage, you are not present, you don't know how angry the other party is. Arrogant." When Zhao Feiyan negotiated with the other party, when he reached an impasse, the content of the speech carried a slight threat, and this time burst the emotions of the other party's boss and a group of administrators.

"A lady, when is your turn threatening labor?"

"Zhao Feiyan, you are robbing money, the 400,000 gold coins for joining the union? Are we not allowed to enter?"

"That's right, we don't violate the river water with your Super God Guild, are you looking for something?"

"Don't think that if You Ye is backed up, she will be lawless. You tell him to try something with the labor and management offline?"

Zhao Feiyan stood up and said coldly: "I will only give you three days. You have to think about your life, and I have spoken the benefits of the good words, and you will be at your own risk!"

"Lying trough, Mom bought a hemp batch. How dare you threaten Grandpa?"

In the other party's language humiliation, Zhao Feiyan left the other party's guild with a sullen face, and immediately used the authority of the interior officer when returning to the safe area, exerting a negative prisoner effect on the royal guild. Then there was a dialogue with Chu You.

Chu You smiled lightly, "How many guilds does the other party have?"

"Fourth-level guild."

"Well, since they don't want to mix in Yan Guo, they won't let them mix up. Be happy. Brother gives you breath." Chu You finally found an object that could be used for hands-on trial. There was no burden in her heart. Too many are numb, and you have to be conscious when you play the hegemony game.

"What is the coordinate point of the opponent's guild?"

"What's the matter? It's going to be destroyed now, I gave them three days, although I have guessed the result..." Zhao Feiyan was a little surprised in his heart, You Ye's behavior that would kill people if he didn't agree. Still unable to adapt for a while, at the same time a feeling of embarrassment and joy in my heart rose inexplicably.

"Oh? You gave them time? Hmmm... it's okay, get angry!" Chu You opened the unique interface of the Archon and saw the coordinates of the Royal Guild from inside.

After remembering, I chose to sanction nuclear power devices.

System: Please enter the coordinate position of the sanctioning guild.

A small window appeared, and Chu You immediately entered coordinate points on it, and finally selected OK!

A shocking alarm sounded instantaneously, and there was a violent wind outside, and a thick black cloud suddenly gathered in the sky above the altar, and it continued to rotate around, with purple electricity flashing inside.

Yan State Announcement: The ruling guild will implement nuclear strikes at coordinate positions 245, 175, and 239!

As soon as this announcement appeared, Yan Guo players were frying pans! ! No matter what they are doing now, their eyes are extremely shocked at this moment!

What is this for? Has a nuclear bomb appeared?

Can anyone tell me what happened at the coordinates 245, 175, 239? ! There is great curiosity in the Yan Guo players.

At the same time, the management in the Royal Guild is that you look at me, I look at you, and you can't figure out what happened to this?

After being imprisoned by Zhao Feiyan, they searched for a long time and finally understood the effect of the negative prison rank. They burst out of curse and screamed suddenly. Members of the Guild Channel even asked questions about why this happened.

Some members even complained that the attributes were weakened and the experience gained by killing monsters became less.

As soon as he was scorched, Yan Guo's announcement appeared. At first, the players of the Royal Guild have not responded, but they have suffered a negative prisoner effect, so they are particularly sensitive to the information of the Royal Guild Management announced by Yan Guo. Finally, a small manager said weakly: "Isn't this coordinate position the coordinate position of our guild!"

All of a sudden, the bird was silent.

They did not know that from the perspective of God, with the core building of the Royal Guild as the center, a super-large red aiming circle containing the entire Royal Guild appeared. The inner circle and edge of this circle were slowly turning, and the center point was still Aim at the core building.

"Are a nuclear strike?" a member of the royal family murmured, dull in his eyes.

The preparation for launching in 1 minute was also completed at this time. At the top of the Tianmen Fortress, the giant crystal of the altar in Jiangtian Palace suddenly burst into a huge thick red beam, and it instantly fell into the thick clouds above, and the clouds of the electric masterpiece disappeared in an instant. .

At the same time, in the sky directly above the core building of the Royal Guild, a thick cloud also appeared with a purple electric awning masterpiece. In the most central position, the giant red beam rays hit the core building with a thunderous momentum. Body.

There was an extremely dazzling light, and some players who came to see the bustle from afar stopped and looked at the scene like the end of the world.

The fluctuation of the red beam rays instantly affected all the guild buildings here, and every building had a black scorching phenomenon at this moment, which looked like it had been burned by the fire.

At this moment, all strategic resources in the Royal Guild Contribution List will be cleared!

The strategic resources of all players still in the guild are halved, especially the mercury resources, which are instantly cleared!

Yan Guo Announcement: The nuclear strike is completed and the sanctions and punishments are effective immediately

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