The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 270: Talk to the devil

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Once again in a dimly lit room, Chu You faced a huge naked female demon.

It's really hard to imagine, obviously so huge, but in the **** demon royal family, it is a larvae.

Chu You, who has found her way of thinking, has discovered a current problem. How to keep herself level with each other when you have tried backpack wings and wings that are not available here....

Is there a ladder? Chu You turned around and looked around. Apart from the bookshelf and the white candles and the rune light that had become somewhat golden, no other items could be seen.

The other party's body is particularly tall, and coupled with being nailed to the high wall, Chu You can't reach the other party even if she moves the bookshelf.

The mind keeps turning, and the task prompt has clearly pointed out that the other party is the interlocutor. There must be a way. Is it really necessary to trouble players to go to the town to buy a ladder and move here?

This may be a stupid way!

After thinking for a while, after looking at it again, Chu You's eyes fixed on the black lace vessel under the demon, where there was blood flowing from the demon.

This may be a medium...

As a rebirth, the idea is extremely open. When you think of it, you do it. Chu You comes to the object and then squats her hands to lift it up.

There is no taste, and the weight is very light. Chu You opened her mouth and took a sip of the other party's blood...

An inexplicable feeling came from inside the body, and Chu You knew she had found the right way.

The huge body of the female demon in front of him shivered slightly, and Chu You immediately locked the other party.

The other person's expression was still the same, eyes closed and pain in his face.

But a beautiful voice appeared in Chu You's mind.

"Ah~ who are you? There is a realm of sympathy with me, you are very strange." The tone revealed weakness, which was the voice of the female demon in front.

"First of all, I am a good person!" Since the boundary of sympathy has been formed, Chu You said directly.

The other party is not a cub, maybe it is not sensible, and it seems right to say that he is a good person!

"Good man? I don't understand, but I beg you to let me go. I want to go back to my mother."

"It's fine to let you go, but what good do I have?"

"Benefits? I am a Satan, from the deepest level of hell: the uterus of hell, my name is Intellier. Satan, good man, you will be sheltered by my tribe!"

"How to take shelter?"

"After you die, I will drag your soul to the womb of **** and be my servant."

"I hate being a servant. Can I be your husband?" Chu You was already teased on her face.


"It's the only mater!"

"This is impossible. You are essentially a low-level life class and can't bear the joy of our people."

Lying trough, do you use the suction method to do that? Can't bear the joy! Chu You was ashamed.

"I don't believe it, or try it now?"

"I can feel my inner desire, but my body's injury is too heavy." The other party's tone suddenly became ambiguous at this moment, extremely delicate, but the other party's expression remained the same.

"My person hates cheating the most, you better not deceive me, tell me the way to help you recover from the injury!" Chu You summoned Emperor Ji, let her hide somewhere, and looked at the door of the small room At a glance, there was no closing.

"It only takes your weak repair to transmit my body, and I will recover immediately."

Just then came the system prompt.

System: Use your own experience value to heal the demon, and transfer experience value per second to 1 thousand. It takes a total of 1 hour. The player is responsible for all consequences arising from this!

Lying trough, 1 thousand experience in 1 second? The weak cultivation in your mouth is to kill me!

With a smile on his face, Chu You stretched out his open palm, and at the same time a yellowish breath came out of his palm. These breaths all flew towards the demon's face, and finally entered the devil's mouth.

After 10 seconds, the system: the opponent's injury has been restored to the first floor, warning!

After 1 minute, the system: the other party's injury has been restored to the second floor, warning!

After paying 60,000 experience points, Chu You gave up and looked at the other party indifferently.

"Don't pretend, you can move."

Hearing Chu You's voice, the female demon opened her eyes, which were a pair of purple eyes, extremely stunning, and inherently indifferent...

"Ah~ my injury is still serious, but thank you."

"Can you do that now?" Listening to the tone, it seems that Chu You is already hungry and thirsty...

Intelria looked around for a moment, and a flash of fine light flashed in his eyes, and it seemed to feel some dangerous breath.

"No, my current state can't control my body, which will cause you a lot of damage! It even directly dies." Intrell increased his tone.

"what happened?"

"The physical structure of our **** royal family is very special. As the mother body, there is an instinct power that will allow those who enter my body to feel infinite pleasure and fall into the illusion of selflessness, and his power will be squeezed by the instinct power as low You at the next level of life, I have to warn you that you will die directly before you even enter the illusion of selflessness. And your power will also be gained by me, although I am unintentional. .

"Oh, you are really honest, thank you, thank you, well, now back to the topic!" Chu You ridiculed the first sentence, the second sentence is serious, and there is no smile on his face.

"I have made you taste the sweetness. This is the price of expressing my friendliness to you. Now it's time for you to be kind to me."

"We are human races, as you can see clearly, we are naturally opposed to the demon camp, we are enemies, but!"

"But I am philanthropic and have a very broad tolerance heart. No matter what race or opposition the opponent is in, I don't care. As long as it can bring me practical benefits, we are friends!"

"Intellil, do you understand? I want practical benefits!" Chu You said the last sentence very seriously. Eyes staring straight at each other.

"Practical benefits? What do I give you, you... can only go back to **** with me, where I want to make you feel very satisfied with the results!" Intellier still can't move, nailed to the wall and said Get.

"Back to hell? Go to the deepest level of what you call hell, the womb of hell?"

"Exactly, otherwise all I can pay is my body."

"It's not as good as this. How do you think of me as Lord?"

Hearing Chu You's remarks, Intrell's eyes flashed with anger. The demon's instinct drove her to agree to Chu You's condition, but she was blocked by her strong anger. 46

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