The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 285: Central City Exchange

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"He is in the limelight now, young man, he just loves the limelight!"

"Everything is crimson, what about your two guilds? Ha ha, you were all destroyed by the guild boy, and now you start all over again?"

"Yeah, otherwise what to do, I'm angry when I think about it. Wanshi was able to rise to level 6, but it took a lot of our resources. Now the proportion of gold coins purchased is so scary, and the money invested will only increase. "

"Oh, be careful that you are wiped out by Ye Ye after you get up."

"How is it possible? We have no enmity with him for the rest of the world, and the reason why we are destroyed is only You Ye to upgrade the guild mission and put the target on us. If we lose, we have to be convinced. This is Ye Ye's skill, I have no complaints about You Ye in this matter."

"You think you are quite open."

"It's not a question of whether you want to open it up or down. Think about it differently. I'm Ye Ye, and I will do the same!"

"Okay, don't talk about him, let's talk about the world auction."

"This is really strange, why is Red Queen preparing for the world auction?" An old man wondered.

"Oh, if you guess what the Lord Naohong is thinking, you are God, so we can only follow the trend!" the old man in the throne laughed.

"Do you mean to start preparing for gold coins now?"

"Yes, in the world auction, everything in the auction is nothing ordinary, and it will definitely open our eyes. Before the red has not released this information, we must hurry to prepare!"

"Lao Li is right!"

After Chu You walked out of the High School of War, he wandered the street. He originally wanted to go directly back to the fortress, but somehow he changed his mind and wandered around in the Central City.

Now the Central City is no longer like no one before, there is already a shadow of players from various countries.

Central City is very special, players from the Seven Kingdoms can come here from their respective kings. But the premise to get here is that you need to pay a transmission fee of 10 gold coins. For ordinary people, there is no special case or don't come.

For the two former female game players who can come here, maybe it is full of coincidence.

Now that players from the Seven Kingdoms can come here, can they trade, of course?

According to the memory of the previous life, Chu You came to the'Longsheng Street'. This place was a place where the players of the Seven Kingdoms concentrated their transactions in the previous life. I don't know when it appeared or who initiated it. In short, this street became At the market of the players of the Seven Kingdoms, at that time, the market sold things that could never be Red Jazz and below. No one was willing to spend 10 gold coins and consumed a lot of time to buy a Red Jazz equipment here, so the market sold Things are all above platinum, and the skill book is not subject to any restrictions. Anyway, the prices of things sold in the player market are guaranteed to be up to 5,000 gold coins.

And now, except that there is no player on the NPC street, it looks a little'cold and deserted'.

As you walked while thinking, Chu You stopped at the door of a medium-sized store, her eyes surprised.

I saw a sign hanging in this store: sell the store, the price is interviewed!

The Central City is a lot of money, and the aborigines in it are also very proud of their identity. It is not easy for players to buy a piece of land here. It is not as simple as the home country can bribe the official to demolish the residential building.

Everything must be first, this has become a belief in the rebirth of Chu You!

Moving footsteps, Chu You walked in.

This shop is relatively large, and there are no commodities in it. Chu Youjin took a look and walked up to the second floor. I saw a middle-aged man sitting alone on a dusty chair, with a certain look Hollow.

"Cough... bother." Chu You said standing at the stairs.

The middle-aged man's body was shocked, and his empty eyes immediately turned to look. He stood up and looked at Chu You in a distinguished robe with some surprise, "Are you?"

"What else can I be, the person who bought your shop, my name is Youye."

"Oh, that's right, I'm glad to meet you." The middle-aged man quickly came over and smiled on his face.

After the two shook hands, the middle-aged man was embarrassed and said: "It's really embarrassing, it's dirty here, it hasn't been cleaned in a long time."

"It's okay, we can just stand and talk. How can you sell it in your store?"

"Well, if something went wrong in my hometown, the shop here wouldn't sell anything, ancestral treasure shop, ah~ don't say it anymore." The middle-aged people are very reluctant, it seems that the heart is really Very cherish the shops in Central City.

He stretched out **** to Chu You, but what he wanted to say was suffocated by something. He didn't say it for the first time.

"Twenty million gold coins?"

The middle-aged man immediately put his finger down, his face embarrassed and politely smiled, shook his head and said quickly, "No, no, although it is an ancestral treasure shop, it is not as expensive, the price is 2 million gold coins, young people."

"My person is very cheerful. You can say as much as you want. 2 million gold coins were sold." Chu You didn't bargain and agreed with the price. After that, the two parties reached a deal happily. From now on, this building is located in the central city of China. A medium-sized store in Longsheng Street is officially owned by Chu You!

Now Chu You has become the master, and the middle-aged person opposite has become a guest.

"I sincerely congratulate you for your wealth!" Although the middle-aged people were reluctant, they still sent their sincere blessings.

Chu You expressed gratitude for this, and then sent out the middle-aged.

After looking at some messy and empty shops, Chu You decided to build the Guild Exchange here!

The idea is good, so that players from seven countries who come here can buy and sell or buy goods from their own exchanges. It is really a fortune, because their own guild exchange will become unique at present. Linking a trading relay station in the seven major countries, through their own exchanges, allowing players from two distant countries to reach a transaction.

However, when it was going to be established, it was a little trouble, and it was necessary to go through the relevant procedures at the Central City Chamber of Commerce Administration.

It seems that in the previous life, it was not simple players who could afford a store in Central City. Chu You thought about walking towards the destination in this way.

"What are you talking about? You said you want to open a space exchange?" The director of the chamber of commerce management was very surprised. He thought Chu You was only opening a clothing store and a weapon store.

"Yeah, Space Exchange!" Chu You is a little bit crooked, this name is so tall!

"Central City is neutral. For everyone in China, it is extremely inclusive and friendly. You can do business here in your seven major countries, but it takes a lot of manpower from our space master to set up a space exchange, so this cost Well..."

"It doesn't matter how much you pay."

"7 million gold coins!"


Chu You finally obtained the authorization to open a space exchange here, and spent 7 million gold coins.

When you walked out, Chu You seemed to laugh at herself and came here for a trip, it almost cost... maid 2 million, jun 7 million, shop 2 million, authorized 7 million, a total of 18 million gold coins...

The 760 million people in his body have now become 726 million. A lot of gold coins have been spent on recruiting battle magic and building attack devices.

After being authorized, Chu You came to his shop again, and then renovated it into a very luxurious guild exchange.

In this way, all the commodities in the exchange will be for all players in the seven major countries that come here!

At the same time, all players in the Seven Powers sell their commodities through their own exchanges, which are also targeted at the Seven Powers.

It is important to mention that after opening the guild exchange, players in Yanguo will also see the products sold by players from other six countries, as well as product purchase information, which is very shocking!

The competitiveness of its own guild exchange will be greatly improved, and it will be recognized by all players over time!

I do not have you, I have all you have, this is the competitive advantage.

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