The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 544: The law of time!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

How did Chu You's 770,000 combat strength come from?

On him, his jewelry sets, armor sets, and weapons are only equipment below level 40, weapons and a 30-level ring, and a pair of boots are sacred, other armor is all garbage, and jewelry sets are only level 35. Master's set, plus skills, etc., it is impossible to rush to 770,000 combat power.

It's not good to say that the whole body is equipped with 40 levels of sacred equipment, and it may simply reach this level.

The reason why Chu You's combat power can be 770,000, not only the jade finger and his own skills, but also that after Chu You obtained 30% of Jin Chui Duo's attributes, he even benefited with Emperor Ji.

Emperor Ji’s attributes are inherited from Chu You’s current attribute values, so this brings an extremely unexpected effect.

That is, Divine Petition Emperor Ji also inherited 30% of Jin Chuiduo's attributes in disguise, and she was even more terrifying. Chu You obtained 30% of Jin Cuiduo's attributes, and Divine Chong Emperor Ji obtained this part from Chu You Strong attributes.

Why God Emperor Ji is more terrible, this is because of Emperor Ji's characteristics, she is full of morale, and inherits all attributes of the owner Chu You, then adds an additional 40% attribute.

This is like Chu You. If there is 1 million attack power at this moment, Di Ji's attack power reaches 1.4 million attack power!

If Emperor Ji uses skills, this must be counted, the skill attribute brought by Emperor Ji's evolution stage: skill attribute increased by 40%!

Divine Petition Emperor Ji's "Super God Strike" is another extremely abnormal skill, that is, on the basis of 1.4 million attack power, another 270% of the damage value of the skill attribute, and then a 40% increase in the skill attribute , A total of 310%! Yes, it is 310% of the 1.4 million attack power!

This is just the calculation of the attack power, and does not include the crit and the bonus effect of the critical damage caused by the crit! Armor penetration and other bonus effects! 60% reduction in level suppression! Lucky bonus effect!

Therefore, at this moment, God's pet Emperor Ji's "Super God Strike" really achieved the Super God, and directly killed the 100-level six-star Major General Dongying!

And the 50% of the overflowing damage was back wounded to Tsushima Nomi next to him.

All of this is caused by 30% of Jin Chui Duo's attributes!

Jin Cui Duo is a super NPC with ten stars and eighth service to Moon Mansions! It is only one step away from the Manchu Realm in the ninth service of Manchuria! Of course, this difference is a bottomless divide!

The jade pull finger magic skill duration is 10 minutes, and now there are more than 9 points! But the price is that Jin Chuiduo's own attribute value is reduced by 25%.

Pointing at the wood flower Ye Ye for a long time, Chu You leaned slightly against her head, and she still looked like that.

"Believe it or not, you will be hacked to death within 9 minutes?!" After a smile, the figure moved, and the sudden increase in movement speed made Chu You instantly come to the other party's side as soon as she thought about it, facing Tsushima Nomi, who was in a syncope state, waved a knife, which was extremely delightful!

Break the armor! One knife hurts heaven!


At the next moment, with a very fierce posture, he directed a full-level skill at Tsushima Nomi: Swipe!

In this process, 153 fighting magic Ji also aimed at this person at the same time, one after another released the spell attack, the most terrible, after Emperor Ji used those two rounds of skills, the death ray immediately erupted, impacting on Tsushima Numei.

Tsushima Nomi dies!

The two men came to fight the soy sauce to give people a head. After saying a word, they died directly and saw the emperor go.

"Numei!!" Muhua yelled painfully for a long time, his eyes were full of blood, and at the moment, his face was hideous, shouting and waving his weapon in the hand, and immediately waved several attacks to Chu You. gas.

However, Chu You easily avoided the halberd shot in 0.4 seconds!

Everything is incredible, that seemingly easy avoidance action, even Chu You's phantom!

Chu You experienced it once in the previous life, what is the true essence of "Tianshi"!

You, the wire hanging player, will never understand. Even if you reach the full level, you will probably not touch this threshold throughout your life!

Players have always been a corpse tactic! It's just that the level is higher, the way is different!

When the attribute value surged to a terrible height, a strange thing called the "law of time" was born!

What is the real aura? ! "Tianshi" eloquently stated this point!

"Tianshi" is a bizarre world, a time-slowing world, and its ultimate technology is also used on players, but just to let players see this with their own eyes, then look at this player Luck.

In Chu You's aura, that is, in this airspace, all movement trajectories have slowed down, but the seemingly fast halberd slashing by others, but there are traces in Chu You's eyes, so he escaped Too.

Muhua Ye has been here for a long time, and his speed is very fast. Before this, Chu You could not see his shadow at all, but now, I have caught you!

How can you show yourself as a peerless master in front of others? And get heartfelt recognition? !

Chu You's current performance is a strong imprint of this! Yes, it is the brand, so you can not doubt!

In the attack with Muhua Yejiu, the speed of the two shots was in the blink of an eye, almost dazzling.

The two kept fighting against each other in the sky, dashing, and exerting their skills, but if Chu You has been locked in, you will find that he has not lost blood!

How terrible is this?

The battle is so fierce. It seems that the hard way of exchanging flesh for flesh and blood for blood does not drop blood? Did they avoid it? !

It seemed so dazzling to others, but in Chu You's eyes, it was able to capture the other person's trajectory, and thus make the proper response.

This seems magical to others.

Unfortunately, there is no player here!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." with a series of weapon collision sounds, skill collision sounds suddenly sounded.

After a while, the two stood apart.

Chu You still had the same blood volume as before, but Muhua Yejiu's blood volume was eight in ten.

"Pooh!" Suddenly, a laugh came out of Chu You's mouth, his expression looked a little helpless and a little casual.

"I said I wanted to hack you in 9 minutes, but..." After looking at the long knife in his hand, he shook his head.

Grass mud horse! Weapon durability has been polished! !

In those battles, due to frequent blockades, the durability of this weapon was consumed very quickly. It was originally a 40-level weapon. How can it be hard against the 100-level star commander? !

The equipment worn on the body should not appear here, the disadvantage is great!

"What are you talking about?" Muhua Yejiu was quite calm. After he finished speaking, his eyes looked at the fighting demon Ji that covered the sky, and a trace of cruelty passed by.

You killed my men and made me cry in my heart. Now, I am going to pay for my teeth, so that you can **** pain!

When I thought about it, Muhua Ye's body suddenly moved, and when he was about to attack one of the targets, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. It was Chu You.

"Flash away!" A halberd violently waved, accompanied by Muhua Yejiu's sharp drink!

But this time Chu You didn't block, because the weapon is not durable, and it will break when it is used again.

Therefore, Chu You resisted this blow with a stubborn way.

This gave Muhua Yejiu a slightly unexpected look in his eyes.

Grass mud horse! You actually wanted to kill my horse! ! Can't bear it! ! !

On his face, Chu You's face suddenly became flushed, but her black eyes were as bright as stars!

Raising his hand and pointing his index finger at Muhua Yejiu, the next moment, the black eyes suddenly turned gray!

‘Virgin and True! ! ’

‘May you fall into selfless hell! ’

Today's attributes have skyrocketed, and 770,000 combat strengths have been fully displayed. Then, I want to take a look at it. In this state, what kind of effect will the imagination actually use!

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