The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 558: Super super scarab son-in-law!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Never give up, never pursue, never give up "your name"!

‘Blooming, I remember! ’

Chu You opened her eyes.

In fact, when Jin Cuiduo's service from Yuemang's initial breakthrough to the mid-term realm, Chu You's combat strength broke through the million mark!

At the moment when he was off the assembly line, the combat power soared by more than 100,000 to 1.2 million combat power. I don't know what happened inside.

Because of this, Chu You's combat power has been higher and higher in a short period of time, which has shocked the player world. This is crazy!

However, the truth about this matter can only be known when Chu You comes online again.

The night is in the game, and the same is true in reality. The game cabin is opened, a faint blue light is emitted from inside, and a figure stands up.

With a glance, there was no one in the office bedroom. Quietly, Chu You walked into the bathroom.

When you came out from inside, Chu You felt someone outside the bedroom.

You should know that the soundproofing facilities here are quite in place. You can't hear the sound from the outside, but Chu You really feels that there are people outside!

The office bedrooms opened, and at a glance, they found two people sitting on the office sofa, one Wang Meimei and one Baoer.

Seeing Bao'er, a trace of guilt flashed by.

Bao'er is doing his homework, and Wang Meimei is looking at the documents seriously, very quietly.

On the table in front of the two people, there was also a meal box that had just been eaten.

Seeing the meal box is a bit of a taste.

Bao'er, that's his real girlfriend, his real wife!

"Bao'er." Chu You said softly, seeing both of them look up at her with a surprised look, Chu You smiled apologetically, and looked at the other person, nodding slightly: "Mei Mei."

"Brother, you are finally here!"

"President!" Wang Meimei covered the document and stood up.

Chu You walked to the two of them, his face embarrassed.

"Sorry, I can't walk away." An embarrassed smile appeared on Chu You's face. "Otherwise, let's go outside and eat together."

"Brother, I'm full."

Wang Meimei, who was on the side, nodded with a smile, indicating that he was full.

"Meimei, when this happens in the future, take Baoer directly to eat in a good restaurant outside."

"Brother, Sister Mei took me before, but I didn't go." Bao'er said embarrassedly.

"Well, um, I will try to minimize this kind of thing in the future, Baoer, haven't you finished your homework?"

Wang Meimei looked at Chu You's expression, and there were surprises in her eyes, because she felt that the young big president's feelings for Bao'er were not generally good! It can be said that it's time to spoil yourself! In the face of Baoer, the president has a somewhat restrained performance.

"Well, uh, I'll make a phone call!" At this time, Chu You smiled apologetically again, then picked up the phone and walked outside.

After a while, the mobile phone was connected, and there was a call from Li Yuanlao.

"Sorry, something happened in "The World"."

"President, I heard Wang Meimei say that you want to create an S-level department, just for "Tianshi"?"

"Yes, today I will look at some situations in Heaven."

"Well, the influence of "Tianshi" is very rapid, I agree with your approach, but... where are you? It's better to speak in person."

Chu You looked back at the two in the room and blinked, "Otherwise, I'll go to you."


The two top tycoons of Tianchu Group appeared on an unmanned balcony at this time.

"This is the case. In the afternoon, I went to a dinner party. Some of them were high-ranking politicians. Someone told me such a thing, cough..." When talking about this, Li Yuanlao's face was a bit unnatural.

"Speak, what is it?"

"That's it, Xiaoyou, a certain political force wants to marry you!"

Li Yuanlao looked at Chu You, who seemed to have not responded, and continued.

"As for which one I don't know, but I know that it belongs to the Jingcheng Gang."

"I want to hear your opinion. If you agree, I can give them a reply to arrange for the two of you to meet."

"I don't want to think about it for now, I..."

"Xiaoyou, your situation is very special now. As far as I know, there are many families inquiring about your situation. Hehe, they all think that you are a super super golden turtle son with very high gold content." Li Yuanlao used two 'ultra'! In his view, the resources on Chu You should be so described!

"The most important thing for this to happen is that what you have done recently, in the eyes of many people, is a very correct thing. In general, it is politically correct!"

"Uncle Li, I am only 21 years old!" Chu You used this to protest.

"On this level, age has never been a problem. What is marriage? It is nothing more than combining together to grow together. I have seen many such situations. After they get married, the two will not interfere with each other even if they have no feelings. Do whatever you want, of course, provided the heir is born!"

"The red flag at home doesn't fall, the colored flags flutter outside, that's what you said!"

"Oh, Uncle Li, I have to consider this matter carefully, but I want to say that the success rate is estimated to be only 10%, and the full success rate is 100%!"

"Xiaoyou, I grew up watching you. After your parents passed away unexpectedly, the Chu family did have a cold heart. Of course, you also have your responsibilities. Now that you are sensible, it is very gratifying, but in general, You don’t have elders to take care of you, you are only 21 years old, and you don’t have an emotionally dearest elder, so I think that you need a place where you can be warm, direction, protection, family, etc. You really need such a place! "

"And that Beijing family, I believe it can definitely do this!"

"Don't blame Li Shu for being too wide. Now the world's people are sinister, especially like the Tianchu Group. It is my responsibility to find a safe haven for you!"

"It's too sudden, let me think about it, don't rush me, I want to tell you!" Chu You thought about it and said.

After a moment, there was only Chu You left on the scene. He stood here alone, sometimes looking at the sky, sometimes looking at the Wanjia lights, and inexplicably a little melancholy.

In a few moments, his thoughts were withdrawn, and Chu You turned over her mobile phone number, and then dialed a call, which was her cousin, Chu Chenwei.

"Ah, Xiaoyou, your courage is getting bigger and bigger, and I can't even answer my phone." Soon, the cousin's voice came from the phone.

"I'm sorry, I was investigating "The World" and couldn't walk away for a while."

"Does it take me so long to go? Haha, you will say sorry now, I thought you would be estranged from me too, Xiaoyou, the changes are not small!"

"Sister, what's the matter?"

"It's not convenient to talk on the phone, so, my sister invites you to dinner, isn't it?"


The driving of Chu You is still the last black Mercedes-Benz car, of course, Xiao Qiao came to drive, and he played the mobile phone in the car. The content opened is exactly what Chu players attacked the ruling fortress.

According to intelligence sent by Tianji, the number of people is slightly different from what Zhao Feiyan said.

That is, the number of people who really participated in the ruling fortress battle of Chu State may have reached 300,000!

Judging from the current progress, the players of the Chu Kingdom have not even broken the gate of the ruling fortress!

In response, Chu You smiled slightly!

Because it really is like this!

It is really not easy to win the ruling fortress. No player from any country can successfully win the ruling fortress from the beginning. There is no experience, and there are lessons to be learned!

In the previous life, they were beaten several times before they won!

It's much harder to grab the ruins of the fortress from the NPC than to grab the ruins of the players! Of course, the situation in the player's development will definitely be different.

In the forum, in addition to saying that his combat strength reached 1.2 million, other posts are all big things happening in Chu!

At the moment, Chu You is watching the live broadcast. According to the anchor, although the battle situation is tight, it is not too serious. He believes that he can break the door!

There is no doubt that this is a glorious event!

At this moment, I only heard the anchor's excitement yelling again and again.

"Broken the door!!! Broken the door!!! Our army is in!"

At the same time, the car stopped at the door of a hot pot restaurant.

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