The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 635: Don't go against me!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Miao Jiu'er kneeled on the ground and knelt in front of herself.

Just as the other party was about to lean down, a woman on the side suddenly had an extra thing in her hand, only to see that she twisted the lid.

In an instant, a firework rushed out of it and rushed into the sky.

'bump! ’Soon the fireworks sounded.

Chu You stared at the other party. He had thought that he would encounter such a ridiculous situation. He wanted to laugh, but he couldn’t laugh. He wanted to say that the other party’s brain was in trouble, but everything turned into silence. Staring at Miao Jiu'er in general.

After the first knock, Miao Jiu'er looked up at Chu You, his face seemed solemn and sacred, and he continued to bow down to himself, his posture was very standard!

After just three knocks, Miao Jiuer got up, her eyes were smart and natural.

At the next moment, it was another kneel! This is the second worship!

Three bows and nine knocks is one kneeling and three kowtows, and you have to kneel to Chu You three times and knock on your head nine times!

Whether Chu Youcheng admits it or not, no matter what Chu You thinks, the status of this girl who will soon become his apprentice will undoubtedly rise a lot in his mind! In a special position! After he looked at Miao Jiu'er, he looked absolutely different from other apprentices!

Through this kind of Zhuangsu rites of worship, Miao Jiu'er has created a relationship between the two as a teacher and the teacher!

Through this special ritual, the relationship between the two parties is simulated as a "blood connection"! There is an invisible shackle, a special blood line formed by the inheritance of the teacher, which makes the two tightly bound together, and this relationship is pure!

All of this is invisible and invisible, and it only exists in the souls of the two.

Three prayers and nine knocks was over, but Miao Jiuer did not get up, but looked at Chu You with her bright eyes flashing. Crisply said: "Now I am going to call you Master, you must remember to nod and agree!" Miao Jiu'er spoke.

"Master!" The voice seemed to be far away from the sky and near to the ear, ethereal and sprouting!

Master? ! A trace of confusion flashed in Chu You's eyes, but soon came to realize that this is a respect for the master to show his lofty status in the disciple's heart.

Chu You nodded, "Uh!"

When Chu You nodded and agreed, Miao Jiu'er bowed again, not only the standard of posture but also a solemn and divine meaning.

Miao Jiu'er still didn't get up, looked up at Chu You, and continued: "Follow the orders of the teacher and observe the teacher's training, please ask Master to inform the disciple of the discipline!"

The doctrine is the master’s instruction or doctrine that the introductory disciples must bear in mind!

His eyebrows flickered slightly, his eyes flickered, and the development of things was really unexpected.

What should I say? you ask me? Who do I ask? I do not know either!

After a little deep pondering, Chu You looked at Miao Jiu'er again, there was a hint of playfulness on her face, and then she said.

"Training rules are not so complicated, four words can explain everything."

"Don't go against me!"

"Disciples follow the instructions!" After that, Miao Jiuer tapped her head again.

When he raised his head again, Miao Jiu'er still didn't get up, but there was a smile on her face. That kind of smile actually made Chu You feel a sense of intimacy naturally! This is a powerful subtle force. The seed has been buried in Chu You, and now it is about to germinate.

"Master, you can add me to join now!" Miao Jiuer whispered softly, and the tone returned to the quirky taste.

"Huh!" Chu You looked at Miao Jiu'er kneeling on the ground, then opened the guild interface, and finally gave Miao Jiu'er an invitation to join the association.

System: Player ‘Miao Jiu’er’ joined your guild!

At this point, the number of the world's first guild became four!

At this moment, the icon of the'Xian' Guild appeared on Miao Jiu'er, which also marked that Miao Jiu'er became a member of the ruling guild, and this ruling guild shared the nationality of the two great countries of Yan and Chu!

"Master, can you put me directly in your apprenticeship sequence now?" Miao Jiu'er doesn't know how to establish a teacher-apprentice relationship.

This operation does not need to be performed in the guild mentor building, it can be performed directly in the new mentor function. I saw Chu You once again sent a function message to Miao Jiu'er.

System: The player "Yu Ye" will establish a mentorship relationship with you. Do you worship each other to become your only mentor? !

Miao Jiuer's eyes lit up, and she immediately agreed.

System: The relationship between mentor and apprentice is established successfully, and you have your only mentor!

System: Congratulations, your only tutor ‘Yu Ye’ will take you on a wonderful mentoring journey!

At the same time, an email entered Miao Jiu'er's backpack. The contents of the envelope were some notes about being an apprentice.

In the perspective of Chu You, his apprentice was reduced from 13 places to 12 places, and he had 2 apprentices!

"Master, you can call Tu'er up now, unless you don't want to let Tu'er get up." Miao Jiu'er, who was still kneeling on the ground, said openly, looking forward to her eyes.

"Tu, Jiu'er, get up." Chu You almost called Miao Jiu'er along with Miao Jiu'er.

"Master Xie." After that, Miao Jiu'er really stood up and patted him gently with his hands.

"Your apprenticeship is really refreshing." Chu You said lightly.

"Master, don't laugh at me." Miao Jiu'er said playfully, looking at herself vigorously.

At this time, the strange woman on the side bowed slightly in the direction of the two, and then went straight back to the city without saying anything. Chu You and Miao Jiu'er were left at the scene.

Having glanced at the woman's disappearing position, Chu You said slightly, "Is that the person who just recorded your apprenticeship just now?"

Miao Jiu'er's eyes flashed a little, very smart, "Master, the teacher worship ceremony, but there must be witnesses, hee hee, deserve to be a master, you can guess what Master Tu'er can do."

"Jiu'er, you don't have to call me Master, you can call me my name."

"How can this be done? Three prayers and nine persecutions are justified, and the Master's name is called directly. That is a big deal, I dare not!"

"Can you believe there is a **** in this world?" Chu You said casually.

Miao Jiu'er opened his palm, it seems that the lines in the palm have some kind of magic? While watching, he said, "If you have a heart, you will be spiritual.

"Okay, will you come back to the guild with me now." Chu Youke could not say what he called himself a teacher.

"Well, good Master." When Miao Jiuer joined Chu You's guild, she had more guild return skills, and Miao Jiuer also shared the guild's gain status! The powerful guild gain status makes it only 2.6 seconds for the two to return to the city!

In a few moments, the two are in a cloud-top city like a fantasy fairyland!

As soon as he appeared in the position of returning to the city, Miao Jiuer put away a smile, and looked at the new environment with a daze.

Here is the world's first guild!

"It's beautiful." Almost mumbled, and then Miao Jiu'er's face was full of radiance, and he turned to Chu You and said happily, "Master, this place is so beautiful. Tuer likes it."

"You know, every Taoist palace here is very close to my fantasy, but they are more beautiful and real than I thought, and Tuer really yearns for this heart."

"In my eyes, they seem to have a sense of Shinto!"

Chu You smiled faintly, Miao Jiuer had an unimaginable love and understanding of Daomen.

"Cough, whatever you want to see in the future, now, we are going to start."

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