The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 724: Super gold empire!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Chu You is really patient. He actually stayed in the craftsman's room for 5 hours, as if he had performed the immortal king technique himself!

In the process, Miao Jiuer went offline, and Chu You finally produced 2398 senior puppet miners, plus the previous 1330, a total of 3728!

This is a terrifying number. It should be known that 3000 miners can dig up 75 million gold mines in a week. Now that there are so many miners, they should be able to dig them out in 5 and a half days. The gold mine has a relatively large space and accommodates all puppet miners.

All of the 2,398 puppets produced by these were placed by Chu You in the Xianji Space Backpack. The Xianji Space Backpack was 3000, wow hahaha.

Why not put it in one go? Dig in a day?

Sit down, Comrade Duxiu, please sit down, don’t you be so good, the key is that time is too late, there are many things waiting for Chu You, Chu You is forcing himself to attack the number of miners. When 5 senior batches make a spell After using the book, he stopped immediately, and a spell book lasted for an hour.

In the process, Chu You also learned that the Sunshine Guild successfully laid down the 40-level town, which is a small town.

And the Sunshine Guild did not implement the occupation, but slaughtered that small town! Killed, burned, burned, so far, that town has lost its teleportation function, and the only one that can quickly reach that area can only pass through the teleportation array of the Sun Guild.

So was the Sunshine Guild sanctioned by the Chu court?

The answer is: no.

Through the intelligence sent by Dantai Jingning, and Chu You's personal conversation with Sunshine Breeze, he probably understood.

The Sunshine Guild’s Town Raiders: First, a peculiar rune was used, which was said to have been purchased from a trade association of the Wizarding Association, leaving the small town in a state of isolation, that is, it should be called every day should not spirit!

This wizard association trade group is an evil camp, and the things it sells are extremely evil, which is a kind of rule-breaking type, and the wizard association trade group will not visit the player guild, and players need to find them themselves.

There is also this type of rung that has a paralyzing effect on the magic zone of the safe zone in the town, enabling any player to directly use force in the town.

Then, hearing this, Chu You admired the Sunshine Guild a little bit. They didn't know how to find a few strange NPCs, and through them directly destroyed the teleportation array in the town.

In the end, more than 30,000 ruling alliance players staying in the city directly attacked the city, killing them when they saw them, whether they were NPC aborigines or other guild players, all of them were killed, and each building was carpet-robbed.

The tactical deployment of the Sunshine Guild played an important role in this, and the resurrection area and the return area were first hit by fatal blows.

According to Dantai Jingning, the fighting was very tragic, and inhumane things happened.

She also told Chu You that she witnessed the tragedy of the aboriginal infants who were still in their infants!

Chu You didn't respond to this kind of thing, because he saw too much about this kind of thing. The world's biggest enemy is the player.

It is a pity that neither the court nor the regional mythological forces attach importance to it, because the players are too weak, and the players have unparalleled use value.

He also wanted to tell Dantai Jingning that the evil rune cast by the Sunshine Guild allowed players to take off their pants!

The reason why there is no incident of taking off pants is because players are affected by fixed thinking. After all, players do not need to eat and drink in the game. The player’s body in the game is the "fairy" body, and it is subject to heavenly morality in most areas. The binding force, so I simply did not realize this layer.

Just as Chu You became Shang Xiang Xiao Qiao, when you want to look at your lower body, you can only see a little bit. It is precisely because of the power of the morality of Heavenly Dao that is exerting influence, and it is not allowed to appear unethical and destructive in the public domain. Behavior, but allows the player to do whatever he wants in any kind of private area he has.

When Chu You came out of the craftsman's room, Dantai Jingning was already waiting for him outside. Just after the War of the Massacre, what happened to Dantai Jingning. Chu You couldn't see it, and the other's face was not visible.

So Chu You came to the Guild Warehouse, where he took out the 750 puppet miners who had been stored.

After that, he took Dantai Jingning to the Holy Land of the Demon Kingdom. When entering the inside of the Holy Mountain, except for the BOSS, the other monsters have been refreshed.

But this time Chu You was not the last one. At this time, there were already two sacred archangels, 190 fighting devil Ji, the Emperor Ji whose attributes were also strengthened, and Dantai Jingning with the same fighting strength.

Therefore, in the face of any strange experience here, it was all crushed, crushed all the way, Dantai Jingning rose from 65 to 66, this is because Chu You did not deliberately brush monsters, this time the purpose is to dig mine.

The last party came to the gold mine, where Chu You and Dantai Jingning released the senior puppet miners in their backpacks, allowing them to dig the gold mine day and night.

When the puppet miner is released, when ordered, it will automatically find the gold ore body, and then mine.

This gold mine is relatively large and can accommodate 3,728 high-level puppet miners to mine at the same time.

The advantages of a high-level puppet miner are obvious, but the bad drawback is that if the owner can safely let the miner mine his own flash, once the other players find it here, then the miner is very likely to be caught by other players. Attacked, thereby looting the mined gold coins.

3,728 miners were released, and there was a dense mining sound.

"Zero, if you're okay, just absorb those source stones outside. It's very valuable. Well, remember to eat when it's time to eat. I'm off now."

"Good boy."

"If the abyss flare erupts, remember to call me."

"Well, I know the son."

So Chu You went offline, the game cabin opened, and he walked out from the inside. He first solved some personal hygiene, then walked to the edge of the bed and picked up the mobile phone on the bed.

Before going online, Chu You didn’t connect her mobile phone to the game cabin. If it was connected, in case the manager of the company’s “Tian Chu Guild Department” called herself, and they received the mobile phone text message as a result In the game, and my second account is not online, how to explain? !

Although Xiao Qiaohong could cut off the signal or directly give the other party a cover-up text message, Chu You didn't think so much at that time, and she left her phone on the bed.

Now I picked up my phone and looked at it. There are many missed calls on the phone.

Just then, the projector turned on again, and Xiao Qiaohong appeared afterwards.

I saw a little worry on Xiao Qiao's face, "Chu You, you're out."


"The situation has deteriorated somewhat."

"What's wrong?" Chu You looked at Xiao Qiao in surprise.

"The government has just issued a series of policies that allow all adults to own a gaming device, and students are listed here. The policy is to provide loans to potential gamers who cannot afford to buy but are willing to enter the game. ."

"Then let those players who have loans to own equipment in the game repay the loan in the form of game currency!"

"Not only that, this target also includes the use of financial platforms to provide third-party loan repayment methods for those who have borrowed online and those who have bank loans, as mentioned above, if these have The person who made the loan is a world player, they can exchange the game currency for the loan, the ratio is 1:5!"

"The government is making every effort to suppress the appreciation of gold coins."

"In the future, citizens can borrow money to buy a house or a car. As long as they borrow money from the government, they can also repay the loan in the same manner as above if they are also heavenly players!"

"This invisibility drives a large number of people to become potential heavenly players!"

"Chu You, do you know what this means?"

"What does it mean?" Chu You was shocked.

"Oh, this means that an unparalleled, nationwide super gold empire was born!"

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