The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 814: You have been killed by it once!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

The whole process is full of unspeakable strangeness and violation!

why? !

Everyone who participates in the auction will go through a security check when they enter the corridor. The inspection items are not only robots scanning whether bidders carry weapons of any level, but also face scanning the bidders to confirm They will only be let in when they are consistent with their identities, otherwise the door will not even want to enter, and will also be threatened by the organization to investigate!

Chu You and the so-called Fujiwara Jun are totally two people. How did Chu You pass the security check and participate in the auction, and finally won the most expensive ‘commodities’.

This is very strange!

Another thing is, how did he let him participate in this auction through organizational selection? To know the customers who can participate in this auction, their information has also been strictly examined by the organization; then, how did the completely different two people pass these difficulties again and again? !

Is there a ghost inside? !

It feels very wrong...

The more I thought Li Haorong shuddered.

Li Haorong didn't know Chu You at all! However, he felt that this face was familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere!

At the same time, the fear that rose inside told him faintly that the man who can speak Chinese and had some familiar faces seemed to come to him for a special trip to Li Haorong. Once found, ominous things will happen...

Strangely, Li Ronghao actually invited this person to his room!

It's as if everything is completely in the hands of the other party.

Even if it is a temporary change plan, the other party seems to know!

Li Haorong, who was originally active, instantly felt that the two were reversed, and the hunter became a prey, and the prey became a hunter!

Because the other party dared to reveal the so-called "truth" in front of him! Let him know that Homura is not Fujiwara.

At the same time, where is it? What did the other party rely on, actually had so much confidence to let him know the so-called'truth'? !

And what does the other party mean by the consequences? !

"Who the **** are you?" Li Haorong shouted sharply, and at the same time threw the wine glass to the ground!

At the same time, the Dong Ying people beside Chu You responded quickly and immediately pulled out the gun from his waist. However, the next moment he found that he could not move and kept pulling the gun. Well, his hand already held the gun Handle.

"People outside can't hear anything." Chu You still had the same smile on his face. "I tell you, even if there is a TNT equivalent explosion here, you can't hear outside!"

"Shanxiajun, what's wrong with you?" Li Haorong still shouted loudly, but the man named Dongying, who was called Shanxiajun, kept this action all the time.

In an instant, Li Haorong suddenly groaned inwardly, and he realized how sacred the man he was facing was.

This filled his heart with fear at the same time, actually raised a ridiculous!

"It's useless, even if you call it a broken throat, he can't hear it." Chu You started to move, leaning towards Li Haorong step by step.

"You...what!!" Li Haorong's face became distorted and horrified. When he saw the other party approaching, Li Ronghao's body instinctively wanted to retreat, but his body was now unable to move, like what was given. Completely imprisoned, sudden and contradictory and fear filled his heart immediately!

As a result, the sentence "What" was spurred by a high-decibel voice!

"Hush!" There was a finger that shook out with his index finger, and there was something unspeakable on Chu You's face... that seemed to be a grim or strange smile? !

Li Haorong tried to open his eyes wide and looked at Chu You, who was approaching. His eyes were full of fear. At the same time, he could see that his cold sweat was constantly leaking out of his skin, and his body was trembling faintly. This shows that Chu You was imprisoned. The body is not very'dead'!

" you know who I am?" Chu You's smile seemed to Li Ronghao, it was completely a demon!

Seeing the other person shaking his head in fear, Chu You nodded: "Then you must have heard of a person's name: Chu You!"

Chu You? !

The reaction in Li Haorong's eyes satisfied Chu You because the other party had really heard his name.

"Chu You? Chu You of Tian Chu Group?" Li Haorong finally remembered, but this person was still very strange to him. The major news two years ago just let him know that a teenager became the boss of a 500 strong group!

"Yes, it's me!"

"You, do you have abilities? Me, what is my holiday with you?"

"Holiday? So, Hao Rongjun, what are you doing to call me in? Hehehe..."

terror! so horrible!

Looking at Chu You's smile, Li Haorong felt that his heart was about to burst at this moment. How could this be the case? !

"You, what do you want to do? I don't even know you are you."

"Ah!!!" The next moment, Li Haorong screamed.

Chu You grabbed the other party's hair and grabbed it fiercely!

"Dare to call someone out of the auctioneer, Hao Rong, are you enough?

"No, no, brother, I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. I will give you whatever benefits you want! I can't help it. The old man told me that I must take the evolver home!"

"Are you old! He is almost dead!"

Hearing Chu You saying this, Li Haorong seemed to smell the taste of death, but maybe he had a taste. The next time he screamed again, but this time it was much louder than before! The voice became a little bit boring.

‘Katz! ’

Just listening to the horrible sound made by human bones, Li Haorong's arm became twisted and became a creepy "Z" shape!

Nian Li directly broke the bone that twisted Li Haorong's right arm.

Watching Li Haorong's snot tears flow out, his mouth screamed, and there was no slight fluctuation in Chu You's heart.

"Labor management tells you who I am, is to let you know who you did!"

"To tell you the truth, my real goal is your grandfather! I'm going to kill him, and you are his grandson, I'm so sorry, I need something from you to induce him to appear!"

"Why why!" Li Haorong screamed terribly. He didn't know the inside story at all. Strictly speaking, he was just an outsider.

"Why?" Chu Youcai smiled, "Remember the news two years ago, do you think it was just a malfunction of the plane, grass mud horse! You can't run any of them!"

After talking about Chu You, she moved her heart once again. The omnipresent thought was like the silk thread manipulated by Chu You on the puppet doll, and started to move on Li Haorong.

Just listen to Li Haorong's fracture sound all over his body, ‘Kats Katz Katz....’

The chest cavity of both hands and feet is completely twisted and sunken, and it is so steep that this kind of pain is not human.

Li Haorong's body can allow him to faint, but he can't faint...

A smell came out of Li Haorong, and he was incontinent...

At this time, Chu You revoked Nian Li's control of Li Haorong.

Suddenly Li Haorong collapsed to the ground, his mouth still screamed like a pig, but his voice was hoarse, and his body was twitching.

Also at this time, Chu You took out something from her arms, it was a ... gun.

Squatting down, looking at the face completely twisted by the pain, Chu You shook his gun in front of Li Haorong.

"Do you know what this is?"


"I tell you, you have been killed by it once!"

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