The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 825: Guilds with super potential!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Now you can see that the expression on Chu You's face is frowning, but also surprised.

The frown is that the resources consumed by any guild building are extremely huge, but the surprise is that he did not expect that the creation of a guild here can actually trigger the sacred SSS mission!

This is unique, absolutely!

In previous lives, I have not heard of any player who can trigger a sacred SSS mission when establishing a guild on a neutral island!

How much of a neutral island that can build a guild and develop into a city? ?

And the first player to establish a guild on a neutral island in the previous life, how could this information be exposed! !

Therefore, Chu You really didn't know that it could trigger a sacred SSS mission.

As for the guild name...

Well, in view of the fact that there is too much negative energy along the way, Chu You decided to come with a positive energy. Well, at least the name seems to give people a positive energy like this...

After all, this guild is Xianzong, and behind it stands the Tianchu Super Group! It looks taller and better.

Alas, everything needs gold coin resources!

Thinking of this, Chu You moved his heart, because he knew that the guild tax should have arrived when he flew to Dongying Country yesterday, which means that a large number of large coins have been credited.

Thinking of the large size, Chu You loosed her heart, You Ye finally got up, and he was fully able to develop here!

Well, the most important thing now is to upgrade the guild to level 5!

Wait a minute...

Chu You set all her information to hidden state. In this way, the guild you created is hidden on the leaderboard and you can’t see anything.


However, this operation authority cannot deceive the ruling officers and home officials of any country’s ruling guild. They can see the real information of any guild that is hidden on the leaderboard, but they want to investigate the truth of an obscure hidden guild. Information, it is also extremely difficult, unless you know the name of this guild, otherwise you have to compare them one by one, one by one to find each other.

Well, Chu You started to operate, first established the guild market, exchanged strategic resources of 10 million gold coins in the market.

Since the establishment of guild buildings here, the strategic resources it consumes are extremely expensive, so Chu You must carefully calculate the cost of each guild building.

This is not to say that to reach the level 2 guild is more than 15 million gold coins, which is not the case, then the 15 million gold coins only played a huge cost in starting the situation.

When upgrading the guild level later, the consumed gold coins are relatively cheaper.

For example, after Chu You built several buildings, he started to upgrade the 2nd-level guild, and the resources needed were only 200,000 gold coins!

It takes 200,000 gold coins to upgrade to the 2nd-level guild here, which is more expensive than the gold resources required by the mainland to reach the 2nd-level guild.

In this way, the area of ​​the guild has expanded a little bit, there are more and more guild buildings, and the level of the guild buildings is also upgraded a little bit, so the volume of the guild buildings is also getting bigger.

It can be seen that the environment here has undergone major changes brought about by the rune power of the guild.

Now, Chu You's heart moved: level 5 guild!

System: Up to 1 level of guilds requires 1 million gold coins!

After looking at the gold coins in my eyes, I immediately selected OK, and a ray of light came from the core building of the guild. When it disappeared, the Qin-Han style building became bigger, so the Huaman Jiuzhou guild became 5 Guild!

At this time, the system's prompt came.

At the same time, a lot of upgraded light appeared on Chu You!

System: Divine SSS Mission: Divine Free Trade Island Phase 1 Mission Congratulations on your completion!

System: You have received mission rewards.

System: You have upgraded, your level is: 26.

System: You have triggered the sacred SSS mission: the second phase of the sacred free trade island mission: establishing a transmission channel with any of the seven great kingdoms!

System: The second phase task reward: reward 18 million experience points, reward the maximum number of guilds +5000, and reward the guild skill tree skill points +2.

Why is there no new dynasty here? ?

The teleportation building is a building that must be upgraded. If this building is not upgraded, the guild upgrade cannot be activated. Therefore, the current guild teleportation is already at level 5 building level.

However, even one transmission channel has not been opened in this transmission array!

Now all you have to do is to open the first transmission channel!

It's just that you can see that his expression is a little weird, and there is some kind of light flashing in his eyes.

Therefore, from the prompt of this task, if a transmission channel is established with one of the seven major powers, does it mean that Tian Chuliye, who is a Yan Guo, possesses the nationality of the other country? !

Lying! ! This task is awesome! !

I selected a teleportation array, and I saw an interface appear. From this interface, I can see that my teleportation array has 7 connection lines, and each connection line corresponds to a transmission array in a dynasty and royal city.

Seeing this phenomenon, Chu You's expression was obviously startled!

The kind of hunch in my heart is getting stronger and stronger. At the same time, I secretly guessed that if the transmission channel in the seven king cities is opened, does it mean that the Huaman Jiuzhou Association has the nationality of 7 major countries? ? ! !

After thinking about it, Chu You chose to establish a transmission channel with King Qin City!

System: Opening a transmission channel with King Qin City requires gold coins: 1 million!

In the trough, one transmission channel will cost 1 million gold coins! But it looks like a big profit!

Looking at the gold coins on my body, um, there are only more than 1 million gold coins, just happen to be able to do this task!

So Chu You chose OK...

When the 1 million gold coins were deducted, the transmission line connecting his guild to the Qin King City changed from a gray dashed line to a solid white line, which means that the transmission array can be used!

Then a series of prompts of the system appeared again, and at the same time, the light of upgrade appeared again.

System: Congratulations on completing the second phase of the sacred free trade island mission!

System: You have received rewards for the second phase of the mission!

System: You have upgraded, your level is 29!

System: Qin State has established diplomatic relations with your guild, and the indigenous people of Qin State can also come to your guild through this transmission channel! At the same time, your guild members have Qin nationality!

Wow ha ha ha, it really is! Awesome!

System: You have triggered the sacred-level SSS mission: the third phase of the sacred free trade island mission: to attract 2,000 aborigines to live permanently here!

System: The third stage task reward: reward 12 million experience points, reward skill book sacred treasure chest × 1, reward permanent attack power (magic attack power) +3000 attribute!

Chu You shook his head for this task, which is not something he can do now, and he is still on the plane.

At the same time, he also realized that Tianchu members could not join the Huaman Jiuzhou Association. If Huaman Jiuzhou was publicly his own, he would have countless troubles waiting for himself.

The key reason is that this guild is no longer an ordinary guild. It has been changed by the sacred SSS-level mission. This guild is directly under the jurisdiction of China Central City. That is the guild that directly orders the Chinese God.

Such a guild, if the government knows, may force the acquisition of this guild, um, it will send someone to find Chu You himself.

In reality, they do not have the strength to contend with the government, at all!

After looking at the time, it is almost time to come to China, in reality, some things have to be quickly explained!

Time returns to the time when Chu You triggered the second phase of the sacred mission...

Zhong Miaozi has just received a group of senior NPCs who have come to trust, thinking about how to strengthen the new dynasty's plan for the next step.

At this time, he received a prompt from the Lord God!

China God: Xinjun, the neutral Huaman Jiuzhou Association wants to establish diplomatic relations with you. Once you agree, your teleportation array will appear in the other party’s options. Once the other party and your teleportation array are opened, the other party will Will be able to reach you directly through the teleportation array!

The Miaozi were shocked and puzzled, and even murmured to himself: "Huaman Jiuzhou Guild?"

What is this Niubi Guild that led the Chinese God to personally contact him? ? !

However, without much thought, the Miaozi rejected the consent. The new dynasty is really too fragile at present, and no other players can appear in the territory of the new dynasty. No matter what the true attitude of the other party is, it is not allowed!

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