The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 848: Padmaxia Purple Dragon! (Add more to the monthly pass for book friends!)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Later, Chu You entered the room of the platform console again, and after seeing him inject some vitality, he checked some information displayed on the drilling platform.

Apparatus: The deep sea contains the god-like ore of the deep sea, the total amount of which is: 1 million pieces, 45216 pieces have been collected so far.

The currently collected quantity is constantly increasing, while the total amount of reserves is constantly decreasing.

It can be seen that the other four drilling platforms are still in operation, so it will only appear that the number of collected rigs continues to increase.

This leads to the conclusion that there are a total of 1 million deep sea **** pattern ore fields under the deep sea. According to the Chu You collection method, a drilling platform can collect 20,000 deep sea **** pattern ores every 2 days, then The five drilling platforms can collect every 2 days: 100,000 deep sea ore veins.

The total amount is 1 million, so in theory, the deep sea **** ore deposit with a total of 1 million can be collected in 20 days!

It's just that reality is skinny, and Chu You doesn't have so many different values ​​to support the crazy behavior mentioned above!

There are 13 million yuan remaining in the sky and earth around the neutral island of the song of the surf, which can only provide him with two and a half times of gathering. One time is 100,000 deep sea ore veins, and two times is 200,000. Hundian Ling's vitality value is still 6 million, and Jin Chuiduo's Dao Soul, these two also need to absorb the vitality value storage!

If the 1 million yuan gas value is calculated using the Tiandi Yuanqi stone formula, 1 million yuan gas value = 100,000 Tiandi Yuanqi stones = 3 million gold coins. If Chu You wants to collect it within 20 days, he needs to pay at least 100 million gold coins. cost!

If the vitality values ​​of Ji Dao Tian Tian Aya and Jin Chui Duo Dao Soul are filled up, a total of 5 million vitality values, then the number of vitality values ​​of the neutral island of the Song of Songs is only 8 million, which can only be opened once and a half. This will increase the number of exchanged Tiandi Yuanqi stones, which will increase the number of gold coins consumed. One time, 3 million gold coins start a drilling platform for 30 minutes to cool for 2 days, and obtain 20,000 godstones. This is your own calculation.. .

As a rebirth, Chu You not only knows that there is a heaven and earth in the neutral island of the song of the torrent....

Well, to elaborate on the previous question, 1 million deep sea ore vein ore, without bargaining, according to the price quoted by the NPC, then its value is = 1 billion gold coins! !

Is it cost-effective to spend a huge price of more than 100 million gold coins to forcefully win 1 million deep sea ore vein ores worth at least 1 billion gold coins? !

You know, the current situation is too friendly for Chu You, a reborn person!

This island was discovered in the previous life after many players reached level 100, that is to say, for a long period of time, it is impossible for other players to discover the secrets here.

What if an accident is discovered? Do they have a huge vitality value to start the drilling platform? !

So, Chu You was silent...

He sat down, sitting on the edge of the corridor cliff outside the platform, his feet fell in the sky, he was thinking...

"Do you want to kill the dragon yet?"

"Don't be noisy!"

"Oh..." Herla grunted her mouth and flicked the head of "White Snake Satan" with her middle finger...

This is a big game, any mistakes will cause huge losses, need to be careful!

In the end, Chu You decided to do this first. After 2 days, I would say it again, and after 2 days, I might have been in Gutan Maya in the New World, and I might spend a lot of gold coins there... .

So he stood up, patted the dirt that didn't exist, and said, "Come on, do the right thing."

"Well, Tulong is going!" Herla said, hopping and slyly following Chu You behind her. The scene looked like a cheerful little tail behind Chu You.

The new consciousness that was born through the evolution of Interell is really a child. Although she inherited the memory, her consciousness or soul has changed, and her personality has undergone major changes.

Hiss... Can Herald's situation be compared to a traverser? !

As for the ore of the deep sea gods in the other four drilling platforms, this one will come after the labor and capital slaughter!

Rebirth, never worry about having no money!

If there is no money, it may only be that the reborn is not earning it!


In the deepest position here, the figure of Chu You and others finally appeared.

At this time, the lineup is already different, because 190 fighting magic Ji has appeared, densely packed, plus God's favorite Emperor Ji.

It can be seen that the 117-level Chu You is like a star arching moon in the crowd, next to him is the petite and beautiful 10-star devil king Herara, the periphery is the 8 sacred angels, and the periphery is the battle Mo Ji and God Emperor Ji Ji in front.

And this lineup is currently the most powerful lineup of players in the "world" player lineup!

The space here is not so dark, because there is an inexplicable purple light around it that illuminates everything.

In Chu You's eyes, below is a huge... platform.

There is a huge… a creepy black-purple heart vertically above the platform in the middle!

This heart is the relic of the ancient Dragon Emperor. The scene seen at this moment is that this heart is creeping and beating, and it is supported by various large and thick black and purple biological rhizomes growing from the heart, and the rhizomes above the heart Directly reaching the top of the rock layer, you can see that there are a large number of small rhizomes spreading from the connection there, embedded in the wall.

This is also the kind of biological structure that Chu You used to cut off the biological tissue embedded in the wall with the fairy halberd.

Under the heart support, there are also huge black and purple biological rhizome tissues, and the platforms below have drilled deep and large holes, which are not clear in the hole, but Chu You guessed that it should reach the seabed, or a submarine volcano? ! Or geocentric? Who knows, nobody went in anyway.

In addition to the ancient relic heart of the Dragon Emperor, there is a guardian on the huge platform.....

It is said that the dragon has a hobby of collecting treasures, which makes some sense...

I saw a huge purple dragon sleeping on that huge platform!

The dragon scales on its body are sturdy and sturdy, and its body structure is extremely domineering. There are huge barbs. The wide and deterrent wings are now folded. Once opened, it can definitely achieve the effect of "covering the sky and covering the sun".

The appearance of the dragon head is even more frightening. At this time, it is with its eyes closed, but even so, just seeing this gesture makes it difficult to raise a weakened mentality against it.

Not only that, there is also a strong coercive effect!

As a rebirth, Chu You was fearless, but when he thought that he would disturb it and eventually fight it, an adrenaline-like sensation in the body surged out, a little... excited? Or hesitant? !

Afterwards, his eyes turned to the treasure here...

It can be seen that on the walls around the extremely wide platform, there are many groove-like hive shapes, and there are many and many shiny things in each hive.

You know that every hive is very big, that is the nest/cavity built by the purple dragon itself, can it be big?

Chu You even saw a large honeycomb in which are all ready-made gold coins! God knows how many gold coins there are.

Not only that, but also a large number of strategic resources available, especially sulfur and gemstones.

Well, there are still many ready-made treasure chests, black diamond-level treasure chests, master-level treasure chests, and even sacred treasure chests.

Of course, special items also exist...

The more you look at Chu You, the brighter your eyes...

Just then, a dull and terrifying dragon sound suddenly sounded from here!

The giant purple dragon asleep on the ground was motionless.

This shows that this huge underground space, the sound of the dragon is not made by the purple dragon.

Rather... Chu You looked at the heart of the ancient Dragon Emperor who was slowly beating.

The sound of the dragon sounded from there...

Using the eye of the magic system, Chu You locked the purple dragon, and immediately its basic information appeared in his eyes.

Padma Xia, a genus of Zulonidae, a 10-star elite dragon dragon!

As for its series, Chu You can't see...

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