The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 865: Reward method and witch saint

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

For the entire ZVZ period, there will be a task scoring system. The higher the guild accumulates, the higher the reward.

At the same time, not only are the pre-war preparation tasks and scheduled tasks issued by the Chinese God, but also the mobilization tasks issued by the national court.

For example, the mission that Chu State sent a special envoy to contact Chu You last time: to build a permanent fortification, this is the mobilization mission issued by the court.

It is conceivable that during this period, Yan Guo, the target of the Dongying Region, had a wide and deep mobilization degree, which was influenced by the Yan Guo Association of the whole territory and could participate in it.

Once the assigned task is completed, you will get the reward of the court.

"Ah, I see, I will come back to get the task when things are busy on my side."

"Well, each of us has received the ZVZ mail from the system. It is said that our guild has the highest level, and the tasks we receive will be the most advanced?!" Zhao Feifei has seen the ZVZ mail, which was published in the China Announcement After that, any player in Huaxia received this email.

If Chu You now uses the return city to return to Huaxia District, he will also receive the email immediately.

"That's right. I haven't told you before. Others may receive defensive tasks, but we are different. We will receive aggressive tasks!"

"Aggressive mission?" Zhao Feifei didn't understand a bit. Any military action by the two sides of the war was offensive to some extent, regardless of whether the purpose of the military action was defense or reinforcement.

"It's an offensive mission, the mission of attacking Dongying District!"

"What!!" Zhao Feifei was really shocked. From what she learned, Yan Guo was in a passive defense, preparing to fight the Dongying forces in the country.

Chu You now tells her that the mission received by the Fairy Club may be a strategic counterattack mission assigned by the Chinese God, or a strategic restraint mission, which is highly offensive!

"Okay, don't say it. I'll talk about everything when I come back."

Zhao Feifei ended his speech with Chu You, and then looked at the square in front of the core building of the guild. There are many Xian Guild members, whose number accounts for almost 98% of the members of the guild.

After the announcement of Huaxia, the Xian Guild gathered many members one after another.

The reason for this is also very helpless. The Xian Guild’s guild channel was closed. The members of the Xian Guild were unable to exchange information at any time, and the information announced by Hua Xia was extremely huge, so they could only come to the Xian Guild to see the guild Is it possible to have related activities!

It can be seen that although everyone's face is quite calm, but his eyes are bright, showing that his heart is not calm.


The answer is how task rewards are distributed!

There are two kinds of mission rewards, one is the reward of advanced war missions, and the reward of this ZVZ points leaderboard!

Both of these rewards may have guild skill rewards, which is a major message that clearly appears in ZVZ emails.

The rewards for high-level war missions and the way of rewarding the distribution of physical items are sent directly to the president of the guild.

The rewards of the ZVZ points leaderboard are sent directly to each guild member of the winning guild.

That is to say, no matter whether you have them or not, they can enjoy the skills of a guild and the rewards in the leaderboard.

The top three guild rewards in the ranking are question marks. It is conceivable that winning the first prize must be very rich. If it is very rich, I feel that I will earn 2 million in membership fees!

Therefore, they came to the Fairy Guild just to determine whether Yu Ye will participate in this ZVZ battle! If you participate, will there be guild activities!

The most basic requirement for guild activities is collectiveness. If the guild activities are absent, the most serious one may be kicked out of the guild!

This is one of the things they want to know most when they come to the Immortal Guild spontaneously.

If all members are required to attend, will they be rewarded for the high-level war missions? Even if you don’t have a copy, it’s good to meet the world!

In short, if you follow the night, the speed of money and the speed of improving your own strength, it is very fast!

"Night President, when will the President come? We Xian Gong will not be active?" You Meng Yao Yao sauce appeared beside Zhao Feifei, said sweetly.

"The chairman is inconvenient now, and everything will be said after he comes, but this time ZVZ, our fairy guild will definitely participate!" Zhao Feifei looked at everyone and said, when she spoke, the members of the fairy guild approached him spontaneously. .

"Night President, can you suggest to the President to organize a meeting for all the members of the Guild, many of us have never seen the President." Although joined the Fairy Guild, You Ye always kept her head in sight. When I joined, I was on the side, there was no collectiveness at all, and I felt like an abandoned orphan.

Join the fairy guild and become an orphan!

Especially now the Guild involves such a significant period.

"Okay, I will tell you."


South of Gutamaya, New World.

"Okay, we can go by now." Muse said, seeing that she closed her eyes again, her feet stood on the ground automatically drawing a magic circle, and then her fingers lit up the spell, only to see her facing the front The nihilism means that the energy of the spell keeps escaping from the hands, forming a dimension gate in front, and a magic circle also under the dimension gate.

After 3 seconds, the energy injection is complete.

"Go, go in." After that, Muse took Chu You's hand, and then the two entered the dimension gate together.

After 5 seconds, the environment suddenly darkened and became deeper, and the two appeared together in a quiet and gloomy palace.

System: You are in the palace of Nuwa Temple!

System: Warning! You are in an extremely dangerous environment!

System: Here is full of the power of rules, warning! You cannot use skills of level 5 and below!

"You are waiting for me here, don't go anywhere, I will be back soon." As Chu You looked around, Muse spoke.


So the black muse beside him disappeared suddenly.

At this time, the hair that Hongya detached automatically floated in front of her, and she was in a state of alert.

Chu You, who is only one person, will not be bored. Open the friends bar again...

It seemed that after 3 minutes, Chu You's eyes flashed, closed the friends bar, and looked sideways. He found there was a man in gray robes, looking at his posture and walking posture should be a woman.

It is not surprising that a woman appeared in the Nuwa Temple. Chu You even guessed that this should belong to a witch organization.

The gray-robed woman was holding a burning candle in her hand. Her pace seemed very slow, but she soon came to her.

When she stood in front of her, Chu You narrowed her eyes, he could not see the other party's level, but he saw her star position, it was 10 stars!

Then the woman raised her head. Under the hat of the gray robe was a white, flawless and young face, but her eyes were aqua blue, and the iris had a blue wave of light gathered toward the pupil, which was very strange.

The two looked at each other for 3 seconds, and noticed that the young woman's hair was gray.

"Holy lady, are you interested in my little guy!" Muse's voice sounded in time.

This woman, who was called a saint, still looked at Chu You, but her eyes were not so sharp.

Chu You looked sideways at Muse at the moment, his expression moved, because he found that Muse had a very old-looking ... vessel in his hand.

Suddenly my heart was relieved, and Muse finally fulfilled her promise. It was not easy.

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