The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 867: It's time for a meeting!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

After 20 seconds, Chu You and the Witch Saint appeared in the teleportation array of the Fairy Guild.

As soon as he appeared here, Chu You received Huaxia announcements and received ZVZ emails. As for other announcements and system prompts, they will not be repeated.

At this time, the witch saint had a wide witches hat on her head, and she could not be seen from the outside. At the same time, she also used a witchcraft, even the star position. , Looks like a very ordinary aboriginal woman.

After all, the shoulder width and posture of the witch saint are too weak.

At the same time, Chu You keenly noticed that the breath of the saint became weaker, as if she had consumed too much mana in her previous teleport? !

"This is your base."

"Yes, by the way, do you have a name?"

"My name is Meifu Yulia, you just call me Meifu." Then he let go of the man's hand.

"You said that you want to build a witch temple, how do you build it?"

"You have to divide a site for me, right inside your base."

"I know." The eyes looked around, a little strange, there was no one in the teleportation array.

"Come with me."

"and many more."

"what happened?"

"I need to merge the witchcraft with the rune core here, so that I can use your teleportation array and build a witch temple here, which requires the cooperation of the Son."

Chu You understood that the other party wanted to assimilate her core attributes into the Rune Native Language System, which belongs exclusively to the Immortal Guild, but in this way the Wu Temple she built would be more restricted by herself.

The Witch Temple equal to the other party became a guild building!

As the president of the guild, the power of the guild is unparalleled!

So Chu You took Meifu towards the core building of the Fairy Guild.

Then, the distant Chu You saw many players gathered in the square in front of the core building.

These people not only have players, but also player NPCs, player human pets, and player puppets!

So, there are many people in the square.

In the course of the previous flight, Chu You had already heard some of the ‘appeals of the members of the Immortal Guild through Zhao Feifei’s voice. ’

Haha, it's really interesting, since all come here, let's have a meeting!


Yan Guo Announcement: You Ye, the consul: You have met at the meeting, all come to the Guild Square!

Chu State Announcement: You Ye, the consul: When the meeting is held, all come to the Guild Square!

Why not use the guild channel? Well, I was afraid that the members wouldn’t pay attention. Secondly, You Ye had to do this. Although the guild channel was closed, the president was not included!

It can be seen that when these two announcements were sent by themselves, the players on the other side of the Guild Square clearly showed a commotion.

After that, Chu You landed on the square in the eyes of the members of the guild and appeared in front of them.

Witch Saint Maif came to the outside of the core building and watched quietly.


"Night Giant..."

The voices that greeted each other were endless, and at the same time, they could see the shock in their eyes, and thought of how horrified they looked like You Ye.

At the same time, several players appeared in the teleportation array and the back-to-city array of the Immortal Guild. They looked serious, and the chairman of the night had just called a meeting through announcement. I thought that something must be very important. .

"After 3 minutes, have a meeting." After that, he turned and walked towards the core building, then opened the door, and the witch saint standing here followed him in.

When the door of the core building was opened again, the witch saint was still that kind of witch saint with no change in appearance.

I saw that she came to the mobile device next to the building, and she disappeared in the next moment.

Chu You was calmly walking towards the position where the player members gathered.

At this time, you can see that there are more people in the square than before!

Zhao Feifei, Dantai Jingning, and Miao Jiuer all came.

In short, all the members of the Xian Guild are here.

At a glance, you can see that the ratio of men to women has reversed, that is, there are more male players than female players!

There are now 29 people in the Fairy Guild, and another 8 people join. That is 16 million gold coins. These eight people are all male players.

29 people, there are 10 female players, the other 19 people including Chu You are all male players.

When Chu You stopped, he had already appeared in front of everyone, and his position was very unique, because the people around him formed a trend of starry and moon holding him.

Chu You was looking at the new face, and the new face was also looking at him, but they all had amazement in their eyes. Although they saw it just now, this time it was a scrupulously good look.

He has three pairs of six-wing wings, one of which is actually a demon? Dragon Wing? What kind of wings still can't be seen, in short, it is very deterrent to the unique wings in the folded state.

What changes caused this? !

The equipment on his body is very mixed, some seem to be garbage, the jewelry cannot be seen because it is too small, but some jewelry is known, it is the 35th glory blood fight.

Lying on the trough, there is still a 35-level master equipment on the night lord? !

The weapon behind him is very conspicuous, longer than the ordinary halberd sword star weapon, and also strange and extraordinary.

On his head, there is actually a pair of singular horns, the shape of the color gives a sense of terror; and above the ears, diagonally inserted the headdress of the God of Heaven and Heaven, the transparent and white trefoil no wind automatically emits a little bit The stars are falling.

Even more incredible, he actually has a tail!

There is a pattern on the face, which seems to be a dragon pattern, combined with the night horns and wings and tail, the answer is obvious...

That's a dragon!

Have you fought against the dragon in the night? !

There were no sounds around, and Chu You spoke at this time.

"This time we have called everyone to a meeting, which is a meeting. Everyone knows each other, and there is nothing important to be announced."

"There is no hierarchical discrimination or attribute discrimination. You can join in. Everyone in reality has a very energetic background."

"If you have energy, I can quickly make him a god!" Chu You said lightly. He believed the potential meaning of this sentence, and everyone on the other side could understand it.

"Of course, here, you can also rely on the advantages here to develop quickly."

"The Fairy Guild has only three managements, one is me, the other is Ye Niixuan, and one will be known to you in the future."

"Basically there is something to find Ye Niixuan, if you can't find it, send an email message to her." The mail here is the guild mailbox.

"Okay, I’m finished. Let’s talk about what you want to say. There will be few such opportunities in the future. Come one by one, raise your hand, I’ll choose, um, so..."

As soon as the words fell, almost everyone except the old members raised their hands.

Chu You let a female player he felt familiar with come first.

"Before speaking, please introduce your ID."

"Oh, okay, my name is Youmeng Yaoyao Sauce, the 27th level little healing priest, ha, let you laugh."

"Cough, President Yeyou, my question is, can you provide an apartment for everyone? After joining, especially when you have nothing to do, you can only turn around in the guild, there is no place to sleep, yes, I sleep Now I like to fall asleep directly in the game, I feel so special."

"Tianshi" allows players to fall asleep in the game, the condition must be in an apartment, once the player really falls asleep, he will automatically go offline.

But the apartment has the most important point, that is, its male and female players can perform any interesting behavior.

"This question, okay, I will ask the vice president to give you an apartment for free. Basically, any apartment in the guild has the terrain conditions for upgrading the villa. It depends on you."

Speaking of which, Chu You saw the prompt of the system.

System: A miracle building (level 9) appears in your guild: Nuwa Witch Temple!

System: Nuwa Wuwu Temple is disguised in appearance, you can check it!

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