The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 869: I need a human girl

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

The scrolls not only have task descriptions, but also maps, but the maps are relatively abstract. The land around Binzhou Bay in the map has a shaded area. The shaded area means that you want to find a town within it and occupy it. , But also quietly.

Once the mission is completed, the physical rewards will be sent directly to your space backpack, and finally the reward will be distributed to the members of the guild participating in the mission according to the will of the guild president.

Chu You, a sacred experience value treasure chest, is clear. After opening, it is a bottle-shaped thing with experience values ​​in it, which players can absorb.

A sacred experience chest is 300 million experience points, and 10 sacred experience chests are 3 billion experience points!

This is how war missions are rewarded and distributed. Know that this is a matter for the entire guild.

If the president swallows reward items in private, and does not distribute to the members of the guild, then it is conceivable that this guild will face division and the members will be lost.

But the above situation does not exist for the Xian Guild!

At the same time, it is also necessary to know that every guild player member will receive a guild announcement prompt for the completion of each war mission, know whether the mission reward has been issued, and the specific content of the reward, but the details of the war mission are only known by the guild president. The guild president shares with the guild think tank members that ordinary members do not know the task details unless the guild president is willing to show the task details.

However, during the period of the ZVZ war, the details of most of the temporary war missions were public, after all, this involved the urgency of the situation.

Put away the scroll, and then yelled, "The driver, here you are."


Came to the Xian Gui Association Teleportation Array, Chu You teleported from here to the Eastern Fortress.

As soon as he appeared here, his eyes narrowed slightly as he saw the members of the Immortal Guild here.

Yeah, the transmission channel of the Xian Guild Teleportation Array, as members of the guild, they can also find and see. It is not surprising to be found.

There was no noise to disturb the member who seemed to be watching the scenery, spread his wings, and jumped directly into the air.

Finally, Chu You came to Jin Chuiduo's room, along with Long Yueer.

At this time, the void space in the study room fluctuated, and then the golden pendant in a black robe came out from inside.

"Duo Duo, I found an antidote that could cure Wuzhuo Water." After I finished, I took the Nuwa God Liquid from the space backpack.

Jin Chuiduo walked slowly, her expression seemed a little serious, she looked at the smiling Chu You, her eyes flashing.

"In order to obtain the antidote, you become like this?" Jin Cuiduo's words refer to Chu You's dragon horns, dragon patterns, dragon wings, and dragon tails.

"No, make it right, and gain the power of the dragon." After that, she handed the Nuwa Goddess Liquid to Jin Chuiduo.

Jin Cuiduo took it, and looked at Long Yue'er beside Chu You, and said, "Yue'er saved a Jiaolong when he was young, and that Jiaolong's reward was that Yue'er had dragon power, just Very pale, unlike you, there is a dragon body."

After glancing at Longyue'er, Chu You felt that there was a kind of affinity in the other person's body.

"This is Nuwa Goddess Liquid. You can see if you can wash away the turbid water from your body. The method is one...the wizard told me."

"Sorcerer?" Jin Chuiduo blinked, opened the bottle and sniffed.

Then Chu You saw that a ray of gray breath rushed out of the bottle and entered Jin Chuiduo's nose.

And Jin Chuiduo closed his eyes and seemed to be testing something.

Then she opened her eyes, "Strange, this thing can indeed purify the turbid water on my body."

After confirming that Nuwa Shenye is the antidote, Chu You rested her head and nodded, "That's good, when will it be resolved, how many days will it take?"

"I started to dissolve after you left, it took about 10 days."

"Well, by the way, you should know about the war with Dongying State?" Chu You said one of the purposes of coming here.

"I know, it's just that I have resisted before. Emperor Yan did not issue any instructions to the Eastern Fortress, nor did he deploy any military measures against it." Jin Chuiduo frowned.

"It doesn't matter, then we will fight side by side."

"Emperor Yan also withdrew the imperial troops stationed around the eastern fortress, and also the military officers."

Hearing this, Chu You smiled: "Isn't he going to cut the clan?"

"Now the country is in a period of intense preparations for war, but I am very worried that disaster will come after this war."

"Oh, after this war, I don't know what the court will look like. He still has the power to cut the clan."

"Right, will the Eastern Fortress be threatened?"

"It's unclear for now."

"It doesn't matter, if there is a situation, you just contact me."

"Duo Duo, I've fed her Dao Soul fully, what about Dao Soul in your body?" Chu You was quite aggressive at this time.

However, there is no shame on Jin Chuiduo's face, "I will find you after I resolve it."

Chu You smiled. Although the other party had no special expression, that look was tempting because of the words in his mouth.


When Chu You returned to the Immortal Guild again, she had a faint smile on her face, walked to the mobile device, and then used the teleport to the Nuwa Temple.

It can be seen that the appearance of Nuwa Temple is a huge Tao Palace, but there is no view from the outside, because there is only one door, and the door is closed, and there is a dark black above the Tao Palace Atmosphere, this makes the Xian Guild no matter whether it is shining in the sun or whatever the weather changes, it will not change the appearance color of the Nuwa Wuwu Temple.

And from the outside, the Nuwa Wuwu Temple gives people an uncomfortable eerie atmosphere, and a sense of terror, as if it is full of endless evil.

Came here and stepped up the stairs. Chu You stood in front of the only gate. There are stone statues of Nuwa on the left and right sides. The statues are realistically carved, with closed eyes, and a slight fire in his hands.

Reaching at the gate and exerting a little force, the gate of the Wu Temple opened, and there was endless darkness.

Chu You was very calm about this, because he knew it might look different after entering.

Then he walked in, and the door closed automatically.

When entering the inside, the blue flames flashed as if triggered by Chu You's actions, illuminating the inside.

The environment inside is almost similar to his witch temple in the continent of Gutan Maya.

"Holy Son, you are here." The woman's voice rang from behind.

Chu You didn't move, because Mei Fu came to herself.

"Well, I came here because we are going to participate in the war. You said that it will make me stronger. Your strength cannot be underestimated." Looking at the strange eyes of each other, Chu You's eyes are quite aggressive. "You ?I can only see you one."

"Does the Son need our strength to participate in this war?"

"What do you say?"

"Yes, but the Son wants to get our help, there is one more thing to trouble the Son."

Chu You didn't speak, but looked at each other.

The sacred girl stared at the man with her strange eyes and raised her head slightly and said, "I need a human girl."

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