The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 883: Move the big treasure chest!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Later, Chu You found the second field teleportation array, and then transformed it, which is equivalent to Chu You lighting up the second field teleportation array.

From the map, you will find that the first field teleportation array and the second field teleportation array are in an arc, and the straight line distance is very long.

According to this reference, Chu You operated the spacecraft to fly to another direction.

Miao Jiu'er thought for a few seconds and told himself the location of the Da Zhou Dynasty, and he agreed to bring 01,234 to Da Zhou Dynasty.

After Chu You said that before, Miao Jiu'er had no choice. She had no choice unless all the Miao Zi directly called Miao Jiu'er out of the Xian Guild.

Withdrawing from the Xian Guild also does not help, because some people know the location of the Great Zhou Dynasty, which means that no matter whether Miao Jiu'er takes someone to the Great Zhou Dynasty, You Ye can find a place for the Da Zhou Dynasty. Convinced.

Why are you convinced?

Because You Ye has an extraordinary understanding of the wonderful spirits!

In this case, the position of the Great Zhou Dynasty has become unimportant. What matters is what You Ye wants to do!

"Primary 4, you will follow Miao Jiuer to a place later, and you will tell me when you reach that place."

"Good boy."


The field teleportation array is difficult to find. It is really hard to find. Many field teleportation arrays are underground, not on the surface. It’s easy to find, because it’s always found if you are willing to spend a lot of time searching the sky.

Since Jiang Shui has issued such a mission, there must be five field teleportation arrays in the area around Binzhou Bay. Currently, he has found two of them, namely the West and the Northwest, and now Chu You is heading towards the North.

Not to mention very quickly, more than an hour, he found the third field teleportation array. The location of this teleportation array was actually in a ruin. After lighting up, he began to look for the fourth field teleportation array. The direction is of course northeast.

"Yuyeju, lying trough, Dongyingguo players are so strong." War Soul sent a voice to himself relentlessly.

"Why, have you already played?"

"Isn't it? Our Guild of War Souls is one of the guilds that build the Yellow Sea coast defense line. Recently, many Dongying players have appeared in our defense area."

"Of course, the players who are pioneers in exploring the way are more powerful, so there is the Dongying Fleet in the Yellow Sea."

"Well, the Sunshine Guild is different from us. The war mission they received was to prevent the Dongying forces from building a portal above the Yellow Sea, and they cooperated with the NPC."

"Yuyueju, what are you doing in Dongying, seeing your transformation information."

"My God, let me show my strengths."

"What specialty?"

"Slaughter City!"

"Yuyueju, after the start of ZVZ, if you are free, help us to fight the soul. It is said that our defensive position is Dongying's main attack direction."

Chu State was listed as the second war zone, and the intensity of the war was also very strong.

"Okay, rest assured."

"I'm completely relieved if you have Yu Yeju."

At this time, Chu You chose Zhao Feifei's voice.

"Yu Ye, just now many members of the guild told me that they wanted you to raise the guild arsenal. They wanted to recruit T9 arms."

If it is said that the strength of the members of the Immortal Guild can be greatly increased, then it is undoubtedly that Chu You raised the level of the 9th guild’s arms nest to level 9, and every level of the level of arms in the level of the arms will increase by one level until Level 9.

Once this happens, the bonus BUFF of the ruling fortress will be maximized.

In theory, every fairy guild member can recruit 35 T9 arms from the guild arms nest every week!

But as far as Chu You knows, if the guild arms nest compares the attributes with the arms in the wild arms nest, then the guild arms nest has the lowest attribute, that is to say, the most garbage. After all, the guild arms are The nest is the easiest to obtain. It is shared by guild players, while the wild soldier nest is exclusive to players.


But the fairy guild's bonus to the arms is very scary and perverted. It's unkind to say that the fairy guild's T9 level attribute is 5 times higher than the wild T9 attribute without the fortress bonus!

This is just a simple comparison, which does not include the effect of the hero NPC and its miracle building on the arms.

"Okay, I'll come back when I'm done with the things I have in hand." At present, the huge armies nest of the Xian Guild is still a level 1 building.

Speaking of this, Chu You's eyes narrowed slightly, because he found a flying spaceship from the clouds below in the distance.

The first time I realized that this spaceship is neither a player nor a trading group. The flying height of the trading group is more than 10,000 meters. At the same time, it also uses high-level phantom flying skills.

Therefore, it was determined for the first time that this spaceship was the official spacecraft of Dongying.

At this time, the space beside him appeared to fluctuate, and Diji came out from inside, flew out of the control room as soon as it appeared, and then used high-speed flight to approach the distant spacecraft for reconnaissance.

Almost a minute later, Chu You's eyes lit up and her right hand squeezed tightly.

At this moment, the T2 class spacecraft stopped flying, and suddenly a large number of battle monsters flew out of it, as well as 8 holy archangels, and a small figure Herla.

Of course Chu You also flew out, and a large group of people turned on the high-speed flight mode and flew to the imperceptible Dongying advanced cargo ship.

That's right, the spacecraft detected by Diji is the cargo ship's property, Dongying. Chu You confirmed this through Diji's perspective.

Nima, this is a moving treasure chest!

All regions have official spaceships of this cargo ship attribute.

It can also be called an envoy airship. As the name implies, the envoy airship is the official visit to the sect of the region, the various ethnic forces of the neutral camp, and even the ancient Protoss. The envoy airship is dedicated to friendly visits with these forces. ; Whether it is returning or visiting, the envoy spaceship is equipped with luxury wealth!

Envoy airships are rare goods, because envoy airships also have powerful flying functions. In most cases, even in the cloudless weather, they cannot be seen.

However, if the player can discover the envoy spaceship with his own eyes, that is to say, the envoy spacecraft has the probability of'random appearance'!

The envoy spaceship in his eyes appeared in Chu You's eyes probabilistically.

That's right, this envoy spacecraft malfunctioned, causing it to appear in the sun!

Like the pack of wolves, Chu You led a large group of high-speed flight mode troops toward the envoy spaceship.

Soon, the appearance of this huge emissary spaceship appeared in the eyes of Chu You and others, making it more real.

From the appearance point of view, first of all, the envoy spaceship has an unobstructed atmosphere of local tyrants, followed by the magnificent appearance, very golden portraits are carved on the surface, and many beautiful jewels of various colors are embedded in it!

This is really a very luxurious and attractive local tyrant spaceship!

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